Dream23's picture
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Hyge - post injection irritation


Hi guys,
currently running HGH cycle 4UI ED. Have both pharma and hygetropin black tops.

I ve noticed that when I pin hygetropin, there is a red spot developing around injecting site within 12hours after injection. It s somewhat sensitive and disappears after 1-2days. However when I pin pharma(using the same BAC and pinning process) it does not happen.

However I feel that hyge is working, also usual sides are there(water retention, slight joint pain/sleepiness) - although little bit more pronounced than pharma.

But this post injection irritation is something I m worried about.

I read that this might be probably caused by bacterial residue, due to not perfect filtering process and it might be potentially dangerous as it may lead to the body developing immunity to its naturally produced growth hormone.

What do you think? Is that common issue/something to be concerned about?

Hazykronic's picture

here is a lab. I have never used. but this site is interesting. If anyone does get something tested. I would love to be informed.


babadook's picture

Hi, I am using Hygetropin green tops for a week, 10iu / day. Same thing, red spots after each injection. I would like to send one vial to a lab for a full analysis of what is inside. Was trying to locate a lab and no success.

Are you continuing to pin the Hygetropin?

Dream23's picture

No i stopped bro switched to pharma, I know some guys sorted it out by injecting IM, for some reaction stopped occuring after 2 weeks of injecting, however i think it s important to listen to ur body, even though for me it means almost 200iu unused in my fridge...not saying that they dont work, people use it and have results....but u have only one body. If you find a lab i would like to know the results.

lion-o's picture

hi! I had irritation and some pain post injection with the blacks, as you say, but after some weeks running them ,not more. Now zero irritation or pain. No problems. just my experience bro.

Dream23's picture

What batch number do u have bro?

lion-o's picture

i used many different batches of blacks,at first for my contest i stopped them and use yellow because of this little pain/irritation. After contest i back to blacks and this symptoms stop after some weeks. Now i use them and 0 problems, just some day a very little pain/irritation but really too small. But most of days nothing.
i dont know what to think. Some people say that are peptides, or even bunk hgh. I feel results lean, some water retention, better sleep and help me to keep muscle mass Off (adn the pumps off were great). But never tried hgh pharma grade to compare.

babadook's picture

Right decision to switch to pharma grade, I agree 100%.
I will keep looking for a lab and I will find out what is in the vial and post the result here on eroids.com.