mash'D taters's picture
mash'D taters
  • 70

+ 5 My progress, Start October 20


I wanted to share with you all my progress. I'm definitely happy. I'm in my mid-30s and trying to get back into shape. I stopped drinking alcohol over a year ago. Drinking caused me to be badly out of shape. I go to the gym, now, as a sort of replacement addiction to that.

I started on TRT October 20, about 6 months after I started in the gym, because my workouts felt draining for me. The closest body scan is just a few days prior, October 15. I started with blasting just after November. Admittedly my diet could be better, especially around the November - December area, but I did maintain a caloric deficit most of the time.

I dropped 5.2 body fat percentage points in 3 months. That's better than the combined effort of 6 months without PEDs.

Anyway, I really love the way T makes me feel, and the physical effects it has on me. I was just testing the waters here. Not sure of how genuine the var was, but I'm definitely interested in trying it again. Looking on it, I probably could've saved it for a better cutting cycle, but I'm really just trying to cut, cut, cut.... I don't really want to try any other orals.

I plan on keeping my NPP and Test at around the levels in week 11, ensuring blood checks are fine. I think I'm just going to keep it nandrolone and testosterone, with a little oxandrolone here and there for cycles.

I want to be 15% by summer, but we'll see. I wish you all the best, and have a great new year!

Cycle results:
13.4 lbs fat lost
9.1 lbs lean mass gain
(October 15 - January 8)

Body scan pics are from April to January

Weekmg Test C/wkmg Anavar/daymg NPP/wk
Week 115000
Week 217500
Week 32002550
Week 42502575
Week 53000 - sick100
Week 642050100-125
Week 7450-50050125
Week 842050125
Week 9, begin to cruise 30050125
Week 10 on - cruise20050125
Week 11 (now)1750100
JohnJuice's picture

Those body scan photos are dope, idk if we have those in my city.
Gratz btw.

UncleYoked's picture

Very cool body scans, you can see your increase of size in the arms and traps, tapering of the waist. By the end of the year you're going to be a completely difference person

Snowdays's picture

Congratulations bro.

mash'D taters's picture

Thank you!

Diesel77's picture

Nice, was expecting to see physique progress pics, but congrats nevertheless. Any physique progress pics to show? (No Homo)

mash'D taters's picture

Okay friend, let me know your thoughts. Thank you.

mash'D taters's picture

Sorry, not everything I was trying to post showed up. Had my cycle and everything... And yes, I have some body scans as well, and they're all gray - looks cool and anonymous Smile

Diesel77's picture

Keep up the good work man. Proud of you for giving up the bottle. Congrats on the year plus of sobriety. Nothin but respect and keep pushing forward bro! I agree with no more orals...focus more on diet/gym work Remember that your diet and work ethic will dictate your results, gear just helps the recovery and healing process, but what you eat and gym time will dictate your fat loss and results. Good luck and good job with doing blood work...very smart, the var might've had your lipids out of line, but it will subside the longer you are off and plenty of fluids. +1

mash'D taters's picture

Thank you for your kind words! Gym time is typically 6 days a week, 1.5-2 hours per session. I just went grocery shopping for high quality foods today. 15% by Summer is the goal - I think I can get it. Gear has definitely helped energy levels, and just general sense of well-being. You can definitely see the bf% dropping and lean mass going up simultaneously. I've lost 13.4 lbs of fat during my cycle, gained 9.1 lbs lean mass.