teamroids's picture
teamroids 300

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 72 Quality 99.7222% 72 Delivery 98.8889% 72 Service 98.6111% 72 Pricing 99.1667% 72
  • [SRC] teamroids » @BFG @Greg @SamMed please mate when did you start this cycle ? write the date and year..
  • SamMed » I started that particular cycle Aigust 2022 and tossed in the masterone ABOUT 6 weeks later lol. Hey, life got in the way so , hypothetically, if had a cycle log it would be lost because a lot happened since then, like I lost everything including gear I had so the pin point accuracy of dates and times isn't there but doesn't mean I can't review it the best I can.
  • [MOD] Greg » YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF: ...used the products, within the last 6 months
  • SamMed » I did. I was on the promo masterone 200 during and thru Sept .,Oct, Nov., and some of December 2022 when I had to abruptly stop due to personal hardships. I tried uploading a pic of the bottles as a review pic but the system for some reason wouldn’t allow me 2. I can show the date on the pic by swiping up on the pic on my phone
  • [MOD] Greg » The date on your pic is Aug 1. Let's see... Aug Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar 14... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and a half months.
  • SamMed » Well December I couldn't show because as I stated in the review I was incarcerated but u win. If u have the ability to delete or message an inbox how u pls than whatever u say is what it is, God. Your right I'm wrong This is your site and I'm just a visitor. Lol
  • [MOD] Greg » Does it matter really why you missed the 6 month cutoff? Jail, Sandals resort, Locked in a sex dungeon by Appalachian hill billies... You are reviewing a batch of product that may no longer be relevant to the current situation. You risk giving the impression all is well when it might not be.
  • SamMed » True. Can't argue that.
  • Jrblh2 » Wow sorry man bout the fight and torn bicep I wonder if the anger was from the clen more than the mast idk but I like your honesty
  • SamMed » Never noticed much in terms of anger with clen but maybe so; I don’t think so tho
  • SamMed » Idk but my anger seemed ramped-up tremendously within a day or two after pinning the mast. My spats would either end in my swinging on someone or damn near. Lol. But that’s why I mentioned make sure your temperament is in check ; it’s not the gear, it’s us, but that mast sure let me release a beast in that gym. Lol
  • SamMed » I just realized that I put too much into the “products, effectiveness, and results” section and didn’t save some info for “additional commentary.” Also didn’t add that I was also on approximately 300 mgs of npp. All of this on a 14 week cycle. The Teamroids’s promo of 4x200 mgs masto e was added 4 weeks into the cycle.
robb's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The best and favorite int source. The quality and the standards they strive for are their for us lucky customers to enjoy.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Got in on a promo and chose 4 long mix blend of test tren and mast enanthate.
Did 4ml a week, 2ml Mon and Thurs. Very smooth injection and zero pip.
Took a couple of weeks to start to feel an increase in libido and and as the weeks passed strength and mild aggression started to build up.
Resulting in a slight increase in bodyweight, body fat has dropped a tiny bit but the overall look is one of a hard body physique, look and feel great.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tip top service, always quick reply always friendly and polite.
The ordering process is very straightforward, follow the instructions and that's that. Simple.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick delivery waited around a week package was tightly wrapped and safely arrived undamaged.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Once again, a great experience with TR. Just as I expected it to be. The run a great business.

I recommend shopping here!
24hourbulk's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Love Para Pharma and this source is outstanding for an international source. Ordered x4 Tren E para pharma and got a pack of dianabol thrown in but i haven't used it nor i don't think i will as its not a compound i like to use.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The smoothest and cleanest. You know your on Tren but doesnt hit like a freight train of tren a and hex. Ran 400mg each week and currently... nice build up with 500mg test e. Veins more present and leaner no crazy strength gains noticed as of yet but i haven't been training heavy due to shoulder injury. Tren sweats and smell musty is back. When i have low sides on tren i love it and this tren e just hits just right for me allowing me to train and live a normal life with just a sweaty top majority of the time.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great dealt wit team roids on several occasions always been one of the best.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Super quick i was shocked.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Para pharma is known to be one of the best and team roids are a trusted seller. Stock up because its all you really need.

I recommend shopping here!
jbunny43's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I have Used TR a few times they are great and accept crypto which is way faster the other forms of pay . I have used many sources in here first time reviewing and joining the community.

Products, effectiveness and results

time I tried the para pharma I ordered test-e 250, Masteron p and e , deca /npp , Anadrol/dbol . Hcg and hgh .
So far only Been doing half cc (125) test e for 3 weeks now going to get my results soon on where I’m at testosterone. Also noticed balls shrank already so used 1000 ius of hcg and it’s working ;) big balls back ! The test definitely making me testy , horny at times and only a slight pip sometimes . I hope to get great results from the rest of my order --

Customer service

Was very easy getting in touch and responding was quick , I actually had a issue with a rubber stopper and they replaced it asap with my choice of product Smile

Shipping and Delivery

Was here in only a month , it was amazing secured, I can’t be to detailed because of rules . There was a tracking number thst was very accurate as well .

Price to performance
Additional comments

Now you see I waited to actually run the product before writing a review because how can you review something you have not pinned Smile will post the bloods in a few days just waiting on results . Edited: results are high! That’s from only half a cc (125mgs) nice!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/13/2023 - 19:37
  • Rustyhooker » Shoulda waited for bloods as your review says nothing.
alekaras's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Everything is always top from TR

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Long cut stack Para pharma x3
First time with this compound from Para and didn't disappoint me at all, used it as a base for my cut recomp cycle and it worked perfectly fine, at 3 ml per week 1ml m/w/f total 300 test 300 tren 300 masteron, since coming after a long time of cruise almost 4 months at only 175 MG test a week, I feel it work pretty fast, by week 1 lose of breath which it's worse for me since I am a smoker, by week 2 sweat started and pumps were better libido went up by a lot veins become more pronounced and strength keept climbing although I was I a small cal deficit, got a slight pip but nothing bad. The outcome after 10 week run was 3kg up on scale and way more leaner then before and with less mgs then my previous runs..

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent customer service and communication, they responded to pms within a couple hours, very fast and easy ordering process!!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package came discreet and well wrapped in my place in a month or so which is descent for an international order!!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very good prices big discounts and good products!!

I recommend shopping here!
Pumped_'s picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Testo E400. Parapharma

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Got the 400 and used some same lab sust350 to dilute. First ill say it is super thick and took forever to draw. Sorry im not the one who uses 3 different sizes to draw, inject etc. Some PIP the next day but not what i thought it would be probably the mix mellowed it down. Wasnt limping but i couldnt sit indian style is all i can say. 750mg total a week i took an AI because gyno came right away so i know my estro was off the roof. AI handled water and gyno and still weighing in a plus 4lbs of lean. No dbol this run but getting the same pumps off this ParaPharma.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order processed quickly. Teamroids got right back to me for shipping info and no waiting and wondering for a response

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Came semi domestic so took the couple weeks as expected. No seizure letters so its a ++ in my book

Price to performance
Additional comments

Glad i went back to ParaPharma and ive been hearing and seeing a lot of other great reviews for this comeback lab.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/27/2023 - 22:44
  • Jrblh2 » You decided to cut 400mgs with 350mgs of test?
  • Pumped_ » More mg less injections is my goal. Im not one them guys that can inject everyother day or 3+ ml in one shot. Some guys her like eq500 mixed with sust350 or e400. Same idea just all test
  • Pumped_ » Besides the sustanon is waaay thinner so it does thin out the thick 400 of one ester formula. Less PIP
ee4's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am happily sharing my experience with the three (3) Para Pharma Boldo (EQ) 300 vials that were generously shared with me for my honest review.

he communications were prompt and friendly, the instructions were simple and clear, the website usage & navigation was easy.

Upon placing an order, the updates came through promptly, including the shipping tracking number. The promo items arrived well before a reasonable amount of time. Last but not least, the Para Pharma Boldo works very well, as it's not only a reputable, quality product, it's amazingly effective.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The Para Pharma Boldo was amazingly effective and worked very well.

It not only exceeded my expectations, I'd definitely use this again. My experience with this product, gave me great strength, lean mass increases and no negative side-effects. No PIP, infections experienced - thank goodness.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent. Courteous, quick responses and clear instructions when communicating by eroids PM's.

Website was extremely easy to use and the order updates came through in every step of the process - order confirmation, shipping update & tracking number.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Also top-notch. Everything arrived in perfect condition, in an unassumingly plain package. The promo items shipped out very quickly - days after placing the order. Came fast!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great & competitively priced!

I recommend shopping here!
  • [PRO] Makwa » What does works very well mean. That is pretty generic.
venooom's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is my goto source for Para pharma products. Package was deliver fast with no issues at customs. The gear is excellent and smooth to pin.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para pharma Primo
Great results right away after two months. Stacked with 300mg of Test Cyp, I dropped out Masteron Enanthate and include Primo at 360mg. I am very dry and lean and vascular as hell. Gym people are looking at me like crazy. I have major pump, everytime I hit a session. I don't need any AI at this dose of Primo and Test, as estrogen is in check by looking at bloods couple of days ago. I also notice greater endurance during workout.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication went smooth. Great service and support, structured process so no complaints there.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging very secure and discrete as it should be, TA was 3 weeks for EU. New shipping route is perfect for me, no issues with customs at all.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly recommend Teamroids, especially for Para Pharma, which is my favorite lab for the last couple of years.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/22/2023 - 09:09
killroy's picture
+ 5
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Several months back I was debating to run a quick blast cycle with Test/Tren/Mast… the holy trinity and my favorite oils. Given my increasing age, I tempted fate and took another dive down the tren rabbit hole. Ran 3cc per week of:

3 x Long Stack 300 Para Pharma

As fate would have it through a promo order generously offered by TR. I don’t regret a minute.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The test/tren/mast stack really mutates me by the week once it gets rolling (around week 3-4). And the Para blend was no exception, and it made things a whole lot easier pinning wise. It has a little pip but nothing I couldn’t manage and to be expected given the concentration per ml. Needs a little more of a push to get through a 25ga or warming up. I’m lazy tho, and will pin it at room temp, just takes a little longer to move the plunger down.

I take ancillaries to try to combat cardiovascular impacts (telimisartan, nebivilol, eztimibe), along with a host of ofc supps (citrus bergamot, astragalus, nac, glycine, vit C, D, magnesium, alpha gpc, mk7) and will take metformin on refeed days. Also take Pharma growth 5/7 2iu PM.

Beyond an elevated resting heart rate and bouts of insomnia, I was golden. The strength gains, the insane pump, the fullness, the freakish look where everyone just stares at you when you walk by in a stringer … it’s a vibe I only get running this stack (especially with Tren) and it’s a hard habit to break. I’d say I put on about 7-9lbs of weight, hard to say how much muscle tissue.

But When your abs are popping, your arms, traps, shoulders get that 3D look maxed with glycogen but you are hard and dry at the same time, who cares if it’s tissue or not.

Most guys aren’t honest about this but I deaf…. I don’t compete, but love all the attention lol. Girls say they don’t like muscular guys or veins, but once you chat one up looking swole and you aren’t a total meat head, they get a look in their eye. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I’m married but my wife’s girlfriends all seem to piss her off when they are around me when I’m running on all cylinders like that. It’s a hard door to close but it’s a fun ride when I’m on it.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent customer service. No comms needed. Received tracking and items arrived with he advertised t/a.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Package was discrete, and all vials were intact. No issues getting across the pond.

Price to performance
Additional comments

They offer promos and discounts routinely throughout the year. I’ve also recommended this vendor to friends who are interested in reputable international labs and pricing, haven’t heard any complaints.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/18/2023 - 06:42
Anaconda72's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience has been great with this supplier.
Great overall communication with fast replies about shipping and products. Fast turnaround times when ordering internationally.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Items ordered were 3 bottles of Para Pharma testosterone propionate 100mg .
Absolutely love this test propionate extremely clean and clear gear easy to draw and no pip.
Been running 100mgs a day 12 hours before gym ,
Great energy and drive for pushing through heavy lifting sessions. Extremely lean muscle mass gains. High libido and Great overall feeling.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service has always been top notch with this supplier with fast tracking number sent asap.
Communication always super quick return emails about
Shipping and order info also any general questions about products or availability.
Ordering products is super easy on their website with many different types of payment options.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery has always been lightning fast internationally usually pac landing right around 2 weeks time.
Package is always securely packed discreetly and products wrapped in bubble wrap.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly recommend ordering from this supplier as the
Products and excellent service are top notch.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/16/2023 - 02:27
JakeKO's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I’ve written about this mini blast cycle so many times that I think it definitely needs a review. I intended to run this cycle for four weeks but it was interrupted at fifteen days due to a planned vacation to Jamaica.

I will definitely be buying more soon and use it the same way for the entire month of May as a summer prep. I won’t run it alone and will be adding test prop or suspension to the mix

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

ParaPharma Winstrol 50 injectable

50 mg every day for 15 days. For a short blast, I really enjoyed the results. Cut some fat, and definitely hardened up quickly. Strength even went up a little, or maybe I finally pushed myself a little harder those two weeks knowing I was going to be on a beach soon. LOL.

Ran it alone, but always include a weekly dose of Test Sustanon at 125-175 mg per week (EOD) with anything I’m running at the time

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

You can always count on these guys no matter what. Always quick to respond, although I’ve never had any issues. Just questions about gear. Always a pleasure to deal with them, without any snarky responses to my dumb and inexperienced questions

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Super discreet and well packaged. Gear was in stable condition considering the very cold weather we were having here at the time

Price to performance
Additional comments

Teamroids is definitely one of my favorite sources. So dependable, all the time. I would recommend this source to anyone.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/26/2023 - 19:02
Azaghal's picture
+ 5
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order made to TR with pleasant experience as on previous occasions.

They always respond to my queries quickly and the products are excelents.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Primobolan 100 Para Pharma

Used a rate of 400 mg weekly divided into 4 injections of 1 ml in shoulders and quadriceps.
The liquid is quite fluid and the oil is transparent and clean.
I have not suffered from pip or any kind of lump although I have to say that these last weeks my shoulders have been very collapsed.
I am currently 8 weeks and aiming to reach week 10.

Cut Stack Para Pharma

I have used it at a rate of 2 ml divided in the same previous protocol mentioned 0.5 ml x 4 times.
The oil is quite clean and the vials and rubbers are perfectly crimped with a very long expiration date.
I have not suffered pip, if any irritation when injecting from time to time but I consider it normal due to the fast-acting esters, I have not suffered from tren cought at any time.

The amount used approximately in total has been
Testo E 500 mg / Primo 400 mg / cut stack 300 mg (weekly).
I have gained weight on the machines from week 3 / 4 onwards at a rate of 10/15 kg calmly, although from the first week I really wanted to train and I increased the training by 15 min. daily (60 to 75 min.)
Currently training 5 days a week (Contact sports stopped for a while).
I am doing a controlled surplus and I have increased my weight 3 kg currently 97 to 100 kg with a good look.
The last few weeks I have added exemestane at a minimal dose to regulate my estrogen levels (12,5 mg).

The negative effects that I have noticed are night sweats, more irritability and some loss of sleep, but psychologically at this dose I am doing very well since low dose trembo esters affect me very negatively and I am walking towards Dhb in the near future .

I was not looking for a volume increase in itself, but rather a montage before giving the body a rest and it has met my expectations for the moment.

The quality of Para Pharma products is excellent and they do the job.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The customer service is good and they respond quite quickly.

The ordering process is easy and simple.

The website is quite accessible to use.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received it in 20 days in home.

I was pleasantly surprised as I thought it would be more TA for these holidays.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I recommend TR to anyone

Excellent products and very good prices.

Quick communication and correct delivery times


I recommend shopping here!
  • press1 » Good review Bud!
  • Azaghal » thanks press hope it helps Regards.