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BF calipers


So I just took my BF measurement for the first time in MONTHS with a caliper. Before this last cycle, my BF measured in at about 10-11% and I weighed anywhere from 213-218 lbs. any given day. NOW it is four, maybe five months later and my BF just measured in at like 8%!?!?!?!!!! WHAT!?!?!!!...I am surprised. I currently weigh about 215-220 lbs. any given day...throughout the day. I figure my ACTUAL weight is around 215-216 lbs., that's when I weigh myself first thing in the morning before any food/water...and after a trip to the 'throne', lol.

I took the measurements at LEAST three times over to ensure accuracy and I came up with the same figure EVERYTIME. My question to everyone is 'how accurate really are calipers?' because when I look at myself in the mirror, I just don't think that my BF is that low. 10%..."AB"solutely, they are there and I know it is that low. HOWEVER, I do look remarkable different after this last cycle. I have veinage in my legs(quads/calves) and elsewhere that wasn't there pre-cycle...so this kinda leads me to believe that my BF did drop a few %.

Just for the record to ANYONE NEW to this though....I have to contribute my BF loss to a sound diet and exercise program 24 hours/day, 7 days/wk. The compounds might have helped a lil' bit...but I am a thorough 'nazi' about what I eat and how much, etc. Through hard work, dedication, and perseverance...goals are ENTIRELY possible. I am in my last week of pct and I am pleasantly satisfied with my current results after all the months of beating myself up...in the gym and in the kitchen, that is!!!!

DBG's picture

Measuring tape...yeah, I just never got into measuring all my areas specifically like that. It's a good idea though, I just haven't done it yet. I got a nice lil' cycle planned for this fall(test/deca), maybe I will measure pre-cycle, and then again after to see any results!

Greg's picture

Unless you're willing to pay for hydrostatic body fat testing; using the calipers is the most accurate method.

fast48's picture

First off....high five! Big mofokka!! Calipers are fairly accurate. Everyone has their personal fatty spot which gives a slight change. But in nutrition class the professor brought out the biggest mixing bowl in kitchen and a pound of fat fully fills the bowl vs a 1lb steak. So you'll see more cuts ets without that fluff. Good job bro!

DBG's picture

Thanx brother...hard work DOES pay off. It's awfully weird...I sorta 'weigh' the same as before...but I don't, ya know what I mean? It's interesting seeing the body transform, definitely different 'looking' than I was months ago.