tread-m's picture
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Fall/Winter EBC Bulker 2013/14


BOOM ITS BULK TIME!!!! Here we go Boyz & Gurlz, its finally time to get big again! No more booty shorts and half shirts walking through the mall for Ed with 6 inch spikes thank God!
Its Ed day instead of groundhog day. Once he packs away all tapioca puddin and hail damage hanging out of his shorts and slidez on his leggings and flannel duck dynasty shirt we know we can BEGIN THE BIG EATS! Goofy phuker and his aimless walk around the food court blowing a duckcall with a mouth and pocket full of cordog 7's finest with mustard all through his beard and intertwining nose hair! Makes me wanna thrkw up in my pants just thinking about it!

OK we've put it off long enough, the idea is bulk folks. That does not mean pork up so you appear to be wearing cammo at walmart blending in with the fattest laziest country on earth. It means big lifts, big kitchen but might wanna leave the twinkiez for the people parking in wheelchair spotz driving electric carts who have actually eaten their way to a handicap sticker and type 2 diabetes!

So for me i roll dirty in the first half of one of these often then clean and big to finish but clean and big the whole ride is not a bad thought either. By dirty i mean i have been known to eat a tub of ckttahe cheese over a day with my big eats and yes maybe even an ocassional pizza with all meat topping convincing myself "its carbs and protein right?" Lmao....well honestly the big clean route is the way to go even if you end up with a few cheat meals in the first half of the rjde.

I might say look back through our success storiez in the bulk comps and maybe get with some of those people and take some advice. I can think of one right off. Our own Shrapnel put a hardcore beatdown on the competition and if I remember right pulled on over 40 lbs and it was a nice 40 too! I still remember all the tears and crying by the competition and theif coaches. It wasba sad day for sportsmanship! Lmao

Alright lets do the dayum thang. Keep in mind...neither myself or Carlos want to yield 1000 pm's wifh your cry storiez about your baby momma or you're in the middle of a herpes breakout and scabbed up blah blah blah! If you can't follow the rules and meet the deadlines then you can't play!
If you have a question that is not answered in this thread..then the answer is NO! Lol

EBC Rules: 
    5 Prop100
    5 Tren Ace
    5 Mast Prop100
    2 VAR 50x50mg

    2 packs of orals - ur choice between Drol, Dbol, Winny, Var or Proviron
    4 bottles of Test E
    4 bottles of EQ
    4 bottles of Tren Ace
    1 pack of Adex
    2 packs of All in One PCT 1
    1 pack of Cialis
    1 pack of Viagra

    $200 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals products

    100 off 200 + dollar purchase to the top three

    £200 of store credit for the winner!

    $300 worth of product

    $300 in products

    $300 store credit - 1st place
    $200 store credit - 2nd place
    $100 store credit - 3rd place

  • RoidsSeek.Com
    $700 store credit to each winner

    1 pack Anavar 100mg x 50 tablets
    1 vial Tren Ace100mg/100ml
    1 vial Test Prop100mg/50ml
    1 pack Prami 1mg x 50 tablets
    2 packs Aromasin 12.5 mg x 50 tablets
    1 pack pct blend 76.25mg x 50 tablets

    £300 store credit to the winner
    £200 to second place
    £100 to third

    $400 store credit - 1st place
    $300 store credit - 2nd place
    $200 store credit - 3rd place

    3 boxes Nolvadex 30tabs 10mg
    2 boxes Bayer Shering Proviron 20tabs 25mg
    2 boxes Sopharma Clenbuterol 50tabs 20mcg
    100tabs 10mg Dianabol Vermodje
    100tabs 10mg Stanozolol Vermodje
    10ampules Galenika Test e
    10ampules Norma Test e
    10ampules Omnadren 250 (Sustanon) 250mg/ml
    10ml Vermodje Test p 100mg/ml

    $200 store credit - 1st place
    $150 store credit - 2nd place
    $100 store credit - 3rd place

    300$ Balkan Pharmaceuticals products for the winner

    1st $300 Order any product
    2nd $200 Order any product
    3rd - 5th $100 Order any product

    1st Place: $200 credit for orals
    2nd Place: $400 credit for injectables
    3rd Place: $400 credit,
    1 of each oral,
    3 of each 10ml injectable

    10vials 10ml asia pharma

  • Trustedanabolicsolutions.NET
    3 Test-E,P,C
    3 x Tren-A &,E
    3 x T.A.S.- BOL (125mg Tren-A, 75mg test-Prop
    3 month supply of our best selling Advanced Organ Armour

    £200 store credit

EBC Donors: 

One pic of you and a current USA today in both open and closing pics.

  • Front Double Bi
  • Front lat spread
  • Back double bi
  • Back lat spread
  • Most Musclular
  • One pic of choice
  • One pic you in it with your USA Today with open and close pics

No pic doctoring , air brushing , altering of any sort and if caught you will be disqualfied and BANNED!!!
Again, a 7th pic with USA today and some body present will be required for opening and closing pics.Remember, full body (head to toe) present in pose shots, all of them.Make sure the lighting and background are the same for the opening pics and the closing pics and have the same pose for opening and closing as well.....again, all 6 required core pics.

**OK so we know.....a lot of questions around bulking and what is it. No, it is not just who hainsd the most. If you gain 20 lbs and there is nice recomp and the weight is distributed equally showing nice proportion etc, you will beat the guy who gained 50 lbs ,no quality, no proportion etc. QUALITY IS KING! Getting fat is not bulking its porking, this is not a porker. **

Follow the compettion rules, give me 6 poses with one extra pic containing the USA Today (6 pics total).
Give me a brief yet precise description of your cycle and goal and then BOOM, GET TO WORK!!!

Opening pics deadline will be November 15th at 11.59 pm CST.
Closing pics must be identical to opening and deadline is 11.59 pm January 31st 2014 CST

mwagner630's picture

she got IV antibiotics at hospital and a script for oral antibiotics to take home. swelling is down a little and pain is a little better. she moving it better. so improving quick, i think from the IV antibiotics

mwagsgurly's picture

who got who picked for the top 3 to beat the ones ya think will be the biggest competition

my picks are
gorillafit (he won a bunch already)

id pick my man but he said thats biased, those were his words

mwagsgurly's picture

true i dint think of that just trying to start friendly competiton. i know we will be watchin eveeryone to see what we need to do to stay competitive

Gorillafit's picture

Alright Ace, Jumping in the mix! Good Luck!

Gorillafit's picture

We'll push each other to greatness! LOL ;-P

oversteerisbest's picture

Who needs luck? Just chow, iron, oil and racktime

Gorillafit's picture

You make it sound so simple! Maybe I'll try it?
So that's Eat\Lift\Inject\Sleep? Does it matter what order I do them in? LOL ;-P

oversteerisbest's picture

Presumably with some pussy mixed in (she doez the work obv, cant compromise the mega GainZ!)

Oh and the oil is lube obviously. Wtf is inject for? Oh im trolling hard tonight lol

Gorillafit's picture

Nah, I like to do the work, that's the only cardio I do!
I like to inject my lube that way it comes out naturally.

oversteerisbest's picture

Fucking hardxcore man

mwagner630's picture

hahahaha shit talking in all good fun makes it even more motivating, now get those noodle arms swinging the paper clips, bulk bulk bulk like hulk bwahahaha

SquirrelNutz's picture

You're in Ace?

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks, I'm looking to be the biggest I've been yet. You should definitely support your man. He's got a great build now and looks like he's primed for some poundage! Good Luck to both of you!

levelup's picture

If I don't place I'm taking my toys and going home lol

Gorillafit's picture

Man your not giving up already are you? LOL ;-P
Pick up that knife and fork take what's yours!

levelup's picture

Lol absolutely I was so full after my lunchtime ghrp dose I passed out at my desk for like 20mins

levelup's picture

It always makes me feel tired for some will be in the mix as soon as I've gotten my calories up high enough

Gorillafit's picture

Are you running HGH with that, or using it for the appetite boost?

levelup's picture

Ghrp and cjc w/o dac...gonna give it a two to three month run and see how it goes as compared to gh

SuperMax's picture

I wasn't impressed:(

train80's picture

I liked it, but the hunger is damn uncomfortable at times..

levelup's picture toys I mean syringes, tren and weights

levelup's picture

Base and shorts only, chewing on abombs like tic tacs

humpnpump's picture

Well thank you mwagsgurly for the pick, but really anyone can win here with the right amount of determination and knowledge. There's a lot of gurus pulling for you that have tons of knowledge and experience, you can take advantage of that and make the transformation of a lifetime. Place yourself at #1 and don't come down. We're all rooting for you. Good luck!

In a promo × 1
gambit's picture

what is the weekly talk smack muscle part? lol. was it biceps? sounds fun!

oversteerisbest's picture

Guns bro, it was me and levelup... get in on it!

bigJOHNstud's picture

i got 1 tat on my stomach that i would like to cover up. would that be o.k.?

Gorillafit's picture

Get your local Avon lady to come over and show you their new line. That would probably do it.

bigJOHNstud's picture

i meant is it ok to cover it with the computer. thats a good idea though

bigJOHNstud's picture

its a unicorn farting a rainbow across my belly

TechniQue1's picture

I'm using cover-up myself for my pics... gotta find some shit that works, otherwise I would have already entered.

bigJOHNstud's picture

i said screw it and just entered. if anyone knows me and is on here they will def know who i am. but if they are on here then they must be doing the same thing as me.

bigJOHNstud's picture

it doesnt say thug life but that is close to what the tat looks like. a bit smaller