+ 1 HGH with Floating Particles
Hey guys, I wanted to get your thoughts on this issue.... I have bought the HGH from the same source and I bought my BAC water from the same source as well. The source has been great to deal with up to this point and bloodwork has been on point with the first 800iu of HGH I purchased. I purchased another 1,000iu of HGH it arrived just as I was finishing up the first 800iu. Now, please keep in mind all of my stuff (vials before reconstitution , after, and BAC water are stored at 40 degrees F) in a refridgerator that i monitor temps on my phone with. Also please keep in mind I only reconstitute at most 20iu at once because I do typically now run 6iu a day. So, I finish up the last 70iu of the first 800iu delivery with this same BAC water ( 10 ml vials ) now the first 30iu of the new 1,000iu shipment I use that same BAC water the last 3ml out of it. The BAC water is not expired its actually stamped good through 2028. But, this 1,000iu shipment of HGH took about 13 more days to arrive than the previous 800iu. The first three vials have had a lot of stuff floating in them ( now I'm desperate -- so I have injected it ) just not sure if it's right. And I almost feel like I have come off the HGH if it's possible to already notice it. It could be in my head. What do y'all think is up this time? I've got two videos of the particles swirling the pictures don't really do it justice, I just don't know how to put a video on here.
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Just an update. I tried the same BAC water with all the same methods out of a different pack of 100iu out of the new 1,000iu and no particles.
Thats gotta be the BEST pix ive ever seen on a website to match description
If its all cold when reconstituting swirl it. I also only add 50iu bac water and my hgh brand i use is crystal clear. Dont let stream of bac hit the puck as it can destroy it. Swirl. I bet at room temp and less bac its clear. Then fridge
I know you're a bit of a chemistry guy if I remember right. Lol cold water is never a better solvent than warm or room temperature water. You already know. So I can see dissolving issues with using cold bac water in some cases.
So the consensus is cold BAC is bad when it wants to be I guess? Now, if I've got 7 vials in the fridge now can I remove them and be okay? Or do the particles even matter if it's related to dissolving issue besides possible inconsistent dosing?
Honestly I wouldn't worry too much. Bac water can be stored in fridge and when reconstituting simply take out and let Bac water sit at room temperature for a bit before reconstituting then put back in fridge.
Hey, this is off topic but do my comments show up as me being in 2 promos? If so is one DS? I see it myself just curious if it shows up that way to others because I never got a promo from them and can't get it removed? Been on there for like 6 months now....
Yea it shows 2 promos. I can see the names by clicking on promo tagg. You should get with that src and have them to remove.
I've tried...they say they can't see it. I feel like it's hurt feelings over me starting to use their promo and then turning it down when I realized the stipulations. Who should I get with if the source won't remove it?
BFG, the owner of this site
So essentially a 10iu vial you just use half a ml of water and so you use half the liquid per shot for the same strength I'm using ?
I like to pin with a smaller injection amount. Its not correct or incorrect....its preference. As long as your math is correct.
50iu bac for 10iu puck is 2iu hgh is 10iu pin.
I saw the newer ones are clear and saw you room temp at reconstitution. Id bet the source would help you with that particular batch/box
Honestly if it still does the job and obviously I've not got sick from the first 30iu...I'm good with it. Main concern was effectiveness and safety.
Before I reconstitute I typically let it set on the table for 15 minutes. I wouldn't say room temperature though. I'm just hoping the stuff is still good.
Stuff I got from one source looks exactly the same with tiny little particles. I’ve been shooting it anyways and have had no issues. Pretty sure it’s real cuz it makes me sleep like a baby, and I’m normally an insomniac. My girl also commented on how good my skin looks today. These little floating particles are doing something lol
You'll see people advise against using cloudy gh because that's what the pharma gh companies recommend. This is not pharma gh. It is cheap Chinese gh. I'm sure they source the cheapest binding material they can find.
Believe it or not bac water is not supposed to be refrigerated. I always have. At least, that's what the prescription Hospira literature states.
I know some bottles say to refrigerate, but they're ones you get on Amazon and places like that. You're also supposed to discard a vial 28 days after opening. I never have.
I read a study on bac water where they put bacteria in the vial. The study stated the bacteria was still viable in the refrigerated vial and not in the room temp vial after a certain amount of time. I'll see if I can find the study.
With generic gh, sometimes it's clear, other times it's not. At least in my experience. There does appear to be quite the amount of floaters in yours though.
You could try a new vial of bac water and see what happens.
I’ve never refrigerated Bac water and I’ve never had a vial that says refrigerate. The ones I have right now says store at controlled room temp
The Amazon ones that are like a pink label, that a lot off guys buy, say to refrigerate.
My BAC is from a top 10 source....I just thought I was being safer by refrigerating. Also, did 800iu this way for 150 days with no issues until the new 1,000iu GH arrived. But, I also used the same BAC in a different Vial out of the 1,000iu last night and no particles.
I really don't trust the ones on Amazon. Real bacteriostatic water requires a prescription. I saw enough reviews of people having issues that I searched out Hospira bac water.
Ya I’ve actually heard a few things bad about that water too, still use it tho lol. I should probably find some different stuff. I especially don’t like that it’s in plastic
I got Hospira from an eroids peptide source.
The source says not to use BAC water and use Sterile water??
Sterile water is only good for like 24 hours I think, so I don’t recommend that unless your doing a whole vial a day
That's what I read and everyone uses BAC water.
I took mine out of the refrigerator after reading the storage instructions.
Thanks man! I did get my BAC water from a reputable source and have had no issue with it so far but I just finished that last 3ml of the 10ml ...so I'll be trying a new BAC tonight. Also, I go through 12 iu every other day so a 10ml BAC is usually done by day 8 or 8.5....right now the only inconsistency to me is the new batch. But, I wanted to get everyone's thoughts before I make myself look like a dumb ass. I just always thought I was being proactive by reverberating everything...
Oh,ok. I buy the 30ml vials. I'd let one vial sit and see if it ever clears up.
Here's the study I read. It's actually drugs with different preservatives and bacteria. I would definitely refrigerate my gh after reconstitution regardless. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/930936/
What’s up bro. This is how long after mixing it?
Good question I should have included that. This is about 18 hours after mixing. Typically before it would be crystal clear within about 15 minutes. I know you don't want it going perfectly clear to quick but the particles never went away. All the way through each bottle.
Oh. Me personally bro I wouldn’t risk it. Any growth I’ve used has always eventually cleared up. If it’s a higher iu per bottle and mixing 1ml bac water than I could understand cloudy but not particles.
Could you tell in the video or picture it has particles? It's just 10iu per bottle.
You can see it in the photos. The video just brings it out more.
Okay I was just curious how it uploaded for others to see....it's much clearer on my phone.
I have and probably would again. Lol. If I started getting any kind of red lumps or irritation, I would stop.
Well, I put 30iu in myself so far. No issues yet not to say it won't come.
You'd have a red lump by now if it was contaminated. Have you tried vials out of different kits?
No one likes a quitter lmao
Lol. Nice. So true.