Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
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+ 9 THE RECOVERY LOUNGE!....N/A, A/A, C/A, or any other Anonymous drug program!


Welcome to the recovery lounge, this is safe place where eroid members can talk about recovery, steroids and recovery, or any other topic! There seems to be many of us here on eroids, there will surely be different fellowships in here and they are all welcome! Other eroid brothers are welcome to come and join the lounge if they would like, its open to the public!

Greg's picture

Shit, look who crawled out from under a rock.

CBBurrr's picture

Good to be back!

Did the bjj thing for a bit, before the drug/ covid distraction.
Still a white belt, first I got cauliflower ears.
Followed with catching HPV from someone mashing their feet on my ears to finish an arm bar.
Caught someone's foot warts on my ear.
I'm gonna be one of those guys that always wears a Knit hat now.

press1's picture

NOOoooo Lol!

Do you hear them crunching when the cartilage starts going in them? Bet thats awful to watch in the mirror at first.

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CBBurrr's picture

The warts were way grosser.

They went away, but kind of ruined bjj for a while.
I wasn't gonna infect someone else.
I thought I was going to save my ears from cauliflower, but even draining them didn't help.

press1's picture

OMG Is that what you are supposed to do drain them, do they fill up with fluid as they get damaged?

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CBBurrr's picture

The skin gets peeled away from the cartilage and they fill up.with blood.
Like an ear hemorrhoid.
Some guys are able to keep them looking normal by sucking the blood out.
Id get about a cc each time.

Never had them bleed on the mats though.

press1's picture

I remember that fight - Her face was unrecognisable after.

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press1's picture

Every passing Second is a chance to change your Future :-))

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CBBurrr's picture

The motivation is back, and it feels good.

Not training made me feel like a loser. Doing too much drugs, same thing.

Gh0st's picture

Recently celebrated 14 years and couldn’t be more grateful. Hope all is well for the brothers here in recovery.

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AUTO51's picture

Great message. Thanks for sharing. 14 years Rocks~! Please keep sharing your experience, strength and Hope.

Buzzkillian's picture

I'm "Buzz" been sober for 18 months. In the fellowship performance enhancers are very frowned upon. Anyone else run into this?

AUTO51's picture

Hey Buzz!@@ Congrats on 18 months keep it. I am Living in Recovery since 2008. I attended a lot of 12 step meetings & used roids for 12 years before covid19. I used this group to be accountable because nobody I ever met in meetings would have been supportive of taking prescription medication without medical supervision. Get a sponsor, get a service position, build a network, use a step working guide, learn to meditate. Some people in this group have found sponsors they could be completely honest with. I never have found that guy. I don't think for me Testosterone or deca or tren etc. that I self prescribed, had the same kind of negative effects on my life or my health as alcohol or other prescriptions. I never found a Doctor that would prescribe for me. By the time I found a Doctor at my gym that was helping other men, I didn't feel like I really needed his help. There are Doctors that are willing to help. Quitting Roids was difficult for me at the end of cycles, suggesting roids may be addictive, but I was able to follow a taper down schedule, not as quickly as I wanted 100%, but eventually. Respect~!
When covid come along March 2020, I took my last dose the last day my gym was open. I did not suffer any withdrawal. Home gym is just not for me,(struggling with that) & I'm not working out in a mask, My favorite Golds Gym membership ended because they closed all 10 stores in my area. I do not know if I will start to use roids again, but not going to use until I join a gym & hit plateau again. 60 years old now, staying clean gets easier with more clean time. I am grateful for this group & sponsorship.

press1's picture

Err Buddy - I would never admit to using steroids in an AA meeting. I can imagine that going down like an Atomic bomb!! Lol I've been asked in one before and I just said 'No' - Leave it at that. Most of them there still smoke like their life depends on it anyway and can't manage to kick that habit so just leave the steroid topic out of it all :-) People that don't lift will never get 'it' anyway ....

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CBBurrr's picture

I guess that's a good thing

AUTO51's picture

Glad you found us~! I'm an Addict named John. I'm staying Clean too. ODAT~!

press1's picture

Nice one Bud - Be strong and keep it up :-)

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320200dinson's picture

Hello everyone, so I have been clean off heroin for now for two years, I leaned myself off Suboxone, and am doing well.

press1's picture

Very Well done mate :-))

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ECinfidel's picture

Well done. Keep it up my man. I just hit 20 yrs. No looking back .

press1's picture

Hey Mate - That's Brilliant Smile

What were you using?

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AUTO51's picture

Celebrating 12 years today clean~! Thanks Eroids, y'all make this journey with me, One Day at a Time.. Thanks to the 12 Steps, my Higher Power, the people of who came before me, and the newcomers. I attend meetings regularly, maintain conscious conscience with a Higher Power to pray and meditate everyday, live the 12 Steps, call my sponsor often, answer the phone for sponsees, read recovery literature, keep my service commitments. Making the World a better place Just for Today. Love you~! Thanks for reading this.

press1's picture

Nice one Mate - Wishing you all the Happiness in the World :-)))

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press1's picture

6 Years Sober from the drink today :-)

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Roid Noid's picture

Great Job.....

press1's picture

Thanks Buddy :-)

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AUTO51's picture

Congratulations~! Living the Dream~! Thanks for sharing~!

press1's picture

Cheers mate - means a lot :-))

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Ohyo2247's picture

Anyone else feel like subboxen takin in higher doses to curve withdrawal caused them to have permanent stomach issues and or gastrointestinal problems

Spark's picture

Are you eating enough and drinking enough water everyday?

ECinfidel's picture

So I was talking to a friend the other day about AA meetings, or lack there of at the moment, and the question arose as to how alot of us, particularly "the new-comer", are dealing w/the inability to attend meetings.
I generally try to hit a couple meetings a month give or take. Personally, I've had zero issues w/the lack of meetings. But I'm not a militant 12 stepper. I basically just go to recharge and relax within the fellowship. Ive got a friend whos running online meetings via zoom. But that just seems chaotic to me.
So how has your experience been through covid w/the lack of brick and mortar meetings?

press1's picture

I must admit there has been 1 instance where I really fancied going to an AA meeting again during the virus but then realised they would be the last thing that would be allowed during the pandemic. I'm sure many will have relapsed during it, I know my building has been full of people getting drunk most nights.

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Leroylifts's picture

Steroids play a big part in my success at life after 10 years of drug and alcohol abuse. I get to scratch the proverbial itch in a way that is much healthier (if done intelligently) and it benefits my family. My wife is much happier with the libido improvements. The self confidence I’ve gained through juicing has translated to my career where after multiple promotions, I can provide for my family in a way that I never thought possible. I can go on and on about this, but the short version is this stuff saved my life.

Owes a Review × 1
press1's picture

Nice man :-))

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208Lifts's picture

I’m coming up on 2 years clean May 9th. It’s been rough but never as bad as it was before. Lately I’ve been struggling though wondering if I can even count my clean time while blasting and cruising. I don’t know why, because honestly this lifestyle has benefitted me in a way beyond belief, self love, self confidence, happiness, and I can look in a mirror and be happy with what I see. Anyone else ever struggled with this?

Pumped_'s picture

Being sober is more than putting down the drug. Its a 180 degree way of thinking and change for the better. Unless you start relapsing (stinking thinking, old behavior, self centeredness) which is what a relapse is. Happens way before you pick the drug back up. But i dont believe juicing counts as that. My opinion. I have 10 years off drugs and drinking but daily practicing what i was taught on relapse prevention and cognitive behavior. I also turned my life and will over to the care of Jesus Christ and i hear "how can you be a Christian but your juicing?!" I am not perfect and i have faults which is why i need my higher power and never claim to be perfect. I always say "i may not be as Good as i should be but thank God im better than i used to be!" I always struggle with if juicing is using or the breaking the law part but i make sure that if i ever start "relapsing" mentally then maybe i will give it up. But after jail i did 90 days in halfway house then 2 yrs in a sober house while on probation so i have enough tools in my tool box and a supportive network if juicing turns me in the other direction. When im juicing and working out im not even thinking about drugs because i know drugs will reverse all the physical hard work in half the time. Dont feel like starting over at 165lbs. This is all my opinion only.

Spark's picture

So is it just the legality of steroids that you feel they are wrong?
What if you lived in a county where they are legal..,would it still be an issue?

Pumped_'s picture

Then i wouldnt have a problem with it. Hormone replacement is different than using heroin, liquor to escape my problems and not deal with it. I was using them as a way out. I dont abuse steroids like the old WWF wrestlers of old. Anything can be abused. Its the intention your using it and the reason your using something that makes it right or wrong. Now when i start making steroids my idol or it causes me to commit sins is when i believe i have crossed over and its time to lay it to bed. Its not first in my life so right now its not threatening my integrity as a man, father or husband. When my priorities become jumbled or reversed from 1. Sobriety 2. Family 3. Job, then im doing wrong. Steroids will never be in that top 3 priority list of my life.

Spark's picture

Solid reply..,keep fighting the good fight brother!

Pumped_'s picture

This is my personal opinion. In the NA/AA halls the elders would cringe at my view on this and im sure i wouldnt be allowed to be a member in certain groups. I just wouldnt relate it with my sober date at all. I just hope it helps 208lifts struggle with feeling he is violating his sobriety if he hears more opinions on it. One should feel comfortable with what he is doing. Its sucks having that jiminy cricket on your shoulder.

MonstrousS's picture

Hey congrats on the 2 years! Something I have noticed is, the negative stigma around gear, that comes from so many people using it in extremely uneducated ways and inevitably suffering negative long term effects, causes many others in recovery to have judgments about gear without any first hand knowledge. Hell, one of my friends in recovery told me he didn't think Hafthor uses gear because he doesn't look like a bodybuilder! Anyway, before I get too far off topic and into a rant, My opinion on gear and recovery is, it's completely on the user to decide if they are being rigorously honest with themselves, or if they are in denial. I know some guys that would absolutely be using if they jumped on gear, because they would willingly do it compulsively and without any attempt to educate themselves. It would be a horrible disaster. I think most people who wind up on eroids and are making the effort to do this as rationally as they can, then they're likely not using. BUT if it's causing negative outcomes in other areas of their life, and they refuse to accept that, then there might be some using going on there.

There's also something to be said about compounds like tren, and about short or no ester versions of compounds. These things for sure have the potential to generate an active addiction/compulsion. Not to say we can't use them, but I think my point there is fairly obvious.

Pumped_'s picture

Totally agree buddy. Honestly i may be addicted to the juice because i dont want to stop it but right now its not causing me to act in any way deceitful, and im not putting over my priorities like i did with the dope. 1. Sobriety 2. Family 3. Job and in that exact order.

Roid Noid's picture

I asked my Sponsor prior to juicing. He actually told me he did not approve of it but he couldnt find any reason I would have to change my clean date based on steroid use alone. I have 11 years clean and have been juicing on and off for about 10 of them.

I look at it like this, if a junky wanted to get loaded and you handed them a pin with any kind of juice in it would they be happy with the results?

and secondly, as addicts its easy for some of us to get caught up in various addictions and that list is long! The way I view a relapse behavior is by asking myself if it is causing any kind of problems in my life. Basic addict stuff like rent money, neglecting bills, mood swings, aggresiveness, things of sorts. Because I view it that way it has likely helped me control how I respond to certain drugs. Meaning how I feel inside doesnt get translated outside of me.

essentially my sponsor knows I juice and it doesnt effect me in anyway. that said I dont tell anybody else since its not really something I want to share with outhers.