tread-m's picture
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Alright here we go, I've written this three times over the last couple months and then erased and closed the topic. The problem with the subject I am about to touch on is that people will take me wrong and use what it is I'm referring to in a way not intended. I had a discussion last night with one of the advanced guys, and we have many, and the topic was "outside the box". The reason I say outside the box is that once you have used compounds for a long period of time you begin to do experiments. Someone who impressed me early on with this was roidnoid and I saw many writes of his where he would write cycles that were essentially synergistic, meaning not just one compound to do this and one to do that, but compounds that work with others to actually enhance the original and visabersa.
So heres the deal, many of us have the fear and have had the fear that our discussions if in the open would extend themselves into the "newb" or "common" thought processes . Its tougbh for many of us to have PM's and emails with each other when our ideas would be better talked about in a thread together to be bounced off of each other and discussed and debated. Last night a good friend of mine here said "I know it could not be done but it woluld be nice if we had a locked thread only some of us could enter". I know that sounds weird to many but we simply do not want these ideas becoming the new thing in the mainstream of our community. Many of us have worked very hard for a long time to set all the protocols this board has adopted. Such as test only first run, only add one compound at a time to learn the compounds and learn their effects on each other etc. This is the only way to learn how to manipulate your body without just throwing things at the wall in combination to see if it sticks. Because of that hard work all of our crazy thoughts and crazy ideas have been kept behind the curtains. So anyway, this member and I were talking and he said I have talked to x,y,z and have the votes that say we should be able to talk a little more open without fearing our thoughts will become mainstream, what say you? Well, I agreed. Its this, if you are new to gear you can't go straight to the topand if you do after being advised otherwise, thats on you.
I think what has helped keep me shut with out of the box talk is AEROK. You can imagine being someone who spoke to him daily right up to his death the thoughts of "outside the box" bring him to my mind. I have this in my corner, I advised him "daily" to slow down. Advised him daily, including in the thread we have posted leading to his death, to drop the insulin discussion, not there yet, if ever. All we can do is advise, we can't be their mommy and if we could, molmmies babies die every single day from doing things Mommy taught them not to do. So this sounds deep right? Well, the topics won't be as crazy as I might have you thinking by now, and thats good but they might be outside the manstream. I'll give a prime example before I get to my topic outside the box. 19 nor esters. We preach dual 19's is an absolute no no. It is, thats because newbs ruin themselves with a single 19 use not knowing what they are doing or running without a test base or running them way too long. I talked to a guy who had ran tren ace for nearly a yr at 18 years old and now at 21 he has no natty test! His numbers are that of a 70 yr old man, permanent axis damage, trt for life at 21. So you can see why resposible people bust there ass here to make you right, make you successful in a healthy way etc. It has been known that I got a little frustrated with a few members for running around here like chickens with their heads cut off frustrated and pissed at newbs. Frustrated because I know what they are feeling. Its frustration with new guys about to hurt themselves and unfortunately that sometimes comes out as anger but they were acting on their passion for this and their compassion for new guys they want to help and protect.
Bottom line, we want the new guys and all guys to he safe but its time we can have some open talks about our lives too, those of us who have used for many yrs that is. I actually liked the thread of Nitti's where he went
Designer in discussion and labeled it vets only. That may be what we have to do and then just hope the new generations don't take it on as "the norm" in terms of early use. If you do we advised against it and thats on you.
Alright so to add to the newr gereration of talks outside the box I'll kick it off with what I call "HGH, BORN AGAIN". I USED THAT TITL?E BECAUSE i think my new topic will be something never talked about, never discussed outside of myself and a coupl?e otehers and with anything new, there will be controversy and debate. I have had this convo with guys in PM but have erased the topic 2 times now just wondering, is it time? Well, today it is and like it or love it I'm laying down my thoughts on the new hgh thoughts and some science and opinion all wrapped into one. I'm goling to start with a very bold statement that might even turn off some of the big dogs like Vike, who never felt as though he needed hgh. The one thing I know about people like Vike though, he is open minded. You have to be to he successful and to grow with anything you do or you gtet left behind. Remember, at one point in time they thought if went over about 50 miles an hr in a car or vehicle you would not be able to breath. Glad we pusjed ourslves outside the box because I have to run about 80 to get to work on time given I wait to the last minute to leave!
So lets begin and I hope you are someone who lasted through this much writing, if you didn't , you don't have the patience to be here anyway, or you don't like me in which case, suck it Ed!
HGH has essentially had 3 uses to date.
1. For growth issues for children with pituitary problems, its original use
2. Hrt for anti-aging
3.Bodybuilding to create new muscle growth not attainable with oils and orals alone
Today I hope to add a 4th to the list and again, it will be met with some outcry opposing it as all things do.

L?et me re-explain in boring fashion something I have touched on many many times here without goiing to this length previously. What happens in the body when a hormone is put in with a syringe or orally etc? There is an action that occurs right? So what did we learn in school about action? Every action has a reaction right? lets talk about action/reaction. The action was simply the addition of hormone. Now we talk about the complex matter of what the the body does with that action and not get too too scientific. In order for the body to create all the necessary balances there are regulations that are coodinated with the brain and glands to create balance and work towrads homeostasis. Such as if the thyroid puts out T-4, tha is a reaction. The brain reads the action that has occured and assesses the need ,if any. So if T-r level is higher than the brain deeks normal it sends another reaction to lower TSH. TSH is present for pos/neg feedback loop. So as it lowers in number that action is called negative feedback. The feedback the thyroid loop recieves is stop producing T-4, it is too high. Then the thyroid comes back into balance.
So now lets ask, what happens when you inject testosterone? That is an acion right? So what responce in negative and positive feedback loop occurs? Think of the axis (hpta), what is an axis used for? Balance right? So if the axis is there for the soul purpose and I just threw a shovel full of test on one side and that scale drops hard on that side what is the bodies primary job in homrone? Balance! So what then occurs is there is a feedback as dicussed above. The feedback is simply "holy shit, look at all this test!!!" That tel the HP to say "holy shit, look at all that test!!!!" It then fired up the glands and calls in all the part timers and has to fully staff to bring enough natty gh to make that balanc happen. Make no mistake there will be balance one way or the other or you have problems! Such as what happens if you have high thyroid or low insulin etc? You are unhealthy right? So in this case there is no difference, without that balance what you are doing is not the healthiest thing in the woldm so what did occur back there is that the hp gave it its all, it busted it ass for you brother and when the day ended they found while they did increase natty gh there was simply too much test to make tye full balance. So was the excess test wasted then is the question? Yes, to some degree. The body will utilize some of that exceess but it is or was not in the most efficient way, the use was minimalized and the most important thought there was IT WAS NOT THE HEALTHIEST WAY TO RUN YOUR CYCLE IMO!!!. NORMONE OUT OF BALANCE IS UNHEALTHY RIGHT, WE AT LEAST AGREE THERE CORRECT?
Sol now we begin to get to the heart of mmy thoughts. The "new" use for hgh in the cycle and pct run only. Ahhhh but Tread, you of all people know you can't just use hgh in the cycle, you said yourself, hgh has to be ran 6 months minumum to get thegh effect from it. Weeeeelllllllllllll, that is true actually but thankfully I have an open mind and love learning about this that we do. What I said is true in that "if you are looking to stack on a bunch of extra muscle with hgh real?ly you do need 2 or 3 cycles deppending on short or long in a yr with hgh blast and cruise within that yr. Thats not what I'm talking about though, in fact, I want to get off that topic enirely here today to discuss our health and more productive cycles as well as better hormone balanc in the cycle which are the reason for the first 2 things I mention iin tbis sentence, run on sentence as it were. For today lets discuss what I deem to be its "new" use. Cycle and pct only and I'll tell you why right now.
We just dicusse what occurs in the axis when you run oil and the fact your axis and hormone base is essentjally out of balance your entire cycle andwe have to agree while the cycle if proper to goal and not abused can be healthy in the ?ong run. why not talk about why the cycle itself might need to be healthier and not just the long term effect? Why not balance this cycle with hgh in low dose, not looking for the gh effect but rather looking for the balanc in hormone effect and a morre productive cycle all around?
Her is my theory and I want the debates, I want the arguments because I wnt to be right for the right reasons. I believe test at 500 with 2 iu's of hgh (good hgh) ed will yiled a more productive and MUCH HEALTHIER cycle than 2 comounds rran higher in mg's. Reason,you are actually in balance and the body is a much more effective machine in balance than when its out of balance. The furnace has time to kick on more efficiently than in the mass flucuatiion cycle you ran before hgh.such as AC cracked on high on a 100 degree day but all the windows are open. The house will be more efficiently maintained if you close the windows and closing those windows is what hgh represents here.
Yes , I get it, "we've always said hgh is a down the road thought Tread". Very true and for the purposes of gh effect and myscle building etc I'm still of that mindset. Think of this as being a topic I proposed before, "test and estroge". Many many people began running an AI in cycle for uses outside gyno once that was posted and if you look to the cycle threads all writes mostly now include an AI protocol in cycle. Some said well I have good luck without it. My reply was "so you are telling me having better luck is off the tablel? Open your mind is all I am saying. If nascar had said "we have good luck" with the tin cans of the 70's and stopped evolving we we would not have the era we have by which there are an elite few deaths in mgea crashes today. Evoltion will occure whether you go with it or not. This is contreversial and I'm greatful for that. It should he, Tread should not be the final word on jackshit, ever! This is my opinion and put it in one hand and shit in the other and see which one flls quicker. Let me close prior to including the pct benefit by saying. I think this to be maybe 3rd cycle advice, I still beieve its still add one compound at a time test only to start and this is low dose for balance purposes only NOT 5IU'S!!!!!!!!!!!
What are we doing in pct? Trying to reboot natty test right? How are we doing that? Well, we are trying to use nolva for one to influence or create a "positive feedback" to refire LH. This will then signal and refire nattyy test. Another way that is occurring is though positive feedback loop in the axis becaus the body is still producing natty gh, that never shut down.. so what happens by continuing our 2 iu's ed of hgh in the pct run? We basically double that positive feedback responce to fire natty test. IMO that not onoly conitnues a healtheir cycle and potentially fires you up quciker, it fires you up stronge given the mor gh in the body the more the axis asks for test and the more it asks for. Seems like a no brainer which is another reason I've often even thought of recommending gh just as a pct addition, still I believe the full ride is where the true health is. Realize, this in my mind is a health topic and has little to do with growth of additional muscle, I simply think we have healthier cycles and recovery and I think of this the way I do the an AI , anotuer way to create health and bnefit in the cycle. I will ammend something shortluy, I don't mean to think or have anyone think above that I came up with an AI protocol in cycle, many of us have used hta a long time I just think we have talked about it so much lately it is becoming part of the newer guys cycles as well and happen to think thats agreat thing. I love the fact we can all discuss these things and together turn something into actual protocol for the sake of everyone. Lets debate it, look forward to all reples and all science and opinion because I'm her tol learn just like the 25 yr old that walked in the door this morning wanting his first roll. Its still fun to me, thats the only reason I'm here.

DCHI1890's picture

the future belongs to the bold Rusty. you're just not bold. some guys take game winning shots, others comment on the shots.

Greg's picture

Look who's talking. How many reviews have you written? Forum topics you've started? Some guys stand on stage... others heckle from the dark corners of the room.

Mongolia's picture


BJ's picture

I agree w/ the toughts at the end of this write up. Doubling the positive feedback response during PCT w/ keeping a low dose GH thru out the process. I noticed it works for me too. Pct's are better/easier than without GH!

johnmarshall12's picture

HGH is one the themes potent weapons in bodybuilding. In addition to being able to add extra muscle, it acts as an insulin switch after 4-5 weeks. This shuttles the glucose to muscle stores rather than fat stores making this amazing transformations possible.

DanDino's picture

Interesting read

clubber time's picture

Great information, excited to start a cycle.

manlytt's picture

Tread, great read. I started running low dose Gh a year ago and can now finally appreciate your theories on adding it to your supplement arsenal.

Dave549's picture

If I understand correctly, his idea is that when taking an excessive amount of an hormone, there is a price to pay, and by taking a combination of hormones at a right level, there is a synergistic effect, while minimizing the negative consequences. English is not my native language, so correct me if I am wrong.

I think that Thread-m's approach is is too analogical and does not take into account the fact that each hormone has its own mechanism of regulation, does not produce the same negative effect at supra-physiological doses.
For example, if 200mg of test and 1iu of gh are physiological levels, there is no reason to assume that 800mg of test and 4iu have the same levels of negative consequences. Each substances has its own and very specific mechanism of action and effect in the body and does not behave linearly in relation to the dose.

So, synergistic effect, yes. 5 times the physiological dose, no. How many times the physiological dose for each hormone, I don't know.
Also, maybe taking lest test and conservative dose of an anabolic steroid is physiologically safer. I think that the human body is too complex to suggest pharmacological approaches based on general principles and analogies.

DBrock's picture

Very interesting take on this. I will read more on this. Rethinking my next cycle.

Lifer30's picture

Very important info!! great job bro!

johnmarshall12's picture

Too bad I can't tolerate the sides of HGH, but if I could I totally agree with you. This is 90% genetics and people really forget that. Massive doses of everything can't make a Phil Heath or like competitor.

But for a genetically gifted person dramatic results can be achieved without all the Bells and Whistles

noob143's picture

2Years ago today this was written. And is still a good topic today.

Divergence's picture

My hgh protocol is EOD, pinning twice daily. Any good sources here for pharmgrade?

vhman's picture

My hgh protocol is EOD, pinning twice daily.

That makes no sense. Either you are EOD or ED. Do you mean you pin EOD, twice on that day?

Hazykronic's picture


SmanUrki's picture

Here's the source and the guy who actually wrote this.

Gorillafit's picture

Your on the wrong page! You wanted to post this link on this page:
Red baron is given credit on that page btw!

SmanUrki's picture

Shit! You're right!!! I can't believe I made this silly mistake. Ive been reading too much. My bad and apologize ... +1 to identifying my stupidity :(

dk1's picture

Good read,

I think part of this discussion, or parts of it depend on what avenues a person is trying to with their use to keep in simple terms

the guy trying to be a mass monster bodybuilder or compete, and the other is people that just want to look and feel better with increased health & longevity

Group one, there are variables:

1: genetics ?

-do you have freak bodybuilding genetics ?
-do you have moderately good genetics ?
-do you have terrible genetics ?

great genetics, still require massive work and discipline to succeed in bodybuilding. A good example is a guy like Dennis Wolf. Great BB, but until this year just did not have the package right. Getting the workouts right, getting the regimen right, and above all else getting the food right

as many can have good genetics but have a few not so great parts, hard work, extreme dedication, proper doses and again excellent food intake can overcome deficiencies to a point. A great example here is Branch Warren, monster legs always but struggled to bring upper body, especially arms to the same level but has remedied that by working harder and smarter than many a guy in the pros..... ASC wins and others show that

Extremely hard worker with talent /decent genetics will be a lazy Genetic freak most of the time, most always IMO

Now you take a genetic freak, that will work, train, eat and have same level of discipline of course it is going to be hard to beat that man. Phil heath is a current example, the guy has the genes and also works his tail off....... Ron Coleman had the genes and worked his ass off and had many a O title because he not only had the genes but worked like pissed off plow horse in he gym on top of that

Terrible genetics group is a tough one. the right products, ball busting backbreaking works outs, insane food intake will get you past 90% of the other guys in the gym body and looks wise, but it is still never going to make you be 230-275 or 300lbs lean...... you will look good, way above the average guy but you will never look "pro"

you can not go by how a guy looks when he starts either. I have seen big frame guys that dont grow for crap, tons of gear, tons of training, tons of food....still marginal results. I have seen guys with big frame that get monstrous quick too.
-same for small frame guys I have seen many cant grow no matter what they do and seen mant that start at 135lbs end up 230lbs shredded or a bit larger.
-my theory is some regardless of frame at beginning have more receptors, more muscle fibers and more of both type muscle fibers training, food and gear being equal this comes back to genetics

genetics to be a BB......... you take that same guy and try to make him a sprinter or football player or baseball player........ again totally different results depending on what you are designed for and work ethic and so on

2 -now for guys that WANT TO BE HEALTHY, HRT'TRT

you can reduce estrogens, up test say 250-500mg a week of Test and 2-5i.u. a day of HGH, maybe T3 depending on your thyroid genetics from mom and dad and train steady, eat well and you can stay quite healthy for a long long time. I been in this game 30 years almost and Im under 40. I firmly believe you are healthier mentally and physically with elevated test and HGH levels. That is first hand eveidence from myself and countless bodybuilders, powerlifters (not a good gauge really) and athletes and long term HRT/TRT practitioners

Health, lets address that again:
I know guys that know what they are doing, very high doses, very high HGH. Eat great food like mad, train like hell and nothing phases them. These people are at the top 20% of the spectrum....... they can take massive doses, massive abuse and nothing phases them
(dexter jacskon over 40, RC over 50, many many others still going strong and looking great in their 50's and 60's and 70's are great examples)

Then you have people at the bottom 20% of the spectrum..... they are hyper sensitive to any meds, any booze, any changes and get all messed up easily

I think everyone else falls in between in the middle. Moderate use, hard training but not crazy, good eating habits.....and you will be looking good and feeling well for a long time. Again you can not be excessive or you will end having issues but the middle 60% are not hyper sensitive but can not take high dose, crazy heavy training and extreme food intake.

If all you want is to be looking better than average and feel better, cheat time a good bit then why would you be trying to train like a gorilla and take high does anyway ?
-makes no sense right ?

Now if you have somewhat good to great genetics then how hard you push and what you can take you have to find out on your own. What risk , how much risk is worth it ?
To me that is every mans own decision how much and why !

trust me if you are not in that top 20% though most peoples bodies, joints, connective tissue is not going to take the abuse of the heavy, insane all our training year after year after year, that it takes to make a Dorian, a Ronnie, a Dexter (he trains heavy but not psycho heavy), a Branch, a Jay Cutler, a Dennis Wolf, a Dennis James, or on the smaller side a Flex Lewis......... people have no idea genetics and massive doses of gear all aside, the discipline, dedication and back breaking work with heavy heavy ass iron to get there. hel not even to there, just to get top ten in NPC......... next level is top 3 NPC..... then pro........then top of the pros top 10 lets say
and trust me there is a serious science behind it at the upper levels, many many tricks of the trade

you never stop learning if you are smart

whatever you are doing and especially if you are mega dosing chasing the Mass Monster dream....... you better get your damn blood pulled every month, every two at better research 100 times more than you take......and you better understand without the work, without that heavy ass weight "everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, dont nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight" like Ron says...... it is not going to happen

Nothing makes it easy and nothing is magic and makes it instant.

you better stay the hell off street drugs, stay the hell away from booze cause you are already taxing your dont then you do so at your own peril.....again everyones choice ......but I dont want to hear your whining when you are all F'd up and I dont want to be helping pay your Obamacare either

in the end the food, the discipline ,the dedication, again the food, and how hard you push in the gym day after day, month after month, year after year...... will dictate the results you get for most people..... be they genetic freak bodybuilder....guy chasing that......or the guy trying mainly to look and feel better and remain healthy

I will get into opinions on dosing and results and variables that seem to be common denominators with success when I get to post again

look forward to the continuance of the thread !!!

NUTRO's picture

Hello tread-m,

I am having problems getting any answers on this. I have a questions concerning break outs, Acne, red spots, lumps and HGH PCT.

I jumped of gear right in the 1st week of April and I did all proper PCT.
I ran peptides for a few weeks after from, IGFL3, GHRP, and HGHFRAG and then…..

I then started GH blue top Kefei at a low dose 2-3 Ius per day at 5 days a week.

I finished 1 kit sides were there and it’s been a week since my last application because of Bad timing with existing orders coming in and minor delays with shipping.

During this week, my 1st week off I started getting large lumps under my skin. I had no acne before abruptly stopping.They are thick and won’t break or pop and they hurt like hell.

A source said to me
“what you have is cystic acne caused by your prolactin levels being screwed up by abruptly stopping the hgh.”

Here are my questions;

1) When I decide to come off GH Will taking Bromocriptine help with the reduction of acne breakouts?
If not then what will?


2) And what can you recommend for HGH PCT? if any at all?

3) Do you recommend taking peptides, IGFL3, GHRP, and HGHFRAG to restart the natural production of my GH when I am done with GH? If not then what will?

Any insight would be appreciated.

1707's picture

I've been trying to get answers to #2-3 as well. Curious to hear people's comments.

I know the morning/evening pinning topic has been discussed a lot but was just wondering if that has something to do with our own hgh production.


Gorillafit's picture

Yes, pinning HGH will interrupt your natural production of HGH. The charts I've seen show for approx 12 hrs. These same charts show natural peaks just after going to sleep and in some cases smaller spikes throughout the night. Even though I am 51 I only take my HGH in the AM to keep whatever natural production I have still working.

1707's picture

Thanks for your comments.

Pls take a look at the following study:

It's relatively old but if I understand it correctly, our own GH levels drop 4 hours after pinning and recover after 24 hours. Wouldn't this support PM pinning as it would enable our own GH production to remain active to certain extent at least?

My apologies for over-simplifying it but it was kind of hard to understand...

Pale's picture

Great read Tread. I have been using HGH since about a month before PCT. I am still using the normal Aro protocol as well, but I have been amazed how smooth PCT has been overall.

B52-BODY's picture

good read. !!!!!

Hurstoill's picture

Good reads! I have personally tried HGH in the form of supplements and they worked pretty well for me. In fact I have grown enough muscles unlike before where I was so flabby.. thanks for the info!

Hazykronic's picture

Great Thread brotha!!! HGH for pct i may do... just need a 2yrs supply Haha

kwabby6's picture

Alot of reading....but...I agree! Although I haven't ran more than Test and Dbol I have done alot of research on compounds, people's cycles, their cycle lengths, correlations between cycle lengths dosages and side effects. I think for most people's goals a little test here and about 2-10IU GH is all people need. Especially Tren. I dont think alot of people should be using it unless they are competing or are faaaaaar down the line of AAS use. good read and just about summed up what I've been thinking. The problem is the human mind is always curious and alway seeking. Therefore we'll always want to try new things. IMO i'll leave the cow drugs to the cows.

strongman's picture

I feel the same way about tren, what a harsh compound and I plan on leaving it for the cows to. lol

In a promo × 1
kwabby6's picture

things change bro. Im running tren only blast right now lol

Warmachine's picture

Nice man, Great read!

John477's picture

Legal HGH - https://crа I received thе order and it was on time and the pills work great.

incubus75's picture

Tread i have a question for you. I have been on hgh for a couple of months and I have bounced back from being off cycle a lot faster since I started hgh. like someone else said my nuts were back in a matter of a week or so, it was crazy! My question is, since I will be running hgh for a minimum of 8 months, I wanted to add a test cycle (500mg week) to have it end at least a month before my hgh cycle ends. Since you believe hgh and test balance out each other, do you think it will keep estro levels more in check and not all over the place? I haven't used an AI during any of the 2 test cycles i've done and I've had acne issues after both cycles. I will be doing bloodwork before/on/after if I plan on adding the test. any input would be appreciated.

jlup's picture

Great Read bro!

dingbat2316's picture

love it brother. thank you for the insight i will run my HGH with my PCT and let you know how it works for me.

Drywallstar's picture


Adlai1982's picture

great read!

Nitti's picture
