tread-m's picture
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I wanted to pop in a quick post about how important estrogen levels are during and off cycle as it pertains to your ability to achieve and maintain goals. I've touched on this before but as I get more and more questions about it in PM I realize its worth another reminder.
So we see people say things like, "I just feel flat or sluggish or I'm not achieving and my test level is very high, whats going on"? Very often the first thing you hear is "my reseptors are smoked or burned out or full or spent etc..." My first question as they report their through the roof test and bad results is "what was your estradial number?" Oh, its only 100 or 150. So there is the estrogen rises so does se hormone binding globulan. SHBG is a binder that follows around estrogen in numbers and its only job in life is to rob and bind test to save for a rainy day. The only problem there is that the rainy day never comes. This means your high test number doc gave you is not very relevent. If over half of your test is being robbed then you are getting half the benefit of you on or off cycle test and that spells failblog to your goals.
Keeping estro in check is not only as important as keeping test high, it may be more important in the overall picture. If you take off cycle bloods post pct even, and the estradial number is high, take your AI at a half tab eod for a couple weeks and get it under control, its robbing you. Yes , you can take your AI off cycle for short spirts in order to maximize your natty test levels and make them matter. This does not mean we want them too low thinking "even more benefit". Its not, estrogen is a very important hormone in your goals. And should be kept in the 28-50 range ballpark and really only "killed" in a pre-comp where one wants to dry out. when you see numbers over 80 you are hurting in the test department no matter how high test level shows to be....did not even touch on all the other nasty shit high estrogen drags around with it but you get the point here, check yourself, before you wreck yourself bitchezzzzz! PEACE OUT!

Zalewski's picture

Would taking proviron help increase that free test level along with this? Lower estrogen plus proviron sounds like a great combo

GGWanda415's picture

In your experience do you have to take the standard 2mg week of Arimidex to keep your E levels in check? I seem to be extremely responsive to dex and .5 a week works perfect for me without feel the sides of Low E. I'm running 200mg Test C/week. I think it can vary person to person. I put this in my intro post and got blasted left and right.

Argon Coagulator's picture

Great post - it's a classic!

I tend to keep my test low to moderate 200-375mg, so I can't even take AI on any regular pattern or I will lose strength and get fatigued. I basically take .5mg of Arimidex "as needed", meaning when I "feel" my estro is climbing as I know my body well enough to determine this. If my nipples get sensitive or itchy then I know my estro is getting really high so I might even take a single dose of nolva since it works quicker to alleviate the gyno than Arimidex. I usually pin gear every 3rd day, so I may take AI "every other pin", or sometimes "every 3rd pin" depending on the cycle. I think erectile dysfunction occurs if estro is crazy high, for me that would be 500mg+ test with no AI. For me nipple tenderness occurs long before erectile dysfunction. While experiencing mild gyno effects, my libido and function are still good and sensitivity is actually amplified by a little excess estrogen (I believe).

SIx3230's picture

Ya I'm sure I wanted gear by taking zero ai. I had no sides no sluggish nothing. I kept a schedule and used proviron and masteron as part of the cycle. Pct was good and barely noticed coming off

johnmarshall12's picture

Very good information, and one should pay heed to it!

HonduDiesel18's picture

I just recently got blood work and my estrogen is low, I know I would need to stop AI (Aromasin) in order to let it come back, but what do I do if Gyno symptoms start to appear? Like the tender nipple pain and etc. btw my estrogen came back <5.0

hurza's picture

Just use tamoxifen then. It is a SERM not an AI.

Carlos Danger's picture

Hey T if you see this bro I hope you doing good and life is smiling on ya pimpin. I still owe you brudda

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protonguy123's picture

still a good read after 5 years!

Baerney's picture

Good point bro

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Warrior4887's picture

I just read someone say estrogen is very important to a man's libido..jeesh, that could explain it I guess..I don't stack much, especially the last 6 years..I basically just do some test, but I decided to take 20mg tamoxifen per day for 6 weeks up until 4 days ago. My libido was insane before I did this..I have swollen glands (dmall case of gyno, barely noticeable, km sensation to aromitization which is why I took the 20mg a is it basically weighing out having some extra water weight and not taking a serm, or losing libido and taking a serm?? Lastly, as I said, I just stopped taking my serm on cycle..I'm still on cycle..I'm woke up 2 days later with bad joint pain..I'm very also been sweating really bad..I'm very know I jumped around a lot, but I need answers..joint pain is mainly legs...

Ahalvara's picture

Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for this. Pre cycle e2 was 34. Off only 500mg of test e on the 2nd week I got really bad side effects(elevated body temp, moon face, bloat, oily skin, woke up in pool of sweat). Before starting low dose of AI I took bloods at week 2 just to know what I was dealing with. Results came back today and e2 was at 86. I dosed 6.25mg ED of research Aromasin and I feel better. I still have oily skin but none of the other sides So I'm assuming I'm in a good place with e2. I'll take another blood test week 6 to dial in completely.

biggervin916's picture

thank you for this

masskrieg's picture

I like to keep the clomid in, and run Arimidex eod, anda tiny bit of nolvadex and that reduces most issues but leaves enough estrogen to keep everything where it should be energy and response wise while allowing for steady growth

I have to research but there is one of the peptides that also reduces shgb as well

megabolangirl's picture

I took so many suicide inhibitors when I was younger that when I started a test e cycle, my estrogen had a rebound and I started getting panic attacks and heart palpitations. You need some estrogen to function, and it's necessary for serotonin synthesis.

Raghnall36's picture

There are women who are treating breast cancer that learn the hard way when using Arimidex, switching to Aromasin and still suffer joint pain. Not a good idea to take indefinitely for men or women.

BlindMan's picture

Interesting read ... need to remember ...

zeusmarada's picture

This post has raised a few questions for me. Admittedly, I need to dig around because these answers have surely been answered in years past. Still, for sake of conversation, I'll post them here.

  1. Is there a "ratio" of Estrogen to Test, or perhaps Estrogen to Free Test, that is ideal to be in for an anabolic state?
  2. What are the strategies to deal with Low Estrogen (if that's an issue)? (I've read about AI, but never Aromatose "boosters" or "levelers," per se.)

Regardless, thanks to all for contributing to this site. I've learned a lot.

zeusmarada's picture

Here's a link to a different thread that has some "normal numbers" that a person can use to judge if they are "back in the sweet spot." I'm not promoting that these numbers are perfect, I'm simply sharing the thread, that's all. I hope this helps add to the general education for people wondering about estrogen.

eternaljammer's picture

awesome read thanks!

Carlos Danger's picture

People get confused because the symptoms of low estrogen and high estrogen are similar. The difference is most people with low estrogen get the achy joints that makes you feel like you have test flu. I had that issue last week. I normally keep my week split into daily dosage pill containers but I was lazy last week. I rushed on morning and lost track. Fuck low estrogen sucks. Find your dose. Stay on your dose. If it isn't broken don't fix it

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antclay01's picture

A lot of need to know info thanx

tonytulo's picture

I agree.

raidon's picture

Thanks, thats some good info , never thought using AI while off, but keeping it in check now.

Capt Forest's picture

Great info, i just got some blood taken today so i am excite to see what my estrogen levels might be.

mixmanx's picture

Good info here, people really need to get there bloods done more.

wolverinewannabe's picture

Cant say it enuff. This is the best, most informative site anywhere. Saved my life. Literally.

hulk420's picture

Thats why a lot of people run Proviron on cycle to keep free test levels higher right?

biotech's picture

great information, everyone needs to remember keeping estrogen levels in check is very important. I came across the same issues a few years ago as simplyshredded feeling flat weak and no sex drive and when I found out about the estrogen levels being a issue I got it fixed, reading this just helped remind me how important it is, once again great info.

kingme133's picture

I'm off cycle right now. Been awhile since last cycle. For some reason my nipps have been bothering me bad latly. I have an ai on hand as well as nolva. Should I run one. Bfor I get bloods or get bloods first then go from there?

redNblue's picture

I´m checking my E2 levels tomorrow, been taking Aromasing 6.25mg and Nolva 10mg ed in the am, should I take them before the tests ?
Also check E2 or Estrogen ?

Igi's picture

this was very helpful, thanks. Regarding the short spirts running AI off cycle, what typically does the trick, 4weeks? Obviously one would need to get blood work done to know for sure, but was curious if there was a known threshold.


desltech's picture

My estrogen was 65 and test 150 reading on blood work been off cycle close to a year maybe I need to run a small amount to lower estrogens one more

jasm87's picture

Estradiol can cause/worsen hypertension, why do you think some people who are on dbol suffer from elevated blood pressure? They may be predisposed to such a condition but estrogen plays a part espcially methylestrodial which is more potent. It looks as though you just googled 'benefits of estrogen' and got a generalized answer and added it here. I'm not trying to sound like a d-ck but dude it's like leaving a glass half full. Estrogen can help with bone protection via calcium etc, it is the water it causes inside us that help 'lube' joints. It definately has a part to play in the brain, it can mess you up if it's not kept under control.

Innyboy's picture

super important stuff here..good read. Reminding people that you need estrogen is important people are so quick to kill it.. +1

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