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Tren and elevated estradiol levels


So I think maybe this was posted before cuz I remember reading something about some of you all having off the charts estro levels while running tren.

I got lab results back and my estro is at 669+ lol...and I am running asin 12.5mg/day along with provi 50mg/day....so what in thee hell, IDK!!??!!
Low test, high tren... 300mg test to 700mg tren/wk. I guess using tren throws off estro readings when you use privatemdlabs? Def not feeling the effects of high estro...cuz I def have been there before. So any shout outs about how to make sense of this is appreciated

Tren hard's picture

Tren binds to SHGB and the reductase enzyme, thus it frees up more test which then is able to convert to estrogen. Proviron frees up even more test.

Catalyst's picture

It's a false positive. You'd know about it if your estro levels were that high. You'd probably be out buying shoes everyday ;)

DBG's picture

Hahahaha...exactly! Def not balling my eyes out to emotional movies and music... like I did once before ;-) lol

MegaT883's picture

Like Rusty and SDM said it's a false reading you get with LABcorp ECLIA Testing. There's a fix for it use Quest Diagnostics and problem solved. You'll get a true reading with them while using Tren. Go read this to find out what online lab co. to use. They are like privatemdlabs but use IA testing for estradiol and LC/MSMS for testosterone which reads over 1500. It's exactly the same as the hormone panel for females that privatemdlabs sells except for the two main things I just mentioned.

DBG's picture

Always a wealth of information bro...thanks

MegaT883's picture

Your welcome bro. Just use the amount of AI you would normally use for 300mg of test a wk. Next time use Quest Diagnostics and get it through Labsmd and you'll be straight.