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Hardcore workouts, BF loss, and light/missed menstrual cycle?


Hello wonderful and knowledgeable women of eroids Smile
Tried my best at finding answers here...but it was nothing terribly direct like what I was looking for. Help is much appreciated.
So after about nine/ten months of my wife focusing very strongly on losing some BF and busting her ass HARD in the gym, she is beginning to have very light or almost 'missed' periods. I don't know much about all this...just some basics that I know women begin to have things like this happen after a certain amount of time being athletic and/or fit. I have progressively been dialing up her workouts/exercise regimen ever since...and its def not for wimps lol.

She has been on the pill for about IDK 3 years now?...close enough. Anyway I didn't know if that interrupted things more too? Cuz its not like she had heavy periods before all this too.
So is it a combined amount of stressors maybe making all this happen and what can she expect in the future...more of the same or not a period at all?

She takes some supplements more for general health and digestion...no bullshit 'fat burners'...except she has started some clen cycling(under my direct supervision of course). And honestly...she is getting more results since taking it

kodiakGRRL's picture

the pill will often shorten women's periods and it is often prescribed for women with heavy and or painful periods. .... I haven't had a period in .... YEARS.. love it ...
women's bodies will react differently though to cycling there are women who will get heavy periods from running a cycle of var. it's best to have some baseline labs and to consider that when adding anabolics/androgenic compound the body is going to try to achieve homeostasis the best way that it knows how and will make adjustments in the endocrine system .. think of it as pulling on one piece of a mobile (you know the baby toy) and the rest of the pieces move to balance the toy out ..

UgtaBkdNme's picture

It's nothing to worry about, unless of course she is not done having children. My Dr. nags me about it but it's from gear/excersize. It stays gone even off cycle I don't mind but I also know we are done having kids.

DBG's picture

Oh yea...we are DEF done with kids lol
She...we were just curious about "things", so thank you Smile

DBG's picture

Not satisfying to her...why?

kodiakGRRL's picture

very low body fat percentages will cause the menstrual cycle to stop .. affect periods to the point where they are very light and or non existent.

DBG's picture

Oh I kinda know that but hers isn't THAT low. I thought I was gonna get grinded up about the clen, bad assumption ;-)

kodiakGRRL's picture

thats what you get for thinking? lol..

DBG's picture

Ha!! I know...sob!!

kodiakGRRL's picture
