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Post-workout carbs and creatine


Does everything have to have creatine in it?!?!?!? Seriously, IMO...creatine is garbage and really doesn't do anything for ya. Somewhere along the line it got a misconception that it actually gives you strength and 'builds mass', I would say that is psycho-babble bullshit implanted in the heads of fitness 'gurus' and then mofos jumped on the bandwagon!!
I guess we can all thank Mark McGwire when he was bashing all those homeruns in the '90s and then contributing it to 'creatine'. Since then, creatine seems to be all the rage in every carb loaded post-workout product, protein and mass-builder powders, and even protein bars?(WTF?!!?), etc. I have had numerous attempted trial bouts with the "magical" ingredient, and I can honestly I'm not sure who walked away the winner! My bench didn't go up 20-50lbs. while on a natty run, nothing went up actually, unless I was full of piss and vinegar that day and busted a plateau myself(only to see it come back the next week on the same lift!).
All hail the most blessed of added garbage in our supps!! All creatine is, in the long run, is part of our multiple energy pathways anyway, as it is a contributor to your body rebuilding and replenishing ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) stores. I can understand it MIGHT have an effect on endurance or stamina then, but once again, I think it's all in your head or whether or not you have been eating right, esp. pre-workout!! Seems like every supplement has to have it in it though, for what reason I really don't know. They got somebody brainwashed I tell ya!! I guess it looks good to be all bloated and holding water in the muscles like you have edema...yeah, I'm buff dawg!!
All I really want is some good, healthy, rapidly absorbing carbohydrates(waxy maize, amylopectins, etc.) with some added BCAAS and glutamine and vitamins, etc. WITHOUT adding creatine too!! Is there really NO product out there with a combo of said mentioned ingredients(and added extra goodies for recovery,) that has these things in it without me having to buy it all seperately, mixing it myself, and spending a shitton of more money? Can't it just be a lil' easier? I thought I did find one for a minute and then I scrolled down and noticed they dumped caffeine in it...now why the hell would they do that? Wow, that really pissed me off too, but that's another post for another time, as I'm sick of all the stims too. I guess it comes down to a need to start my own line of bullshit products. What do you all think? I've been wanting to lay down a rant about this for awhile for a couple reasons...ONE, I REALLY want to find a product like one I described and TWO, see how everyone else feels about creatine and/or all the other added garbage the companies throw in fitness products that ruin them. Let's hear it folks!! Thank You.

eatbig's picture

I like the idea of having a quick carb with protein post work out. I can agree with you that creatine is way over hyped. Sometimes I will buy some body fortress protein from wal mart and mix it with this waxy maize http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/jsn/glycocharge.html;jsessionid=31DBDB... or you could try some dextrose with your protein pwo like this from now http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/now/dex.html they are both really cheap fast acting carbs to drive all the protein and nutrients into the muscles and have absolutly no creatine in them.

DBG's picture

Yeah...I was lookin at Genr8 Vitargo(sp.?)...on bb.com....I saw the JS too. I was just hoping to find some goods with some B vitamins, potassium, added aminos, and such w/out the creatine. Looks like it probably won't happen, I don't know maybe I am taking in too many aminos and vites anyway.

PapaPumps's picture

couldnt agree more brother i think u need to start your own linelet me kno if u need a hand

Steve24727's picture

Creatine - muscleadvancecreatine.com I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.

DBG's picture

HA!!! You got the gist of what I was getting at...hopefully I didn't sound to angry or something, I'm just passionate is all,lol :-P

DBG's picture

Ohh...I know all these things, but do you really believe it? The thing w/ caffeine, I understand pre-workout, now what's with it thrown in at the end for post-workout?...did you know, stims (aka caffeine is one of those), are actually vaso-constrictors, which means they constrict your blood vessels. Isn't the idea to OPEN them (aka vaso-DILATOR) especially POST-workout as you want all the nutrients to go to where they need to be. HMMM???....that's what I am saying.

DBG's picture

Yeah...I was just going to comment on that, I remember seeing that on a trial sample I have of amino energy. There's better aminos out there anyway. Right now I'm using USPlabs Modern BCAA's...it's alrite.

DBG's picture

AHHH, yeah.....I just wish I could find something all inclusive 'sans' creatine. I like to take breaks from certain things occasionally, stims, creatine, whatever. Man, I read something the other day that you shouldn't be on creatine running a cycle!!...WHAT???, really?! Well, good luck finding supps w/out it, ya know?...that's not why I wrote this though. I've always felt this way, it was just a reinforcer so to speak!! HAHAHA...