posted Wed, 01/22/2025 - 17:04
Deca lump
Good morning gentlemen, I'd love to have some input on why I'm getting a small lump Post injection that lasts about 3 days and dissipates after every Deca pin. I've tried both a IM and Sub-Q in all of the correct spots and still get the lump no matter what. I know for a fact that the carrier oil is MCT so I'm not sure if I have an allergy to it or what's going on. Any help would be very much appreciated!
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I also recommend researching what carrier oil they use. I have better reaction to ones that are smother then other. That will help big time too some are very thick. Also what is concentration ? Sometimes higher concentration items are more crystaly and can irritate more
Well first of all I really wouldn't do subq for something like deca lol. Second of all depends how much muscle tissue you have in the spot where you inject. Which part ? I usually to my test in shoulders and Deca in the thigh. I will get small lump sometimes that lasts couple of days . Deeper you go less you will feel it. As long as you dont get redness or big inflammation I wouldn't be too worried. But I would avoid subq for sure
Describe your procedure. You gave no info really
Please read my comment back to train elite, thanks
Hotpad. Agree that brand isnt agreeing with you. Blended should be cake
If you're injecting deep enough IM lets say glutes with a 1.5" needle you shouldn't really be feeling a lump. Are you possibly injecting to close to the surface? How many ml's oil and what size pin are you using? Or if it's virgin muscle and this is new to you it's perfectly normal, you can massage the lump if you'd like, it's just the ball of oil you're noticing since this is all fairly new to you. If that's the case. As long as the skin doesn't turn red and feel warm to the touch and you don't feel like you have the flu(test flu) then you're fine.
I've been pinning in my glutes and delts for almost 5 years now. I buy my needles bulk so I've been using 25 gauge 1-in needles for a long time now and only recently has this problem begun. And it's only with the Deca. My test shots still go fine with no reaction. I split my Deca once every 4 days for a total of 500 mg . I split the test the same way at 700 mg. I'm almost certain it's not scar tissue causing this because I also tried Sub-Q earlier this week and I got the same bump. It slowly residing again but it is a little painful to the touch and a little red but not warm just like when I do a IM. It doesn't make sense that you test doesn't give me a reaction because it's compounded the same way as far as I know !
I guess as long as it's not giving you an abscess then your ok, just finish up your Deca then maybe try a different brand/source next go around. I'd switch to 1.5" pins for your glutes though. Deeper is better
Hey brother, I appreciate your comments and I want to add something. I'm noticing tonight that it is red and it's definitely warm. Does this mean I have an infection now?
My lump, my lump, my lump my lovely deca lumps!
If it last about 3 days you are good. Even Jose Conseco bitched about ass pain when guys would slap his ass. Remember you are sticking a harpoon in your muscle and further damaging it by putting a ball of oil forced into it. How would you feel? Lol
It happens alot. Not just with deca. I'm not sure exactly what it is but I've had probably 30-50 in my lifetime. Nothing to worry about.