SilentStorm88's picture
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Primobolan problem, please for advice…


Hello gurus,

My cycle consists of Ultima test-prop and Ultima Primobolan. I'm one week into it. I've been taking 250mg of test-prop per week. However, with Ultima - Primobolan, I tested 50mg on Monday and 50mg on Tuesday. Suddenly, I experienced severe fatigue, drowsiness, high blood pressure and intense headaches every day.
It was only when I took 125mg of test on Friday that all symptoms faded and disappeared within 5 minutes. Was the Primobolan dosage too low?
Could it be a hormonal imbalance?
What could have gone wrong?

Now, I'm unsure whether to continue with Primobolan at all. I appreciate any advice. Thank you.

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Why are you cycling at +20% bf? This is not a good base to start. You really need to dial your diet and get some cardio in. There’s plenty on here to help you with that.
Then you can research compounds and how to cycle. This is a mess top to bottom.

JakeKO's picture

You shouldn’t be running Test Prop unless you plan on pinning it at least every two days. Otherwise you will feel a crash/fatigue once the test leaves your system in two days. You could feel like complete shit. If I were you, I wouldn’t pin anything else until you did some serious research on both compounds.

Wildling's picture

I’m curious if this is your first time pinning and if so, why these compounds?

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press1's picture

Before I got to your comment at the bottom of the page, I was about to say it sounds like you have crashed off the Test prop because you are not injecting it often enough. You crashed and then felt better when you injected again. No, injecting Test prop 2 times per week will not work.

Ya know, I find it Astonishing the complete and Utter Lack of knowledge and research that New Steroid users are now doing before starting a life changing steroid cycle. This whole phase of 17 year olds getting a gym membership because its the cool, new in thing to do and then 3 weeks later jumping on a Multi compound steroid cycle because they aren't massive yet really is getting utterly ridiculous now. Its surprising more of you lot have not permanently injured or killed yourselves off yet. Only the other day we had some Idiot asking how to take his Trenbolone with BAC water.

2 years of continuous solid gym training, 20 hours AT LEAST of steroid research online and you 'might' be in some kind of position to be ready to start running steroids.

TrenAThor's picture

I'm not a professional at steroid use at all but def did a ton of research and videos even bought Dan the bodybuilder guide to steroids lol. I still research and see what's going on. I agree with you that research of them is necessary, especially what you plan on using. Its not to be taken lightly the gear you plan on putting in your body orals and injectables or anything really for that matter even supplements.

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press1's picture

I am pretty sure Dan the Bodybuilder has an account on here bro - I think its him anyway!

Chad P's picture

The worst part is you don’t even have to go look for info as far as research. It’s sitting in the palm of your hand. That simple. The instant gratification that the younger generation needs proves how easy they have it in this life. Social media has completely ruined people. They think all they need is some Tren and the biggest influencers workout routine and it unlocks everything they can dream of.

Jockstrap's picture

100mg only? Might research primo cycles before you lose expensive gear.

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dmxinyourface's picture

250mg of test prop is more than 250mg of test E. You will need almost 3 shots of test prop per week to get a nice stable blood level. Primo has nothing to do with it. Test pro has to do something with it especially if you shot the 250mg in 1 shot ! It would have been easier to just use Test E 250mg per week with 100-200mg of primo both in 2 shots in same seringe of course.

SilentStorm88's picture

Thanks man, appreciate your answer.

Rosschestzip's picture

If you were in a much higher dose of primo, I might think you could have lowered E2 but it only slightly lowers it and your test dose is higher then the primo dose so that would nearly impossible. And like @creatinehcl is saying, from what you’ve told us it doesn’t sound like it’s the steriods, besides the fact that the test “fixed” it but could be more of a placebo effect or anxiety being calmed because you wanted the test to fix it

SilentStorm88's picture

I will see this week what will happen. Thanks for reply.

Ag4936cali's picture

Test flu?

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SilentStorm88's picture

Yes something like that.

AK80's picture

You should just stick with Test Enanthate @ 75mg M-W-F (use a slin pin) and the same for Primo Enanthate. It'll be a 1:1 ratio, your blood levels will be stable and you won't have any side effects.

SilentStorm88's picture

You are right man. It’s all about stability and. Test E next time. Thank you for your useful advice.

creatinehcl's picture

If I understood correctly, this is only the first week of your cycle?! After 7 days of taking it, it is impossible that you felt any side effects and not all of them. I don't know why you connected all these side effects with primobolan because there is no milder steroid. Not to mention that you took 100mg in total for just one week, which would not harm even an insect, not a human being. So you couldn't feel all those symptoms of "severe fatigue, drowsiness, high blood pressure and intense headaches every day after 7 days on the cycle. You wrote that after 5 minutes of taking Testosterone, all the symptoms disappeared. Impossible. Injectable steroids don't work like that. Primobolan dose it has nothing to do with your condition and usually side effects like yours happen due to too much and not too little dose of steroids. So the conclusion is that the problem is not steroids. Of course, this all applies provided that the Primobolan you use contains primolan and not something else.

SilentStorm88's picture

I completely agree with you. Very wierd situation and no logic behind. That’s why I ask here. I will do higher dose primo this week but on other day than test.

TireGuy49's picture

What is your dosing schedule with the test prop?

SilentStorm88's picture

Monday 125mg
Friday 125mg

TrenAThor's picture

I like daily injections of prop. I also like running short esters together. It's the best way I found for me because I don't get those peak and troughs that you may experience further down the line doing only 2 shots a week or like some have said every other day. Good luck

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Catalyst's picture

There’s your problem. Inappropriate timing between shots. Need to have researched more thoroughly before starting

Have to tell you this although you won’t like it. Less than 170lbs, you’ve built no base by the look of it and are using steroids way prematurely.

SilentStorm88's picture

There are no real knowledge about cycles, weekly dosage, etc. People hiding this like a holy grail lol. So we have to learn on our bodies looks like.

Greg's picture

Hiding in plain sight here on eroids.

Chad P's picture

Your account is over 6 months old. You should’ve inquired here before starting any cycles. There is no better place with firsthand knowledge from experienced lifters that have been in the anabolic game for a very long time.

SilentStorm88's picture

Thank you for reply. Yes I think that’s the problem. What would you suggest? Mon, Thu = 250mg and Tue, Fri = 350mg ?

I prefer aesthetic looking, that’s why I don’t want to do traditional bulking and gain fat and donout look. I want to shred the last layer of fat on this cycle.

Catalyst's picture

Diet correctly and it’ll come off. No carbs after lunchtime is an effective basic answer.