Jwick827's picture
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Little nuts


I'm sure I've never ran a proper PCT. I'm 46 and been cycling for 7 years. I'm finally to the point where I just cruise and never try PCT after cycle which I've never really ran big cycles to begin with. Currently Sust 600mgwk and getting ready to add dbol 100mg day for the next 6 weeks...then back to cruise sust 150wk. I would really like to get the boys plump again. Am I past the point of no return?

giardap's picture

While cruising, use hcg intermittently
Less is more. Find the leastvamoubt that works for you, either for intermittent treating or as a cruise supplement

When you stop, you will revert

Watch out for oestrogen spikes. No balls plus tits sucks

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Mistercaber's picture

Ive read alot of serious users cycle HCG for that exact purpose. Dont quote me though. Ive got on the big side of quail egg sized nuts, but thay vary.

press1's picture
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ZachisJacked's picture

I love my little nuts, so does the squirrels.

Badgoat1's picture

Small balls just means you can give her more of the d and pound harder without worrying about smashing them.

press1's picture

I would make sure you have some kind of BP med to hand if you are going to run 100mg Dbol per day, the fluid retention around the organs and heart will really bump BP up.

As for the small Bollocks - are they really that important in the scheme of things? Lmao

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anvil's picture

Actually just get on the waiting list for new organs...100mgs a day why? 600 sus backed off to 150? And a pct? I'm confused.

Jwick827's picture

Not AND a pct. I only blast and cruise. I was just wondering if there was a recommendation on how to plump up the boys while cruising.

Big Paul's picture

Prepuberty when your balls hadn't dropped yet lol...

anvil's picture

Okay, 100mg dbol is just crazy. The HGC protocol can be run all year long, 500iu MWF or as needed, doesn't matter how long you have left them in a shrimp state, they will eventually come back.

press1's picture

So what are you gonna do if they ban TikTok in the US then buddy - how are you gonna make a living??!

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anvil's picture

Not sure, but I will figure something out. Double down on myspace account been finding looks of work there.

smurfdude1234567's picture

I hear Reddit has good Gay4Pay opportunities

IFYKYK hahaha

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anvil's picture

Hear LOL , you have fully investigated it!! HAHAHa

smurfdude1234567's picture

Hcg & “Lock N Load” by gorilla mind. HCG WILL have the actual organ kicking back on and seminal fluid will be producing ten-fold from the lock n load which can add to the fun haha

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UncleYoked's picture

you know what, if I was going to take anyones word on a product like this, it would be yours. Fuck it, I'm going to try it

smurfdude1234567's picture

Dude it’s actually fucking nuts & Wifey will love it! They recent reformulated it for the better, but at one point I was taking 9 pills twice a day for my semen quality/quantity alone LOL! New formula is just 3 morning 3 night easy caps and good doses.

I benefit in no way by them being purchased, and only recommend things that I use myself- it’s truly fun stuff and makes the orgasm way better imo. Takes about 3 weeks to fully saturate/get maximum volume, but you will notice a difference after the first week. Ensure you stay extra hydrated but I’m sure ya already do.

I choose to take this as a major compliment hahaha!

this will be your S/O’s new look by next month

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SeeOhShow's picture

Well you got the right color. Oompa Loompas are orange-ish

TheIcon's picture

This is what I have learned. Your wife or g/f don't give a shyt about them little nuts. Took some porn pics for the wife just yesterday and thought the same thing. Damn my nuts are smaller but she wasn't looking at the nuts. She is looking at the long test vial hanging out.

No clue your personal life but im willing to bet if you ask your sig other they would prob say they don't care or notice.

Sithx66's picture

It matters if you like CBT. It’s easier when the balls hang low.

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TheIcon's picture

Tis true on that level. Wife went to tie her thigh high around my balls the other night and there was some issue. So I agree with you on that one.

Blck_panda's picture

Just makes it look bigger. Its a win win.

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TheIcon's picture


Jockstrap's picture

Dbol at 100mg...my titties would leak. Ive run real pharmacy dbol at 20mg total in 5mg tabs and it was plenty.

Hcg will fix the nads. For pct 500iu eod should plump em up. With that estro spike from dbol have a good ai on hand as hcg converts as well.

Spool's picture

Ahhhh. Now I get it. Moving along, Yes, I just did my first inj of HcG(250mcg) the other day and that night my balls were dropped and more full. Busted a big boy the next day. You could also try sunflower lecithin(Lock and Load) to try to get more volume/size. Depending on cycle/pct, Nolvadex and Tomaxefen seem to be common substances to help jumpstart natural production.

TheIcon's picture

mcg or mg?

Spool's picture

Mcg. Was planning to try 500mcg/wk, split.

anvil's picture

You load from the hcg is 45-76 days away. That's how long it takes your sperm to mature enough to swim....so this was placebo my guy lol

Spool's picture

I thought it might be placebo but the boys are always tight and tucked up at the base. First time in a while they were hanging big and fat. Idk?

anvil's picture

The size may occur quickly I have no doubt, but the load is from the time you inject until the sperm mature which is far longer time frame, but if works and you feel better then IDK.

Spool's picture

Makes perfect sense. I figured it wasn’t an overnight process for semen production.

Jockstrap's picture

Hcg is fast and will toss that big load. Real pharma hcg will give that slight ache and they plump quick. Fun times!!

DeeMan's picture

Gotta be careful though with all that tossing...and cover up your face. Like they say don't look down the barrel of a blaster! Lol. @Spool good luck

Spool's picture

Hah. I won’t be making that mistake. Best served buried inside but if not, always point down range.

DeeMan's picture

Can't be doing that huh? Lol.

I didn't see but did you ever go back for bloods or are you still waiting? We gotta get u restored my man. Can't have you all disfunctional.

Spool's picture

I’m back to normal. Think I got a lot of the issues worked out. Going for bloods again in the next two weeks.

Jockstrap's picture

He cares about your testes.

anvil's picture

And I for yours!

Jockstrap's picture

@anvil lil xmas gif for ya

anvil's picture

Appreciate you my man , xmas all year long!

Jwick827's picture

What would be your suggested AI protocol? Thoughts on running HCG while on cycle?

Jockstrap's picture


Ive seen these PhDs posting on their respective sites these layouts. Its hard to beat science. @Jwick827

The PhDs on those sites all state to not use hcg on cycle. I dont and wont. The extra testosterone and gear in general shuts the system down. So youre fighting a shutdown by trying to turn on a system thats off. All youre doing is desensitizing your fsh and lh and causing a harder pct. If running a harsh cycle the hcg goes the 2 weeks prior to pct start and yes, you can go a week into pct with hcg. The warning on pct is knowing your estro is in check or that creates a negative feedback loop on your axis and recovery will not happen. Hcg has a conversion to e2 so theres that. Personally, i use aromasin at the dose needed proven by blood test....AND use aro at 6.25ed into week 2 of pct. Halts the e2, keeps prolactin low, keeps you on point avoiding negative feedback AND aro boosts igf1 which we all know is king of retaining gains.

But that above info depends on cycle. Tren deca and high/long cycles hcg, clomid, nolva,aro and if in budget hgh. If a normal cycle keep it simple. And dont worry if you choose 6weeks pct on harsh cycle. Recovery is key.

Let me find the hgh on pct info...brb...

Edit.... here. https://www.eroids.com/forums/hgh-peptides/rhgh/hgh...born-again

Cptkillanewb's picture

Hcg imitates luetinizing hormone. As long as you still respond to LH, it should plump them up.

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