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+ 1 Always something


So it's always something...and I never stop learning from my mistakes. At about week 7 of this cycle, I began to have some real irritating physically limitating problems. The muscles in my arms(forearms/biceps) began 'binding up'(best way to describe) and I was having some real painful issues especially when trying to bench press in and around my forearms/elbow joint/brachioradialis, etc. Smile Almost like my left arm wanted to give out on the eccentric(lowering) portion of the lift and drop the bar on my chest, the pain was so bad! See, the week before I was finally making some progress and was actually repping 275lbs. for about 5-6 reps, a new personal best for me as my chest has ALWAYS been a struggling point...and then the week later, POOF!!! it had all dissapeared like a fart in the wind and I couldn't really even rep 205lbs. 2-3 times without almost crying out!! That was the bigger eye-opening issue at hand, as there were also smaller ones to boot accompanying this ride, but this isn't the point here for this post in describing my pains.

So, I was disturbed enough about this to seek out some good, thorough, and what I will DEFINITELY call professional advice in PM's thru one of our best: Viking...hahaha, yeah!! thanx bud, appreciate it!! After shortly discussing my issue, he offered that I was most likely banging out heavy weights too much and to lighten it up a little and that he was guilty of doing the same at times too. In the short run, I didn't like the sound of it...ego or maybe not, I'm on cycle here and like most of us we wanna heave the heavy stuff day in and day out! The crazy thing about this...IS I know to do this with my training, and I was just ignoring the proper protocol to cycle my training from heavy to light to medium weights, and to also incorporate a slightly different rep scheme occasionally week to week, blah, blah, blah!!! I think we all should know this really. However, I was so caught up in the "I'm trying to make huge gains bitches!!" mentality, that I disregarded the fundamentals of training and the end results were showing...."Hey idiot!!! Your body is trying to tell you something!!"

So, I began to restructure things in my workouts and switch out some exercises for others, different weights-different weeks, differing rep schemes....yada,yada,yada...and after several weeks of doing these things you wouldn't have guessed it but low and behold, it's Week 12 (END CYCLE WEEK) and I was still making strength gains TODAY and hitting personal bests!!! I hammered out 6 reps of squats today at 385lbs...several weeks ago I was struggling at 350lbs for 6 reps, and I still could've got more today, I just pussed out because I didn't have a spot....BOOOO!!!, I know!
What I am getting at here, is that it never ceases to amaze me that when whatever it is that I/we do, in this case it happens to be banging the weights, BUT whatever it is...if I/we do it the RIGHT way and with time and patience it will always work out for the better and most likely with less pain!!!(read between the lines on that one, there might be a deeper meaning here). Anyway, lesson learned here and once again it was one I have learned before(just needed a refresher course...AND do I really have to learn old lessons AGAIN?!!?), and also I hope others can gain insight into how they do things, have done things, or what they can always do better!!! We can NEVER STOP improving!!!...a lil' pain doesn't hurt though Smile

roidrage79's picture

Yea I'm going through the same sort of thing too bro. Got a weird numbness in my lower legs from squats. Also curling heavy causes the bones in my forearms extreme pain. Especially when I put the weight down, strange. I'm fallen apart lol.

DBG's picture

Yeah, I used to get that pain in my forearms after laying down the curl bar. Still never really researched the why cause eventually it went away on its own. I guess what I was getting at here was that it's hard to resist to the point of overreaching/in turn leading to overtraining. You gotta listen to the body, and it's SO unbelievably important to cycle the training. Like I said, I always knew this and at times I start to ignore it...especially when getting strength gains while on a cycle, you just don't want it ever to leave, BUT yet you can do more harm than good in the long run if you don't pay attention. Can't really train to good with injured joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, or muscles!!

manlytt's picture

With me its always my delts that start giving me crap, when I ego lift too long. Its way too easy to get caught up in the numbers instead of feeling the muscles.

DBG's picture

My shoulder joints are one of the others I didn't get into detail with. Actually some of the workouts with the higher reps are some of the hardest. Boy do my delts burn on after doing LOTS of side laterals, rear laterals, and then lighter weight dumbbell Arnold presses.....PHEW-EEE!!!! That and medium weight squats at mid to higher rep numbers!!! OUCH! Especially stripping it down at the end for a banger set of reps real light at the end!

manlytt's picture

For me it seems like the lower weight on the flat bench irritate my shoulders. So then I go a little heavier and the pain seems to go away. Prolly should go to doc and have them check it out. Buddy of mine has similar issues and he's getting cortisone shots. The surgery recovery if he has it is like a week, I'm kinda hoping that's my issue and not the dreaded rotary cuff. The cuff will take you outa the game for a long time.

DBG's picture

I thought I injured my cuff before...I think it was impinged, and now I have bursitis in my shoulder. I kinda self-diagnosed myself at the time, and tried to take care of it the best I could. When I finally got around to seeing a doctor, he said it seemed fine and there was nothing to worry about. I take a SHITLOAD of joint supps now, I believe they work too. My other joint issues have subsided considerably since adding the supps.

K.Bear210's picture

good stuff, I'm way guilty of pushing it beyond what I know is wise.... its like i've seen rocky IV too many times

thundercats0's picture

Wall of text/10

DBG's picture

There...I tried to edit the text and put some breaks in. Happy now?

thundercats0's picture

I need cliff notes Smile

DBG's picture

HAHA...you're a funny guy!--'Funny like a clown?' I realized it was hard to read, you were right. I'm not real 'technology-savvy' and computers aren't my thing, so it's a learning process.

thundercats0's picture

Wasn't hard to read at all (yes, I read).

I'm just busting your balls. ;)

DBG's picture

Good for U...read some more. Smile

fast48's picture

Right on! I sometime have similar issues to bodypart. Was so close to a state record on legs that i neglected balance in upper lifts. Or start blasting back and having fun growing so fast....the basics can get easily lost. I hear ya fully on this one!

DBG's picture

Thank U sir! I know I couldn't be the only one!

fast48's picture

Oh no....lol! Some time its just feeling good on one body part and it just happens. Lol