+ 10 Steroids and taking care of yourself (Buddy passed away)
I been seeing people comment on this post. Figured I'd put my own recent experience out there for you guys.
I've been on and off of here over the last few months. A lot was going on in life. Between family, work, personal shit and anything and everything else in between. I had a buddy of mine recently pass away. He was only 41 years old. He did have an underlying heart condition and knew the risk of taking AAS. He was big into bodybuilding as it was a big part of his life. Although he wasn't really active on here and I have no clue what his username was on here, I did know of this site beforehand but he told me to check it out. He pointed me to a few sources on here. That's when I started come on here and getting from sources myself. He did like reading a lot from here.
In a way he knew he was kind of reckless with his health. He would push the limits on what he was doing as far as AAS goes. Run cycles when he probably needed a break. I don't know the exact condition he had but he knew his heart wasn't in the best shape. He had surgery a few years back on his heart. About a year and a half ago he got bloodwork back and it wasn't looking the best. I told him he probably should lay off the gear for a while and get his blood back in order. He was like you're right and he was doing good for a bit. But he really couldn't resist being on gear. His doctor told him several times he needs to take it seriously or he'll have a heart attack. Again, he half assed did anything about it. He was pushing through the pain he was going through and telling everyone he was doing fine.
He spent the last several months of his life in and out of the hospital. With heart complications, hoping he could recover. He had an issue with one of his legs where they were talking about amputation from an injury he had gotten months prior. He wasn't healing the way he was supposed to and his steroid use was his downfall. One of the last things he told me was he wishes he would have listened to all of us when we told him to take it easy but he didn't regret it. The last couple of months wasn't enough time for him to get better. The damage had already been done and the doctor told him he probably had another month or two to live. He started looking better but would push himself to move around. His leg wasn't getting better moving around on crutches and a wheel chair.
A few weeks later he made the decision to just go home. He knew he wasn't getting better and decided to just be with his family. We were all in kind of denial that it was really happening. He ended up having a heart attack in his sleep and he didn't make it. The strain he put his heart through and his body was just too much over the years.
I had to step back for a bit. Like really think about it. We all get there are risks and some don't take it as seriously as they should. I just tell you guys because I really want the best for everyone. Steroids aren't just something you take on a whim. You have to put serious thought into it. Again, he was only 41. Still could have lived another 30 years if he would have just taken it seriously.
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Sorry to hear about what happened to your friend. I've mentioned seeing something similar happen to my friend so I can relate. My friend was in his 20s when he messed himself up many years ago due to recklessness using gear which I've mentioned on eroids a few times.. Point of it all is this result can be a reality for anyone, no if and or buts about it. I've talked about consequences, and if you use gear recklessly then just know that those consequences will be paid no doubt. Seeing first hand is believing. We all take a risk using gear no doubt but we have to do our best to minimize any damage being done. And glad to see you back my man.
Thanks brother. I've seen it first hand from people I've known over the years what could happen. From cocaine overdoses to problems from steroids.. This one just hit me a bit harder. I can relate as I never was a drug user outside of steroids. I believe I seen your story about your friend and I'm also sorry to hear about him.
Wasn't trying to overshadow your post but just wanted to let you know that I can 100% understand your pain, especially when witnessing up close. There's a reason why I approach using gear the way I do. For those reading your post, this is as real as it gets so better heed the warning. Again sorry to hear about your friend and thanks for sharing
You're good bro. I want to hear about others and their experiences. That way it continues to get the point across of how seriously we should take gear and the consequences that may happen.
Sad to hear that. Nothing healthy about running a cycle, no if's and's or but's about that. No such thing as a healthy dose of steroids. You can run them to minimize impacts but there will always be impacts, always. There are acute impacts and the long-term impacts that hit us down the road. LVH is the one I worry about the most. I don't know anyone personally who has died from them yet and hopefully never will, but I have seen steroids ruin a perfectly healthy person which has his kidneys shut down and have to go on dialysis100% attributed to tren use. Prayers for his family.
Thanks brother. True words man, regardless of what we all think there will always be some sort of impact. There are times I think, did I go too far? I know when I was young and dumb I didn't care as much. I was having a good time. The older I got, with my wife and kids, I want to be around as long as possible. Although I'd love to go balls to the wall and look like the hulk, I have to let reality set in and I don't do anything crazy these days.
Men !!!!!!! Listen if your gona play hard expect anything can happen
And REMMEMBER REAL MEN who loves there family will DEFINITELY have life insurance…. You want to play around I understand but remmember anything can happen and YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY
I agree
Damn man sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself while you have time to.
Thank you, you too man
I just had one of my buddies/sources alot of you guys know him if I said the name. Me and him spoke a lot about personal business things. It was weird cause I usually heard from him everyday as he was working hard to get things going with a very good ugl but he also was helping out with pharma grade items. I hadn't heard from him. Or really I kinda went into a bit of depression he pulled me out of it and then I didn't hear from him for over a week. Then I got a message from another close friend saying sis u hear and I had no idea at the time. So I said hear what , he said such and such passed away he had a massive heart attack. Now guys were talking about a 25-26 year old. Now I believe between the amount of stress he put on himself the lack of sleep he was getting and pushing himself with rec drugs to keep performing at the level I think he had in his head , using Adderall, Vyvanse, volume and saraquil to come down so he could sleep for two or three hours. plus he had started a cycle with eq which I advised him against expecially after seeing his blood work. Obv he did listen to me. I'm sure the gear didn't help, but it just goes to show age doesn't mean shit . Dont just listen to bros or even YouTubers
do ur research and own studying and don't just take bro science or some jacked dudes word at the gym. Be a leader not a follower when it comes to this. People don't understand alil bit of gear over a CPL months goes an extremely long way. You can have a sick physic literally with 200-300mg of just test and eating and training right, the hardest thing is staying consistent if u can do that ur set.... Instead of pumping in more tren learn how to navigate ur food and play around with it and see what works.... I think a lot will be pleasantly surprised... Either way 25 yrs old your still a baby and a kid ur still learning things. So while on cycle get blood work done secondly while on cycle stay away from rec drugs this includes alcohol especially if he taking orals or toxic injectables like tren or injectable orals, thinking ur safe. Cause ur not. You have to decide what u want and what's more important to you. It's one thing to have one drink and nurse and milk it. Unfortunately to keep up he was taking prescribed Adderall and or Vyvanse, plus doing sessions with ketamine for depression. And this is only what he told me. So please understand we're not super heros and if ur gunna do this you gotta do it own research and also be in since with ur body. I know instantly when somethding is off or not right in my body. And if u know something is wrong don't leave until these dumbass doctors figure it out cause lately I see them just doing blood work and maybe urine analysis and it comes back normal and tjey kick u out the door and discharge you only for a few hours later for you to come back. The. So how they eventually find the issue.... You know ur body the best and most know when something is off. So be persistent in a nice way.... unfortunately sometimes you gotta be an asshole and show them you have a pretty good idea of what most likely is wrong and sometimes you have to be an asshole and talk in medical terms for them to listen. Even then all they seem to care about is getting one person is and out the doors as fast as they can so they can keep charging you or ur insurance. Unfortunately ur best bet is to learn what you can and somewhat teach urself. There are good doctors out there you just have to search and find them. A lot of times there just under staffed, no break and there just burned out expecially when there stuck paying ridiculous school fees akd debts.... Anyway I ranted alil but I wanted to get across the point of learning and caring for urself cause in most causes someone else's isn't and it can lead to to death and an extremely young age. And listen no matter what what people are gunna experiment with substances not all but a lot due , sue to many things pier pressure or just simple being curious, if that's the case have some good friends around you preferably someone sober. And have a healthy understanding and respect for any drugs especially rec drugs and if addiction runs in ur family so urself a soils favor and by pass it all together and get ur fix doing something else like diving on one breath and spearing monster tuna fish or any good eating fish, or learn how to go bow hunting and harvest animals ethically and respect and use the whole animal. Jump out of a plane and go sky diving. Maybe amateur UFC fights whatever it is, doesn't always have to be a pill. But if ur gunna try something let someone know and have a healthy understanding and respect for that drug/medication. Cause in the snap of a finger ur life can be taken away from you literally that quick if ur not smart and educated. Expecially in today's times cause you have no idea what ur getting today .With my buddy I don't think it was the gear that lead to his passing I'm sure it didn't help, but the combination of not sleeping taking rec drugs to stay up not taking a break eventually unfortunately lead to his death, and I shoulda seen it and said something but unfortunately I was to consumed on what I was doing and wasn't paying attention enough. Either way be careful guys and take ur health to a degree into ur own hands cause no one else is gunna care for u like you will urself ..... Stay healthy and educated boys ...
I'm sorry for your loss brother mourn and take those life lessons and memories and cherish them, and keep pushing on in memory of those who aren't with us anymore. stay strong and u have a whole community here to talk to, and talking about this stuff doesn't make u soft infact it makes u a better human.
Thanks brother, same goes for you. Sorry to hear your friend passed away. When you're young, you feel invincible. Like what can stop me? I was young and dumb once. I started steroids at 17 but I didn't do anything crazy. After a few years on doing the occasional cycle, I just stopped. I wanted to learn all I could about them because I went in blind. Had I not done that who knows where I would be today. I took it upon myself to do my diligence and learn about them so I don't be one of those guys who dies early. I encourage those who are thinking about hopping on gear to really, like really think about it. Sure there are some benefits but there are many cons to gear. Nobody thinks about protecting the heart. It's the most important muscle we don't see. It's constantly working. When you take gear, you're putting strain on the heart. Even something as small as TRT can cause heart complications. People don't think about being on the higher end of the reference range for Test levels. Having a level of 1000 and red lining all the time is not good for your heart. TRT is supposed to replace natural levels. Hell, I know guys who feel awesome with a 500 Test level. Higher isn't always better, just keep that in mind fellas.
Sorry for your loss. RiP
Thanks brother
Kids read this and absorb it all in. And the next time you think a bunch of orals with the 4 injectables your already on will be a good idea, think again FFS. You only get the one life, make the best of it. I know it's just not kids too, there's a lot of wreckless adults about.
I tell young people all the time. Take it easy. All too often I see these young people want to hop on 3 or 4 compounds for the first cycle. They think I'll be fine. You may not be fine, Test could be all you need. We all want the fast track to gains but you also get the fast track to death if you aren't careful.
This has made me feel really sad reading this, it really (yet again) brings it home what we are all doing when someone personally loses a young friend because of the decisions we are making right now in our lives. It's important that people read this and realise we are all in the same boat, I know many will just rationalise it and say well he had an underlying health condition already or he was running higher gear than I do & I take breaks etc etc but really it makes no difference - we are all playing Russian roulette whether you want to be honest with yourself or not. Its true with AAS that generally once the damage is done its done especially with the heart or kidneys, there is no turning back time and wishing you did things differently. This is a nicely worded post mate and will make people question themselves, including myself.
Thanks brother. There are people who have no idea they have underlying conditions. How many times have you turned on the news and a completely healthy child or athlete just dropped dead for no reason. Come to find out they had some sort of issue they didn't know they had. There are things people live their whole life not knowing they had. Do you really know your body? If your organs are completely developed? Shit happens all the time and unfortunately many don't know until it's too late. Then the ones that do, they try to live normal and others, don't take it seriously and just live how they want. In the end it's up to you and your mindset and how seriously you take your health.
The problem with what we do, is the fact that all we see is ourselves looking better and better both in the way we look and feel, then you have people TELLING you all the time that you look so well and healthy. So who doesn't want to look and feel like that?! Its very hard to seperate that from the fact that internally its very much the opposite with your bodily organs - they are slowly suffering. I think the only truly way you can know whats going on is to get bloodwork done every month to 2 months on cycle and at the same time get an echocardiogram done on your heart to measure chamber thicknesses and possible heart wall/muscle enlargements.
My first reaction is to look at all the new young kids on here starting first cycles off with 3 compounds before even knowing what their current health is or before get bloodwork done. But then i take a look in the mirror and see myself with 52week cycles and being wreckless myself so cant judge the next man. Im so sorry to hear about your buddy and im sure in hindsight most of us wouldnt be doing what we are doing now. Thanks for sharing.
No problem man. I've done some questionable things over the years. I had run many experiments on myself. Am I stupid? Probably lol. I try to tell everyone, young and old to just really think about it and at least at a minimum get your bloodwork done. Don't just hop on anything, study what compound you're interested in. Learn the pros and cons of said compound. You may find that the compound you're interested in may not be for you. Not saying steroids are a healthy option but to keep things simple, there may be a healthier option. Just take a step back I tell guys. Steroids aren't for everyone.
I’m so sorry to hear about your boy. It really could happen to any of us. Prayers for you and his family.
Thaks brother
Condolences, brother! I am sorry to hear about what happened to your friend. I think you are right to say that people should "put serious thought into it." There are so many potential health issues that could arise during a given cycle, be it due to dosage levels or the types of compounds being stacked... Perhaps even because of some underlying health condition. I think all of us, at least to some degree, are pushing the envelope with our health, even if only on a temporary basis (while on cycle) because we are always chasing a certain look or the type of athletic performance that one can only achieve with exogenous hormones. We are aware that the benefits of these powerful hormones come with a cost, but we can ignore it for a number of personal reasons. The question everyone must ask themselves is "when am I pushing the envelope too much?, when is it no longer worth sacrificing my health and or potentially going to cost me my life if I don't stop?"
Again, sorry for your loss, bro.
Thanks man, thank you for the input.
Sorry for your loss. I think about the health risk and take breaks all the time. Ill never be the size id like to be but I do love the way it makes me look and feel mentally
Thanks bro, I'm the same way, sure I want to look like the hulk but I'm mostly good on TRT with the occasional cycle.
Damn. Sorry. Prayers go out to everyones life he touched.
Thanks brother
Sorry to hear that brother! Stay strong! This lifestyle is addictive very addictive! Once you see those results you want more and more! I will say I love my testosterone but with every reward there is a risk. Prayers coming your way!
Thanks man, it's just one of those thing that puts everything in perspective.
Sorry to hear brother. My condolences.
Thanks brother