Janus's picture
  • 155



Two things...
I really like watching the Olympics...Anyone else thinks it is not the same without fans in the stands?

What are you favorite events to watch?
I like wrestling, swimming, and track & field.

capncrunch420's picture

Wrestling is king.
all others are just games

press1's picture

I was watching the Women's synchronized Diving a few days ago - cracking bodies Smile Diving wasn't too shabby either ....

In a promo × 1
roidkings's picture

gymnastics and track&field are my favorites, but I'm happy to see rock climbing added this year

Sam I Am's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Janus's picture

It is crazy the women's street skateboarding medalist are all teenagers. 13, 13, and 16. Being the top in the world at that age is just incredible to me.