ugfreak's picture
ugfreak 758

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 56 Quality 99.2857% 56 Delivery 99.6429% 56 Service 100% 56 Pricing 99.2857% 56
ee4's picture
+ 1
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  • [MOD] Greg » Don't mail it in. Read the review guidelines. Do better.
biguriel's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Made a ton of gains and I blame it all on UGFREAK!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4x PP Test 400
1x PP Anastrozole

Ran 1.6g of test per week, adjusted anastrozole dosage based on sides and settled on 1mg every other day which is quite a bit of AI but then it's also quite a bit of testosterone (highest I've ever used) and was still holding a bit of water but otherwise all good not so much that blood pressure went up or kept me up with pins and needles. Got so freaking strong on this I'm falling in love with plain old testosterone all over after trying every anabolic steroid out there and giving up on most of them eventually because of this side effect or that, with test the only side effect that really bothers me is the estrogen conversion which AIs take care off easily enough. After only a couple of weeks on this dose I was doing sets of 10 with weights that I could manage 5-6 before, I was crazy full and even with a nice film of water under my skin veins were popping up all over. Felt good, no anxiety, no lethargy, no crazy tren psychosis, no deca dick, just makes me wonder why anyone ever bothered to develop most of those drugs and why didn't we just keep using test because I'm struggling to see a downside.

As far as the product itself there's a bit of PIP as is to be expected from this concentration, and if anything they probably sneak a little bit more than 400mg/ml in there when nobody's looking.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very prompt service from ugfreak all processed very quickly

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tiny package through the mailbox, all covered in several layers of bubble wrap, no issues

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thanks for letting me try this product ugfreak I'll be doing more cycles like this again and this kind of high concentration test certainly makes it easier to run such big boy dosages without becoming a pin cushion

I recommend shopping here!
JakeKO's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

UGFREAK always comes through for me. They were cool enough to let me in on this promo, and I’m very happy with everything from the transaction,, ETA, and product results.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4 bottles of ParaPharma Trenbo A

I have to say that this is the cleanest Tren I have ever run. I ran it every day at .40 - .50 mg to the delts with a 29g- 1/2” slin pin. Oil ran pretty smooth through such a thin pin during injection, although drawing was a whole different story, By day three my patience wore out, and I started pulling the plunger out, and loading it with a standard drawing pin. The best part is that I felt little to no PIP, even after a month of every day pinning.

As for product results, I’m happy, but feel I probably should have ran it at .75mg daily. From past experience, I was nervous to do so, but after seeing the minimal side effects that I felt from running it this way. I definitely have some noticeable gains and veins that I’ve never had before, and definitely lost an inch or two around my waist. Abs are showing more than ever, and I especially notice positive results on my biceps. They are balled up more than ever before. I’m so tempted to extend the cycle for two more weeks, but it is finally break time,, so I’m trying to do the responsible thing. I always look my best when coming off cycle anyway, as the bloat dissipates.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was as great as usual. They are always quick to answer my questions and concerns. Couldn’t ask for more.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package was very discreet and delivered a little faster than I expected for international shipping. Tracking was provided immediately upon shipping which gave me something to obsess over on a daily basis, SMH. Like a kid waiting for Christmas, LOL!

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have to say that I love this source and their products. Especially the fact that they offer some great promos which allow me the opportunity to try something new without spending a ton of money, only to find that the gear is garbage. This is where I think they are very smart, because after trying this Tren, why would I go anywhere else when I was so satisfied. Sometimes I rather pay a little more, than save some money to try something new to find out it sucks.

Thanks again, UGFREAK! You guys are an awesome source!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/02/2023 - 11:56
  • Mac12769 » PP has always come through for me. +1
1174's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Another great experience, as always the products were on point, shipping time was well within the stated TA and the ordering process was easy and straight forward.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

All products were excellent and properly dosed, as can be verified by the blood work I just posted. Honestly this was a great blast and I hate that it has come to an end, but I missed a scheduled blood donation and my RBC, hemo, and hema are too high to run high doses of test and Adex.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It was a promotion so customer service was excellent, however I have several paid orders with Freak and the customer service has always been top notch.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Standard packaging, tracking provided and it actually arrived a couple of days sooner than the initial tracking said it would.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I do blood work for every promo products I receive, and I can say with 100% certainty that all of the products I received were legit and I feel properly dosed. In December I discovered that my T3, T4, Free T4 and TSH were all low. After running the ParaPharma T3 @50mcg/day my T3 and TSH were both back in normal range and I had a marked improvement in my energy level and overall well being. I had hoped it would raise my T4 as well but after doing more research I realized that exogenous T4 will raise T3, but exogenous T3 will not raise T4. I ordered both T3 and T4 yesterday and will retest those in 6-8 weeks.
The test p and Adex both worked very well I pulled the blood for the lab work 37 hours after last test injection (1890) and 13 hours after last Adex dose of 1mg (E2 was 13)
All of the products had a clean feel while on them and I am more than happy with the results.
I'm currently taking a true TRT dose of para test E, and am going to start an HGH run very soon. I have 2 baseline numbers for my igf and will test it and the test E 4-5 weeks after I start the HGH and will post the results for all to see.

I recommend shopping here!
Brozowski265's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great experience. I got on the promo 67 I believe it was 5 months ago. Would of left review alot sooner. But I was disposed for while. But I have to give credit where it's due. And want to make right on my end with ug reak. They have always went above and beyond. And have ya back.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Good products, I tried out some pp testo c 250 and pp npp. The test is spot on. Phara pharma has always been great product backed by these guys, it was the first time using npp, and it Def helped with my joints and fullness. Really felt loosened up and real full at same time. Helped with some size as well I believe,
Lil bloated face. Some back acne and usual sides. But was very minor. Just 600 npp and 500 t week.
Gained 6 good pounds after. Cycle

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Superb. Period,
Had issue with the tops of the bottles being different
But I got to the verify codes and proved that it was all good. Just a supply issue.. was great products.
2 weeks stateside

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2 weeks. Incognito. Promt delivery

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys are on top for a reason. Thank you ug. And keep killing it. Alot of products, but phara pharma is the golden nugget. Pull the trigger yall!

I recommend shopping here!
MEXVOL's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

UG is a bussines man and products have always been very effective and on point as it should. The brands hi sale PP and DP are great, test and aro for my TRT or everything
i for my blast. I run exclusively PP because the oil is smooth and zero pip because im so prone to pip

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order some test E and aromasin
Been on TRT 150mg a week and start a blast bump to 300mg with some DHB and eQ from another source aro 12.5 EOD
Test always trt help stay sex drive great and fasted recovery from workouts
On blast feel to hight sex drive start 300mg i drop to 200mg for less side effects

ARO 12.5 mg eod from week 3-4 ON cycle. GAIN alot water retention 10lb for high E2 after 2 weeks drop 5lb of water . Skin stayed clear and feel good mood

Cycle start 2020lb lil high bidy fat and done 215lb alot fat loss and gain size my arms gain 1inch like never before in other cycles

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always respond fast,great communication never after 24 hours always hi respond in few hours after send ticket or any questions
Easy order process for order-payment just wait for u pack few days

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery are fasted 5days to my door after complete order
US domestic
Discret packaging and products protection for no broke vials

Price to performance
Additional comments

PP and DG are top brands always u never be disapointmen for quality and properly dosage gear and clean free contaminats

I recommend shopping here!
  • JakeKO » Isn’t he awesome! Top source by far
srgtmeowenstein's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I got in on a promo and used it to stock up on some Cialis. Was very happy with the vendor overall.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Small hard pressed tablets. Not crumbly at all. It very effective and works exactly as it should. Rock hard at a moments notice, and lower blood pressure.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Aside from messaging to get in on the promo, I didn't have much communication, but they were quick and kind to respond for that.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

There was some confusion with the tracking number, but it arrived exactly in the time they advertised and was well packaged .

Price to performance
Additional comments

For an oversees vendor I have no complaints. Better prices and good quality. Win Win.

I recommend shopping here!
robb's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Could not be happier with the overall experience of this tren free cycle lol.
And been given $700 to spend as I saw fit helped with the happiness;)

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

5 test E400
5 proviron
3 suspension
1 injectable dbol
1 injectable winstrol

Strted out with 2ml of test 400 a week and 50mg proviron daily and have maintained this throughout. The first 4 weeks was hitting the test suspension almost daily, very good quality, I used to shake it up and draw straight up, sometimes in the same barrel with test e, sometimes without. 50mg at a time. Really noticed the effects as I waited for the enanthate ester to get into my system, 3-4 weeks later could feel the effects starting to get going, made some quality hard gains with these two items and yet it was set to continue with the introduction of inj dbol at 50mg a time, this was done mainly as a pre workout about an hour before, obvious difference here with the killer, killing my ass pumps, nasty pumps I was cursing under my breath for relief.
I was going to call it a 12 weeker but decided to go 16, going to add the inj win till the last 4 weeks so I'll have to edit this review later on.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is top notch, Freak and friends really give a F, very professional outfit.
Had to get a pen and paper out during the ordering process, and my slight mistake was dealt with very quickly and put me at ease that everything is going to be just fine.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Split into 3 pack, the first arrived in 4-5 days the other 2 arrived in the next couple of weeks.
As always, very safe and secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I think para pharma has to be my no1 lab, nothing else has given such consistent results for myself personally and would not hesitate to recommend to anyone who should ask.

I recommend shopping here!
Xrated's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review for a promo last fall, for para EQ 500

Para has become a well known, reliable brand. Ug was kind enough to let me participate in a promo, so I went with EQ 500

I took half a cc 250mgs, twice a week, for 18 weeks. 500mgs weekly of EQ is my sweet spot. Any higher I get really hig blood pressure issues. The oil is really thick and needs to be heated up, to have smooth pins. The quality of the EQ was good though. I noticed increased hunger, vascularity, and increased in BP. Overall the EQ was working nicely and I enjoyed using it. The oil was clean and sterile. I would definitely use it again.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para EQ 500
Thick oil, like it should be and effective. Very pleased

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

No stress, little to no communication needed, very professional

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Neatly packed and discreet. 8-10 day turn around. Wasn’t long

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thanks for letting me participate in your promo. I appreciate it

I recommend shopping here!
steroidmen's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My review of Para Pharma's $600 promo. I was very impressed when I found out that I got lucky for such a cool Ugfreak promo.
For many years I have chosen only Para Pharma because I have no doubts about the quality and punctuality.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

7x Testo E250 PP
3x Decan 300 PP

It is because of the quality of Para Pharma products that I choose this brand. The oil is clean and soft if it is not Test 400). You can feel the quality in his work. I used Test E 600 mg/week and Deca 600 mg/week + 10mg Turinabol only before gym . I used Tbol for the first time. Almost the same effect as Dbol, only a long background is felt. This is a very cool pump libido gain power fat loss I got everything I wanted.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Service is always top notch. No need to wait for a long time when they answer or remind you to send tracking. You can be calm and wait for Ugf to write and give the necessary information.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was international 2 weeks. This time it was very fast. Everything is well packaged. All products are delivered in excellent condition.

Price to performance
Additional comments

As always, after using PP and communicating with UGF, I was satisfied. And of course, I am once again convinced that Ugf are tough guys who keep their word and take quality and customer service very seriously. I am grateful to UGF and wish to always stay afloat.

I recommend shopping here!
RealizeRealLies's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Easy to work with, I got size I was looking for. UGR Promo 77

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

PP DECA 300, Masteron 250, Anadrol 50
Cialis 20
Stated recently on a pic I posted. I ran the following with Test E 500/Deca 600/Mast 600 for 15 weeks. Ate the Cialis on and off but every time it did its job.
I pulsed the Anadrol 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. 100mg Daily the whole time. I got the regular crazy strength, headache on the second round of pulses, random rage.
The Deca pinned super smooth, I got feeling strongest around week 5-6 and noticed the fullness too. The Masteron helped with water retention and helped just keep everything tight. I eat rather clean so that's not often an issues. Had some caber I would eat .25 Monday and Thursday. I put on ten clean pounds of muscle. Time to let everything reset. The nandrolone makes me crazy after week 10. Been a long mental cycle.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hardly any communication needed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Tight packing.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thanks again.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/30/2023 - 00:52
oli's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My experience with The Freak was very good overall. I was part of a promo and was sent some Para Pharma Test cypionate 250mg/mL. I did not test it at a lab or do blood tests as these are still not available without a script in my state, but I know the effects of test and they were all present and I felt great. First effects were that I started feeling horny as hell out of nowhere, then came the nice gym pumps, followed by a little bit of water retention, and the inevitable strength gains. I paired this with GH, and felt really good, very confident, and it was a lot of fun- as is the case for me when "on" with a quality product. I did not experience any issues - no pip, swelling around the injection site, etc. Product jars looked great, oils were clean and not too thick; all thumbs up!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As mentioned, this brand was effective and as far as I could tell seemed to be on point from a dosage perspective. While taking 4iu/gh per day & 750mg/week test from The Freak for 6 weeks, I was up 10 pounds and looking good. I am not super lean, but my muscles were looking full. Shoulder caps were round, traps were flared out, and my cobra lats were looking good as hell on back day. So much so that I was getting positive comments from friends at the gym, and from coworkers. Another tell tale sign of good test for me is that my standards just plummet. Broads I wouldn't look at when off cycle suddenly became tempting- it's sad I know, but that's how shit gets for me. I got some back and shoulder pimples too, but arimidex kept the estrogen at bay.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There was no hassle. Order was placed, and a little while later a small package arrived at my door, so there was no need for communication. I'm not one to harass a source with all kinds of questions, or I won't bug them to get a tracking number. It's simply unnecessary when dealing with professionals with experience. There were no bumps in the road, all smooth sailing.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Package arrived in the usual time frame, I believe it was about 2 weeks or so from order to delivery. Package was tight, product was wrapped well and very protected. I could have driven over the package with my truck and I'm sure the vials would have been fine.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Since it was a promo I didn't pay anything, but looking on the site the prices are indeed very economical when comparing to others of a similar reputation. The quality of the test was great, and I couldn't ask for more. This source is who I will be ordering from. They are trustworthy, have been around for a long time, and I will be a repeat customer. I have a nice cycle I will be starting to gather the materials for soon, and I plan to source my gear from this gentleman. A++ Order without hesitation - please send me a message if any of you want to discuss or have me further elaborate on anything, I am here to help - if I can, I will! Thank you again Freak! Keep up the good work!!!!

I recommend shopping here!
DeeMan's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This review is for a promo that UGFreak had a few months ago. Overall I've never witnessed a promo like this one and I appreciate the opportunity to participate. Overall I had a good experience. Thanks Freak

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Products were on point and worked effectively. Products used were Parapharma NPP and ParaPharma Clomid.
The purpose of using the npp was to get a little bit more lubrication in my joints as well as increased muscle fullness and shape. NPP hardly had any pip which was surprising. Not really a nandrolone guy because of its severe shutdown and affects on prolactin but this npp was used with good results at low dosages. As far as PP clomid, I'm finishing up my pack and I'm combing it with my other pct auxiliaries. With clomid in the past I felt somewhat slightly depressed and this gave me that same feeling, but that just proves it's effective. PP clomid tabs looked very professional and durable.I used 50mg a day, and sometimes 25 milligrams a day. Recovery is very important for me to keep gains as I don't cruise like some. Clomid along with other pct drugs has definitely helped alot with recovery.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

UGFreak was very friendly and definitely took care of me. I usually prefer domestic orders simply for security purposes but I couldn't pass up UGFreaks great promo.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Being that products were at an international warehouse the order took about 3 weeks, which was expected. The packaging was good and secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I just wanted to say thanks for even having this good promo.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/20/2023 - 08:17
  • Rustyhooker » Doses? Wasnt this the huge 5 bottles promo?
  • JakeKO » Very well written review.
  • DeeMan » Lol could of been better but I appreciate that Jake.
Ninja's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Was selected in a promo and received npp 150 and proviron 25mg. The ordering process was simple enough, wait time for int'l shipping was faster than I expected, and the npp and proviron is spot on as it is doing what it's supposed to do.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I'm currently at the tail end of week 6 into a 16 week cycle of test 350 (from another source), and 400mg/wk of freaks npp 150 and 50mg/day of freaks proviron.

I'm more of an npp guy vs deca bc I'm less bloated and look a bit sharper on npp. This npp has done me well as I just look fuller and not so flat. My cycle's focus is more recomp and gain as much muscle within the recomp. So my weight has not gone up too much. But that's due to diet, not bc of gear. I look fuller, thus people think I look bigger and think I gained a lot of weight. But we all know that is just a trick of the eye, when your upper body looks bigger and your midsection is going down, you just look heavier. So as for aesthetics, this npp is going well for me.

As for my lifts, in only 6 wks, all my lifts have gone up, some more than others. My weighted chin ups I was stuck at 80 lbs for 7 reps for several weeks. Now, I can do 100 lbs for 7 reps. Weighted ring dips also increased by an additional 25 lbs and added two more reps at that weight. But I'm backing off knowing I need to protect my tendons. So strength gains have been very noticeable.
However, npp messes with my head so I plan to back off or drop npp fully by next week. I have caber on hand to help with prolactin , but mentally I still feel a little off on npp. It could be worse mentally but I've been taking 50mg/day of freaks proviron and I believe it's helped mentally.

Freaks proviron I've been taking for the same amount of time, 6ish weeks. Split 25mg in am and another 25mg in late afternoon, totalling 50mg/day. Can't say enough good things about the proviron bc it really does make me feel good or in a better mental mood...a feel good pill. Since I'm dropping the npp soon, really looking forward to seeing the additional positive mental mood I'll have going forward. As for strength gains or helping gain weight, wouldn't be able to say proviron directly affected it, bc with test and npp, impossible to tell for sure. So I always take proviron knowing it'll help free up test, but accept it as more of a mental mood pill than anything else.

In summary, the npp made me look fuller and definitely gave me strength. And the proviron helped me mentally. Both from freak did what it's suppose to do, so thumbs up for me.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Even though it was a promo order, freak treated me with respect as if I was a paying client. My initial order I messed up. Freak reached out to me professionally and we worked out the issue and had the order shipped within 2-3 days.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was fast for int'l. Turn around time was 2-3 weeks. Packing was discrete and solid where no vials broke or pills crushed. I'm still amazed how fast int'l shipping is these days vs several years ago.

Price to performance
Additional comments

In summary, I have nothing but positive to say about my experience with freak. Their professionalism, quick turn around time, and product effectiveness all positive.

And I'm sure that if someone did have issues, I'd hope they approach them with the same level of respect and professionalism is work things out.

I recommend shopping here!
Dvnielstephens's picture
My overall experience

This is my first time using ugfreak and it was absolutely seamless, after learning how to use cryptocurrency with the help from their link on the website, it was all up hill from here. Within miniature I was able to put my order in for my PCT products and got them just in time!! Delivery was surprisingly fast especially for international products.

Products, effectiveness and results

I’ve only been on my PCT for a couple days now but I feel great to say the least.

Customer service

Customer service was extremely descriptive and attentive with responses which I was happy about considering most companies take days to respond via email or even on their own website…not ugfreak

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery like I said was extremely fast and the packaging was perfect

Price to performance
Additional comments

Also as a gift I received some I would say helpful products as well during a PCT…ugfreak threw in some complimentary viagra lol

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/09/2023 - 02:49
Zee's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review for UG's Anavar as well as the promo Anaver package.
I have ordered several times from these, and again as usual not much customer service required. If I do raise any tickets they responded same day. Anavar was run at 20mg (Split twice per day) with 20mg of Test C per day and 4IU HGH (fasted morning). I am still running same compounds since Feb 2023 with bloods being monitored at the same time.
Main purposes of running the Var was for wound and scar healing and I must say I was not expecting anything at 20 mg in terms of performance in the gym.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

After my surgery back in December 2022 I took a couple of months break from the gym and my fat % increase.
I re-joined the gym at 93KG with close to 30% BF. I started mainly cardio on an empty stomach 4/5 days a week and gradually as my injuries started healing and wounds closing I started light machines exercises. I month in I could already see a huge difference in fat loss without significant muscle loss even though I was eating at deficit. After around 6 weeks I could see further weight loss and started looking more cut up with a tighter core are and visible abs.
As of today I am 84KG looking much more shredded, drier and lean gains. I am able to fit in to old shirts comfortably. Even at a TRT dosage my strength still increased was and I contribute this to the low dose Anavar 20MG. My bench press and squats have gone back to pre-surgery levels and still gettering stronger!
I believe real the people: Real Anavar can be ran at much lower dosage with same results as you would get from other UGL at higher dosages.
Today at 20mg a day of test C and Anavar I am still getting stronger and seeing slow quality lean gains.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Rarely need to contact these guys. Tickets are responded to same day.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I can not go into details but it goes without discreetly and securely packed.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly reccomend both PP and Dragon Pharma brands.

I recommend shopping here!
Cfit777's picture
My overall experience

Amazing customer service, great products, and fast delivery!

Products, effectiveness and results

2 Test E
2 Tren E

Felt it within days! Got all the typical sides of tren, as well as gained 12 pounds in 4 weeks alone, and smashing prs every workout.

Customer service

Amazing customer service. Package got lost in the mail, and they sent me another completely free!

Shipping and Delivery

Super well packaged, tightly wrapped, no leakage whatsoever.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
BdogMalaure's picture
+ 6
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have been using UGFREAK for approximately 1 and a half years and have nothing but good things to say about this company. They are extremely reliable, very good at giving advice and have also helped reassure on any issues that may have occurred with any of my orders. Even though their are many other vendors out there I will continue for the foreseeable future to be a client to them. Professional excellence describes them best.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I used ParaPharmas Winstrol 50 and also their Superdrol 10. I have used other lab tested samples AND THEY HAVE BEEN CONSISTENT IN DOSING THE CORRECT AMOUNT.

I have now dropped to 7% body fat and have also gained 10-15lb. I have stacked these 2 compounds with tren a and also clen.

The effectiveness of the superdrol and winstrol kicked in around about 6 hours after taking the tablets. The performance in the gym increased by 10 kg on my bench and 15kg on my squats within 2 weeks.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The level of customer service provided by UGFREAK was superb. As I had 2 parcels coming they did indeed inform me without me asking that the arrival times may be different due to them coming in 2 separate deliveries / parcels. However the first package arrived 3 days early and UGFREAK informed me that the other item should be arriving within the next 2-3 days for which they were 100% CORRECT. They are extremely informative and kind every step of the way through the purchasing and shipping process.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The first parcel arrived early for which of course was a delight, the other parcel arrived at the precise ETA date that UGFREAK had provided me. Packing is and always has been secure and discreet. The turn around time was from 24 - 28 days as I have ordered the items internationally.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you want top notch gear, in a timely and friendly manor then I would massively advise you to use UGFREAK. 5/5 Star Service!

I recommend shopping here!
  • JakeKO » Freak always comes through
  • Drexyl » The Freak is solid.
CaputoNL001's picture
My overall experience

Easiest transactions for gear ever. Been ordering for over a year after stumbling upon them, every transaction was simple and quick. Highly recommend

Products, effectiveness and results

I use ParaPharma (DP gives me knots and pain) I use the following; Boldo 500 (EQ500), Test-E, Anadrol, Dianabol (oral and injectable to switch it up, not at the same time)

I have had random samples lab tested, they have ALWAYS tested for correct steroid, and ALWAYS tested higher than labeled. Like my test-e 250mg/ml tests usually 258-260mg/ml.

In a year I went from 174lbs to 200lbs dropped to 10%BMI results were great

Customer service

Everything is top notch, speed, communication, errors are corrected within 48 hours, I had a wrong shipment once they had a new package out the next day

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery is ALWAYS, on time or within a week early. Never once late. Packages are always protected well, you could drop them 3 stories and probably not break the glass inside.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you want legit gear, in a timely manor from a great group of people with 5 star service use UGF!

I recommend shopping here!
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