teamroids's picture
teamroids 300

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 73 Quality 100% 73 Delivery 98.9041% 73 Service 98.9041% 73 Pricing 99.1781% 73
Xrated's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

This is a review for the following. I used the Valkyrie tren a with para sust for a ten week cycle.

I started off at half a cc of sust Ed for two weeks. By, the end of the two weeks I could feel the prop and everything starting to raise my levels. Pumps in the gym were getting more intense, overall well being was increasing. So, I upped the dose to 3/4cc Ed for the following two weeks where I got stronger and more intensified. Skin started to get more oily, strength started to sky rocket.

After a month of just running test, I added tren A at 50mgs Ed for the following two weeks. First thing I noticed was sweating and elevated body temperature. Then upped dose to 75mgs a day for a month. Sleep went to shit, night sweats, gym sweats, aggression, strength all of it. This tren is strong. Last two weeks I ran 100mgs Ed and it was intense. I was definitely in a different place mentally -- didn’t wanna talk or be bothered. Good quality products

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Para sust
Valkyrie tren a

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Not much needed, fast, and helpful

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

About ten days. Discrete and well packed

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thanks for the products

I recommend shopping here!
Kinetic_conflict's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I’ve never written a review so please forgive me if I don’t do this right. First time ordering from TR. My experience was great dealing with vendor. Products came fairly quickly for international. Packaged securely, nice n tight. Gear is great!

Products, effectiveness and results

3X Testo400 Para Pharma

3 shots totaling 600mgs a week
Great results
No negative sides
Very smooth oil

Went from 205-220ish lbs in 2.5 months. Very lean tissue, not much water. Strength increase has been impressive. I don’t need AIs at this dose, as I don’t get e2 side effects.

Customer service

Email confirmation came quickly. Shipping info within 10 days. Quick n painless.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivered complete with no breakage. I think it touched down in about 3 weeks from purchase date.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This was my first time using TR and also Para Pharma gear. I’m pleased on both counts. Will order again when it is time. I’m kinda stocked on gear right now, but if a sale comes up, I will take advantage and order again because I like having plenty of extra on hand.

Thanks a million Team Roids!!!!

I recommend shopping here!
biguriel's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review of my last teamroids promo order, very happy with the product top quality gear

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para Pharma Mast E 200

Used it at 600mg per week on top of my usual dose of 400mg of test. Fantastic cycle no negative side effects at all, it helped immensely with estrogen sides really reduced bloat and not even a sniff of sensitive nips (I would normaly have to throw in a bit of arimidex with this amount of test), strength gains were great, massive performance boost in the gym just always aggressive and full of energy. Muscle mass wise not a massive difference in sheer size or body weight but the gains were definitely better quality, looking very hard, lean and vascular throughout. Also great effect on libido! Oil was clear and smooth, no PIP.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Just sent my details over by PM and they handled everything for me

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Took a couple weeks, from coming from China around Christmas time is not bad at all I'd say, free shipping so can't complain

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you teamroids for letting me try this product, Para Pharma continues to deliver great products

I recommend shopping here!
davieboy1986's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ive used TR a number of times over the years and ordering has been straight forward. TR was kind to let me try Valkyrie Susta 300 on a promo

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

5 x Susta 300 Valkyrie Labs.

I hadnt tried Susta in a long time so it was a nice change not having for wait for the test to kick in. Firstly it pin very smooth no pip at all which i sometimes get from the short esters in Sus Mix.

I dosed it at 600mg a week and noticed that i could feel it kick in after a week due to the short esters in the mix. I noticed i had a small bit of water bloat which i always get off a Sus Mix, sex drive went through the roof, oily skin, great energy in the gym and gave me a positive sense of wellbeing.
I put on 10 lbs over twelve weeks which a few pounds was water weight overall very happy.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Site was easy to navigate and use, i was update by email during the ordering process with updates.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package was discreet and came within 3 weeks.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Valkyrie Labs I will use again and had been looking to try the lab for a long time. TR always have discounts by Bitcoin so it brings down the price when putting in an order which makes it worth ordering as you get a lot for your Buck.

I recommend shopping here!
JTren69's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Well....overall for my first experience with teamroids it gas been A+ and I'm very happy to be apart of the promo

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The promo I was lucky to be a part of included:
3x Trenbo E 200 Para Pharma
1x Dianabol 20 Para Pharma
And both were beyond what I expected. The oil of the Tren was smooth and no PIP. I was far more aggressive and "DRIVEN" (according to my fiancé) on this tren at 200mg per week. The D-bol was used pre-workout at 60mg which seemed to be my sweet spot for max results with minimal water retention. My diet wasn't as on point as Iike it to be but I gain a good 10lbs.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service and communication was pretty standard for an international supplier. It wasnt lighting fast but in no way slow. The ordering was straight forward and easy.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The package arrived a few days ahead of schedule and was nicely put together in a very discreet manner.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Would definitely use again

I recommend shopping here!
FJB's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've never had a bad experience with TeamRoids or any of their products and have always been extremely satisfied.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para Pharma Paratropin 100iu

Currently running Test 550, NPP 400 and Tren 200 weekly. I am 6 vials in to this kit. I workout early evening and was taking 3ius about an hour pre-workout. Not long into workout my hands would get numb and make the workout a little uncomfortable. I have recently started splitting the dose 1.5ius pre-workout and 1.5ius before bed that resolved the issue. It usually doesn't matter what dose tren I use as I always get the same sides insomnia, night sweats. This HGH has me recovering really well and sleeping better. I'm up about 16lbs with noticeable water retention as my wedding ring never lies but by the mirror my waist appears tighter. I have never taken pharma HGH so I can not compare but as far as generics this is as good if not better than others I have tried.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service here is second to none and always answers questions in a timely manner. Very user friendly site that makes ordering a breeze.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaged nice and discreet. International delivery took 19 days total and most of that was at one of the distrubution centers here.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Awesome reliable source with great products. Can't go wrong.

I recommend shopping here!
Mathew35's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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Zalewski's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am reviewing their test/bold 400mg mix. From the order, to shipping, to use, all things have been a breeze. I have loved it and would recommend them to anyone

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

For any cycle with test and EQ I usually do a very gradual increase with my dose since I have a tendency for my blood pressure to go crazy if I start taking something like 600mg of test and 600mg of EQ from the start.

For this cycle I started at 200mg test and 200mg EQ, I immediately noticed an improvement in pumps and strength, as you’d expect. Went to 300mg test 300EQ, still better strength and pump, noticing more fullness now. Got to 400mg test and 400mg EQ and again good pumps, strength, and fullness, but now I have that hunger start to kick in (or maybe I’m just a fat ass when on cycle). The only negative I got was once I got to 600mg of each I began to have blood pressure increases higher than normal and some paranoia (granted I am a fucking nutcase, so maybe it independent from the EQ), so I dropped it back down to 400mg of each since that was where I was happiest.

Overall it did what I expected and that’s all I can ask, for something to be exactly what I need it to be once I get it.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They are very polite and helpful during any part of the process, and the package got to me in a timely manner.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discreet and early, can’t ask much more than that.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I got this from a promo but I have purchased from team before and their prices have always been super good and quality has always been top notch.

I recommend shopping here!
  • [PRO] Makwa » What brand? Parapharma?
  • Zalewski » Oh yeah, I’m sorry, my brain is dead, thank you Makwa for pointing out my stupidity lol.
drewmitz's picture
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The experience with the supplier was professional emails were answered in a prompt matter gear is clean and not thick as i thought it would be in half way well maybe over half way and am getting what i expected

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 3 (1 vote)

I got Dbol (which i kept for another cycle so i cant speak on it) the Decca and enaantate 400ml does work but it has a kick. I warm it up in a hot towel but when i pin it there is pip for a few days but it goes away. Its nothing that is unbearable but i can say at least for me there is pip. Its been too early for me to say a full review but i have noticed strength gain, no acne and libido has gone up. Im sure when im done i will get the results i am expecting. Strength is up my diet is tuned in so you can say ive lost weight but without the dedication in the kitchen you won't get the results you want. Im doing 1 cc 3 times a week and have seen a difference i have not gotten any aggressive moods but i never really have it just makes me go harder in thr gym. I am shooting shoulder. Switch side to butt cheek then switch to shoulder and the pip is mostly in shoulder but again in 3 days its gone but nothing you can't push through it.. i have no complaints ane reason i did not do dbol was i had some old tool to use as a kick start and did not want to bloat look (dbol makes me get a moon face I retain water). Like I said everything i was expecting is happening and they are quality people to deal with.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

They are on point very quick and professional

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Professional packing nothing else to be said

Price to performance
Additional comments

Cant go wrong fast, clean works and they will work with you

I recommend shopping here!
  • Diesel77 » Why not wait until you finish using all products, THEN reviewing? You yourself wrote " it's been too early for me to say a full review" "I'm sure when I'm done I will get the full results I am expecting". How can you be so sure? This review is premature and even you say why bother even posting it?
  • drewmitz » I was told to send it and o mentioned i was more than half way done but they want the review i gave it. So far so good it's not my first time using these compounds so i know what to expect.
  • [MOD] Greg » Not by eroids you weren't, screw the sources, this is a member site, members call the shots here, not sources... if they don't like it, there are dozens of others eager for your business. You should only review when you are ready. Your review is supposed to be for the members benefit, not to promote the source(s).
  • [SRC] teamroids » He was told by Eroids rules to review a product within 6 month and he received the gear more then 4 months ago so we sent him a reminder and nothing else then that was told.
  • drewmitz » Teamroids did nothing wrong it was another
simonmagus84's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para pharma is top notch and anytime they run these crazy promos which they’ve been known to do, I don’t think twice when dropping a large amount of funds because I’m simply investing in my physique for years to come. They are a top notch international source with a great reputation and will remain on top throughout their existence and mine. Test e was always my preference when cycling but last cycle I chose test c which was successful but I tend to bloat more on the Cyp ester which can be a debated topic. I’m administering 0.65 a week which most likely at 160mg a week. I’m getting even stronger running that dose as opposed to running a cycle. I feel great, I don’t feel like a mutant carnivorous creature incapable of reasoning like I was in my previous cycle and I have zero side effects. Basically all positives am zero negatives that comes with cycling various products.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This was part of that 60% promos which was one of the best I’ve seen for such a high quality line like para pharma. I had to stock up to add to my collection. I will not specify quantity but it was a fairly large order.
Npp-next winter
Parabolan-summer cycle
Test e -used

This review is for the 4x test e which I had switched over from another sources test C. Look, this whole discussion over test is test is test…… Does not apply to me. After running a cycle, I decided to cruise using test e. After the achieving gains of my previous cycle, I’m refining my body in the sense of maintaining and getting slightly stronger.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Team roids graciously allowed me to participate in their 4x bottle giveaway which I had chosen 4x test e but received both 4x Tren e along with 4x test e. They didn’t ask me to pay for the ones they had shipped accidentally but instead told me to enjoy the products. Their customer service is quick to respond and very courteous.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The whole process took about 17days total which is amazing for an international source to accomplish during a promo. It was around the holidays I revived package which was even more impressive.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I plan to run bloods in a few weeks and will post them when I receive results.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/15/2023 - 18:55
giardap's picture
+ 5
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have never had a bad experience with TR, not in the old days and not in more recent times when they went global.
This experience was rock solid.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered bunch of deca test 400 Para Pharma (200/200 deca/test).
My plan was to front load and then get to a trt dose, 100/100, so a half a ml a week. But, I stayed on for a spell using about 2 ml. Bloods pic attached showing testo levels on cycle. Not an exac number due to the testing but rather shows as over the upper limit.

This is a solid product. No Pip for me. Nice clear oil. Easy work in a 25g pin, easy draw, easy push.
When using 1/2 ml, I really enjoyed a fairly dry cycle. My estrogen never went above the upper limit thanks to the deca - test aromatises heavily for me, deca less so, so I enjoyed the journey.
Also worth noting, when I kicked off initially, I wasn't in the gym much for a few weeks, but my body fat melted away and I clearly started retaining nutrients, body comp changed visibly with zero effort. Was a nice element to the cycle and I continued the journey in the gym afterwards of course.

That said, when I dropped down to settle into trt, I couldn't get my balance right and had to switch to cypionate instead. Prior to that though, I loved this blend, I just needed a slightly different ratio, to properly utilise deca as a part of trt.

For a cycle, I'd gladly order this again.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always top notch. Comms are always solid, always friendly, always timely.
Same this time.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Swift delivery. Packaging was fairly standard

Price to performance
Additional comments

TR are a go to. Always good value. Always reliable.
I'd love to see them stock pharma cyp though!

PP as a brand has always been consistent for me, despite teething issues on their early days.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/14/2023 - 22:01
BiggTrae's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Teamroids is an excellent resource for my gear needs and the support and dedication that they gave to me is above the standard service.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received testo 400 and I used this testosterone separately for the the first month and got results with it alone but when I combined a Deca and Dbol with ot the results were very good I gained 6 pounds in 4 weeks and I was very calm not aggressive at all. I would rate the testo 400 as a very high quilty product. I am still running this testosterone. Body acne was very much part of running this test. I had little to no PIP.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They were very good with ensuring that I had all the information that I need to know what I was getting and when it would arrive

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The delivery process was extremely good it arrived on time and the packaging was very discrete and the turnaround time was very short after I ordered

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/14/2023 - 23:47
  • [PRO] Makwa » You got "results". Need to be a little more specific than that.
f6357941's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Currently just doing TRT or very minimal dosages. Product for this 8 week cycle was deca/test 400 from Para Pharma.
I had gotten sick for about 3-4 weeks and took another 3 weeks off of training and I had lost about 10 pounds and quite alot of strength.
I used this to kickstart my entrance back into the gym. I was able to regain most of what I was at previously before getting sick within about 3 weeks. Weight was at 262 went down to 250 or so, and now is back at 265. All strength on lifts are close to what they were but not quite exactly.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Product was deca/test 400 and had caused some soreness. Was able to rapidly regain strength and weight previous to getting sick and losing alot of progress.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Replies within a day on messages and emails.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 3 (1 vote)

First package was lost and they had to send another one. Took over 20 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

product very good overall.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/14/2023 - 01:11
  • press1 » Glad to hear you are well again Bud :-)
SamMed's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
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  • [SRC] teamroids » @BFG @Greg @SamMed please mate when did you start this cycle ? write the date and year..
  • SamMed » I started that particular cycle Aigust 2022 and tossed in the masterone ABOUT 6 weeks later lol. Hey, life got in the way so , hypothetically, if had a cycle log it would be lost because a lot happened since then, like I lost everything including gear I had so the pin point accuracy of dates and times isn't there but doesn't mean I can't review it the best I can.
  • [MOD] Greg » YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF: ...used the products, within the last 6 months
  • SamMed » I did. I was on the promo masterone 200 during and thru Sept .,Oct, Nov., and some of December 2022 when I had to abruptly stop due to personal hardships. I tried uploading a pic of the bottles as a review pic but the system for some reason wouldn’t allow me 2. I can show the date on the pic by swiping up on the pic on my phone
  • [MOD] Greg » The date on your pic is Aug 1. Let's see... Aug Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar 14... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and a half months.
  • SamMed » Well December I couldn't show because as I stated in the review I was incarcerated but u win. If u have the ability to delete or message an inbox how u pls than whatever u say is what it is, God. Your right I'm wrong This is your site and I'm just a visitor. Lol
  • [MOD] Greg » Does it matter really why you missed the 6 month cutoff? Jail, Sandals resort, Locked in a sex dungeon by Appalachian hill billies... You are reviewing a batch of product that may no longer be relevant to the current situation. You risk giving the impression all is well when it might not be.