burgerking6969's picture
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Which form of Epistane is better? (Havoc vs IBE Epistane)


I've tried the Havoc and loved it. Its chemical name is the exact same as the chemical name for epistane given on wikipedia. IBE's version is different. As a prohormone maybe it has similair metabolites as epistane. But it's different. Anyone have experience with both and notice a difference?

eighty7's picture

The one that doesn't hang itself

ECinfidel's picture

Lmfao. I feel this comment hasn't received the recognition it deserves.

burgerking6969's picture


burgerking6969's picture

Not everyone wants to be big… reality check lol

Makwa's picture

Time to move away from that stuff and start using the real deal now.

burgerking6969's picture

Epi is my favourite for mental effects tho. Masteron and proviron had no mental effects for me. ABout to try Tbol soon so wish me luck

burgerking6969's picture

i was on test at the same tme, im sure it helped with increasing free T as my SHBG lowered. but literally only effect was SHBG and HDL being crushed. i ran it up to 100mg a day. found out the hard way that these hormones affect everyone differently;. even switched brands twice

burgerking6969's picture

no my free T did increase and SHBG went down but i got no unique effects from the proviron itself. essentially just an SHBG and HDL crusher for me

DeeMan's picture

Which one lowered your shbg, Epi or Havoc?

burgerking6969's picture

Proviron lowered it, never did bloods from taking epistane. And I’ve only used Havoc, haven’t tried IBE’s version

DeeMan's picture

Well I did experiment with a few designers during the designer era. Lol folks for some reasons thought these substances were " prohormones "
wrong these were actual methylated oral designer anabolic steroids. Like any methyl steroid these designers could possibly cause serious liver issues. In fact Sdrol combined with another designer did cause liver failure for some. As far as Epistane and Havoc? I clearly remember both. Basically the same but a slightly different chemical modification. Epistane was more of a cutter but made joints dry and ache. Ok strength gains. Havoc was good for strength, increased aggressiveness and sex drive. Made muscle appear fuller as opposed to dried out like Epistane did. Wow Memories

burgerking6969's picture

both still available