Anonymous's picture
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Gut health and mood


Something interesting I seemed to have overlooked in my reading all these years, apparently 90+% of serotonin is produced in the gut?

This article is an interesting short read for those interested in their mental health and well being, especially while running compounds known to have adverse effects on both gut health and mood... Coincidence!? I think not...
Ok there's more than just gut health making tren so mentally harsh, but having a healthy gut biome won't hurt, that's for sure.

META99's picture

Not surprised
There is so much evidence shown in people with auto immune diseases that have flare ups caused by bad gut health and pro inflammatory foods in digestion.
Everything begins in the gut, so you start there and the brain follows.

press1's picture

Having your guts churning inside out and bloated up and the resulting stomach ache from it is one of the worst feelings ever, puts you off eating and training which then in turn makes you feel even worse.

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TRTdude's picture

See my other comment here with a possible solution for when you have it.

Halsey's picture

Put a new meaning to "shit for brains"!

0newheelup's picture

Makes sense.... When I get hangry I rage, once I eat it all peace love and happiness..

I'm with Halsey on Dr. Patrick.... I'd lick her "second" brain!

Halsey's picture

Dude, Rhonda Patrick is the boss on this topic. There are several Joe Rogan podcasts with her and they are crazy informative. Plus I find her extremely attractive, I'd lick her brain too.

Halsey's picture

I dont know about tic tacs. Shes got big boobs, but I love her brain. JOE ROGAN PODCAST BONEHEAD!