HllwdBdBoy's picture
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Okay, now that you've done your due diligence and a TON of research, you understand your goals, you've (at least) been TO the gym once or twice and NOW understand the difference between a REP and a SET...LETS GET READY TO CYCLE!


  2. DIET- Can't stress this enough! Gains are made in the kitchen NOT at the gym OR in the pin. Make sure your diet is in check for the goals you wish to achieve. IF you are eating 2500cals ED and looking to Bulk - YOU WILL FAIL! IF you are eating 4500 cals ED and looking to Cut - YOU WILL FAIL! IF you are looking for Lean Gains and are eating dirty cals -YOU WILL FAIL! I (personally) spend about $100 a wk on food while cycling. IF this seems excessive to you then maybe you should think twice about spending $100's on compounds! WHY? Because gains are NOT made at the gym OR in the pin! IF you find this statement ridiculous -PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  3. ROUTINE- Know what your doing for your particular goals... IF you are seeking to put on Mass and are doing cardio EVERYDAY - YOU WILL FAIL! (although (IMO) light cardio pre-workout is beneficial) IF you think you are going to shred up on a 5x5 routine - YOU WILL FAIL! IF you don't understand what a 5x5 routine is - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  4. PINNING - YES! If you are making the leap into the world of AAS then you will HAVE TO pin! Those of you that believe that you can somehow get away with an "Oral only" cycle and make significant gains - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"
    Those that want to jump on board with a short cycle as admirable as that is (IMO)
    you have yet to develop the skill set and discipline it takes to pin ED/EOD and NOT whine about it! If you don't understand what I mean by this - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

    Understand which compounds do what and at what dosages/durations are optimal for your particular goals. Make sure you have EVERYTHING IN HAND before you begin to cycle.
    IF you think (1) vial of ANYTHING makes a cycle - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  6. PCT - IF you thought this section WAS actually separate from STEP 5 - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  7. AI's - IF you have no idea what an AI is OR thought this section WAS actually separate from STEP 5 - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  8. ANTI-PROLACTINS - IF you have no idea what an anti-prolactin is OR thought this section WAS actually separate from STEP 5 - I THINK YOU GET IT BY NOW

Sooooo.... NOW that we're ready to cycle PLZ remember that AAS is serious shit and if you don't know what the fuck you're doing you can seriously FUCK YOUR SHIT UP!

Donald Tiff's picture

Great points. Thanks

jim3's picture

Back in the 80s it was d-ball,now 25 years later and havent done a pinning in 25 was thinking Induject-250 sustan, and stanol?12 week cycle what do you think? I am open to all pinning just want advice on what to do for gain and rwtaining it,I am 50 yrs old? help pleaze.

jim3's picture

Good stuff,locked and cocked bro,i introed myself as jim 3 and would much app. your advice to my ?and need you pro advise it is no joke and have been out of it meaning plnning for 25 years.thank you.

Nobis's picture

first post iv read while a member, lol love it so far!

Legend's picture


iamsuperrit's picture

Lab test Lab test Lab test!!! first

hippo's picture

Fantastic post. I would thumb it up if I could ;-)

pearce26's picture

good read by the way.

pearce26's picture

The amount of people I hear doing oral only cycles is Alot

"can I do a dbol only cycle and gain a decent amount, not looking to gain alot"- noooo

RoninIII's picture

But pinning is just so damn scary.
Not everyone has the balls to cross that line
Hell, I bet my 1st pin took 30 minutes to do on my own.
But, I HATED needles. I mean I was scared shirtless of em.
If I can do it, just about anyone should be able to.
Lots of research, good procedures, and routine help relieve anxiety

t-bol's picture

Thanks bro, great post, could you please post a check list for HGH? But assuming the person looking into HGH has done research and the above is in check, just to make sure there is a reference to check for all data.

antclay01's picture

Straight and to the point great info

Thor492's picture

Tried to research step 7 and not a lot comes up.. help anyone?

gotpharma's picture

if you have a question pop it up and see if we can answer! Smile

getting AI dose right is not always easy

Greg's picture
Reaper's picture

Great down and dirty to the point list!!!

Baby Herc's picture

All I can say is "AWESOME"!!!!!!

raidon's picture

Good list! I'dd add vitamins,minerals etc. supps for running alongside AAS to reduce the risks and damage and to enhance recovery and anabolic effect !

RG975's picture

Great list! I would just add blood work too

epixs's picture

Good to know I passed the checklist, about to dive into the pinning world after taking a cycle of some stupid prohormone oral since that's what all my bro's took. Spent a good 2-3 weeks reading a shit ton on male endocrinology.

badda12's picture

Thanks for the awesome advice!! Very helpful to us newbies!! THANKS

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American Patriot's picture

This is Great! I only wish I head this website to help me out back when i thrust myself into this world. Spent weeks pouring over a million and a half blogs getting tid bits of partial truths along with a whole bunch of crap! Anyway, I love how everything is laid out so easily on here!!

musclecar's picture

Awesome advice bro. All newbs should read this and then read it again and then just before bed read it again. Everything is stated perfectly.

zachm87's picture

Nice! Took the advice under the newbie section and this was good reading. I definitely need to get my diet written down and make sure I follow it!

Thanks guys!

West Coast Barbie's picture

I like this information, it's simply sad that so many people both guys and chicks FAIL to follow through from beginning to completion.

Make a plan, stick to it and achieve the goal! ;)

simonmagus84's picture

PLZ REFER TO STEP "1" I'm going to walk around saying that to people who want aas and no nothing about pre cycle prep

dnell1983's picture

+1 my dude

alf1982's picture

new member first post I've read think I'll be back after my research cheers

Phoenix Rising's picture

U cracked me up.

sic26's picture

Prolactin I'm confused I got clomid and tamox for pct what do I get for prolactin could do research but was reading this was like cool until prolactin my nipples don't milk lol

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vhman's picture

It depends on what you are using. 19 nors cause prolactin problems (Deca, Tren, etc.). So if your not using them, prolactin should not be an issue for you. What are you planning on using?

sic26's picture

Basic test e proviron clomid hcg tamox

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nastynate3281's picture

I appreciate this info. Thank you.

bigt1's picture

Good info for a beginner like me.

musclecar's picture

Very thorough and well stated. Perfect checklist for a begginer and stubborn vet. Lol


Humour!.. maybe but i dont care for that FKN BS............ fuck off! yous banned.


JarheadStrength's picture

I think I just pissed myself! Bhahahahahahah!

Bikemike4u's picture

Wheres a good source for more research

Greg's picture
Ochoa's picture

He means that some people don't know the difference between a rep and a set. Great post. Knowledge is key before starting AAS. Learning how to properly train and diet is what will keep you going for long term. Controlling estrogen will prevent prolactin gyno, but it will not prevent prolactin sexual sides. For prolactin gyno to occur, elevated estrogen needs to be present.

Caber will lower both progesterone and will inhibit prolactin/lactation. Its a dopa-mine agonist means it wont allow your body to lactate since it will occupy your dopa-mine receptors which are responsible for lactation. Caber is the perfect prolactin support when running any 19nor imo since the side effects are minimal, no drowsiness, does not affect sleeping patterns and in general as far as dosing goes is far more flexible than pramipexole or bromo. Also there is no withdrawal when ceasing use of caber like with pramipexole

Common dose on cycle: 0.25-0.50mg e3d
Common does to stop lactation: 1-1.5mg e3-5d

sic26's picture

Prolactin sexual sides would appreciated if you let me know what that means like sad dick lol

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thefusion's picture

Lol, has anyone on here actually lactated, I mean produced real milk? I'd say that would be the most fucked up side effect! Imagine whilst benching 300 for reps; your spotter is like "dude, you just fuck'in ejaculated from your nipples?!"

With that said, do AI's work to prevent prolactins, I'm guessing its an estrogen problem?