Carlos Danger's picture
Carlos Danger
  • 601

EBC 2019 Spring Cutter


This goal was chosen to closely follow the traditional season goals. We want to help you get your Summer Bods ready. We also wanted to end the competition with enough time for you all to enjoy showing off the hard work with enough summer left to hit the beach!

EBC Rules: 
  1. $10,000 UGFreak
  3. $3500 DPStore
  4. $3000 PharmaComStore
  5. $2500
  6. $2200 TeamRoids
  7. $2000 ASHOP
  8. $1600 enhanced-anabolics
  9. $1500 Roidbazaar
  10. $1000 Arni
  11. $1000 UncleYoked
  12. $1000 OSGear
  13. $1000 NandroXL FAILED TO DELIVER
  14. $800 GMassive FAILED TO DELIVER
  15. $750 MuscleRapid
  16. $700 HGHPharma
  17. $500 DFS
  18. $500 Mr.Raise
  19. $500 BFG
  20. $500 FULMEN Pharma
  21. $500 ARLrussia
  22. $500 ironlion
  23. $500 Sergeant
  24. $500 BPpharm
  25. $500 kigtropincn1
  26. $500 Supplement direct uk
  27. $200 GizmoDuck /users/GizmoDuck

In the forums:

EBC Donors: 

Age restriction
- Minimum age to enter is 25 years old.

Common sense and good sportsmanship
- Begging sources for sponsorship or products will be penalized in any way BFG deems appropriate.
May include disqualification and/or ban.
- Respect your competitors and officials
- Respect your competitors and officials
- Play fair

Mandatory Poses
- Front Double Bicep
- Front lat spread
- Side chest (either)
- side triceps (either)
- Back double bicep
- Back lat spread
- Abdominal/Thigh
- Most Muscular
- Relaxed Front
- Relaxed Back

- Submit entry pics: from 3/9/19 to 3/16/19
- Competition will run a full 12 wks with a 10 day window to submit your final pics starting at 0000hrs PST on 5/29/19 and closing deadline will be 6/8/19 @ 2359hrs PST

Rules explained in detail

Non-compliance with any of these rules will be justification for disqualification at anytime.

Bearded_muscle's picture

I saw a recent news article about how the Apple Watch was used to flag cases of arrhythmia, approximately half of those cases flagged were then substantiated by doctors visits and those people are now aware of and treating heart conditions they had no idea that they had previously.

This peaked my interest particularly because of my interest in bodybuilding and anabolics. I’d say go for it.

pickle's picture

I got the new apple watch for that specific reason. I do the EKG test usually 2x a week for peace of mind.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Nice man, great little piece of hardware you got there. Can’t be too careful.

Makwa's picture

Couldn't live without my Fitbit Charge 2 when cutting. Makes it so easy to track cals and cals burned.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Do u think it's accurate as far as burnt calories...i feel likw mine isn't very accurate in that department...i use it for heart rate and steps usually

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Makwa's picture

Yeah, I found it to be pretty good. The newer ones are pretty good I think. I have ran preps with and without it and the ones I used it for I was able to have a more consistent rate of fat loss because I could match my food intake based upon the cals burned that the watch was telling me. Tracking cals with app is so easy and you can link it to myfitness pal also. If I wanted to be in a 750 cal deficit I could consistently maintain that. Some days I was able to eat more food based on the cals burned that the watch said and others days I would have to eat less. Your TDEE can vary widely so being able to actually track it on a daily basis instead of estimating it makes a huge difference.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I hear that..maybe this time around I'll put a little more faith in what it's telling me as far as calories...they are fantastic though for tracking and data...mine tells me how much rem sleep I get etc its great

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Makwa's picture

Water intake is a big one too. Keeps me on track to hit my water intake goal each day.

Porkbythapound's picture

I know at least the hr is correct cause I have a blood pressure monitor and also I can count... lol but yea I’m scepticle on the calories also. Maybe I’m totally wrong but is it calculating off the normal heart rate level? Therefore any variation would throw it off if you had lower or higher hr from the baseline? I get what you’re saying. But it gives me more confidence that Mak trusts it.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I agree...if mak says it's good I'm inclined to take his word for it lol...anything that helps bro

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Porkbythapound's picture

For sure. Cutting is gonna be a challenge for me. Any edge you can get take it

Makwa's picture

It will adjust calories burned on your actual heart rate. So as hr goes up, cals burned go up correspondingly.

Porkbythapound's picture

That’s the comment I was looking for. It’s like a stamp of approval. Show this shit to the wife and there’s no denying I must get it.

wanted's picture

This competition is crazy. Its got me looking at a new treadmill for the living room.. even if i dont make top10 im still gona be shredded lol

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Porkbythapound's picture

Yea Ive been spending some extra too. Got all my prep containers. Picking up a freezer chest for all the damn food prep containers. Lol I was considering a watch before the ebc but I guess now I have a reason.

press1's picture

I'm Jealous! I've been after a chest freezer for ages to store more food but have nowhere to put it as I live in a damn apartment lol Good reason to get a house in my book Hahaha

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Porkbythapound's picture

I really don’t have a good spot for it but I’m making room in the garage for it. THey got a sale at sams for a 7.1 cubic ft for 150. Think it should be good for what I need plus some extra room other stuff.

press1's picture

Has it got a gear storage compartment? Lol

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Porkbythapound's picture

No but that’s what my underground bunker is for!

press1's picture

Is that for the Mini-gun and Grenade launcher?! Thinking about it if there was a nuclear fallout and you needed to stay down there you'd need at least a 3 month stash to keep you going - along with pins and swabs don't forget hahaha Smile

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Porkbythapound's picture

Oh I’d come out the ground mutated. Looking like the pasty white hulk. Mainlineing gear situation. Lol

press1's picture

Here's a funny scenario - If the end of days truly did come Terminator style and the labs stopped brewing, I wonder how long supplies would last with all the sources before they ran out? lol

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Gymfoam86's picture

chest freezer is clutch bro... have ours right ina spare bedroom by kitchen lol, and my girl got a peleton a year ago that I've stared at with my shoes for it on the ground next to it.... ebc has.a brother riding like lance mf'in armstrong... pun intended... kinda, ya know... cause he used steroids

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I use a fit bit sometimes..they're good for tracking heart rate and steps etc but I wouldn't rely on it for an accurate count of calories burnt...the Apple is wicked expensive..check out the fitbits they're cheaper

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0newheelup's picture

I know this is overkill unless ur competing, but I am a what I am... I have a generic one that does a good job, but my problem is that I'd like one to TRACK heart rate ACCURATELY to calculate burned cals. I'm climbing steps, walking inclines, and working heavy tools all day. So my heart rate is at fat burning levels quite often. I have to guesstimate cals burned otherwise. I could buy a more expensive one, but then I weigh out money vs need. Lol.

exoticnfit's picture

All these desert pics...someone is playing "battle of the minds" early. LMAO.

press1's picture

I dunno mate - my balls are so shut down nowadays sometimes I can actually manage it Lol

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Vegeta2632's picture

That's cold man hahah

GrowMore's picture

0 sugar jelly is your friend

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wanted's picture

Mmmmm samoatropins and smorestropin lol

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Gymfoam86's picture

I need detox for the sugar withdrawals lol, while moving last few weeks went on dam good bender

booster's picture

PIP is a B@$!#. Didn't feel anything at 1st. hit the gym did some cardio then legs to follow up. Later on did a little boxing and jump rope by 7pm I couldn't move my damn right leg. How long does the pip usually lasts?

SL's picture

This really depends on alot of factors.. first cycle? Cycle history? Gear being used? Injection techniques

booster's picture

First cycle and 1st pin. Sus 250. 23gauge, quad, pinned pretty slow about 2 minutes.

SL's picture

Right sust? Lol And I favor glutes over quads, especially virgin muscle

booster's picture

E will be here Thursday. I pinned at 4am before gym by 7pm that shit was so painful I was thinking about giving up on banging just give up the gear and going straight to orals haha.

SL's picture

Hopefully you're joking

booster's picture

I wasn't joking and I was joking and I know the risks of taking an all oral cycle. But if I was a cry-er or a screamer, when the pip settled in I woulda been screaming while I was crying. When I pinned in the a.m. I was talking shit like "aw that's it that's what everyones worried about that wasn't shit" but after sprinting on the treadmill then legs in the a.m. then boxing and jumping roping in afternoon I'm like "crying oohh that's what everyones worried about ahh shit"

SL's picture

If you ran cyp or enan and pinned in glute with a 25 you would have little to no pip is all I'm saying.. orals are harsh af

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Get 25 gauge you'll be happier

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