Mr.Feathers's picture
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How does EQ cause anxiety


Anyone know how EQ is said to cause anxiety in some? I heard things like it effects GABA to it increases blood pressure which is believed to increase anxiety to it’s just an estrogen issue.

ashop's picture

I think the anxiety for some may be dosage related, just taking too much. I never noticed it at 400-600mg wk but did when I went over that amount.

Goodfella1118's picture

The sudden increase in red blood cells and the high blood pressure can cause anxiety. One of the downfalls of eq.

Alexdahbomb's picture

Running 500 test/1g EQ a week with 40mg dbol ed. for me when i got anxious on this cycle it was because EQ bottomed out my E2. idk why EQ lowers estrogen(heard it has has a metabolite that lowers estrogen), but i havent had to use ANY ai on this cycle and im running 500 test with 40mg dbol ed. now i know if it happens in the future i got low E2

press1's picture

Running high Dbol can cause bad anxiety/paranoia mate - First time I ran Pharma grade Dbol @ 60mg ED I was hiding underneath windows thinking people were watching me Lmao True story .....

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press1's picture

The next question that needs adding to this is why does E.Q cause headaches? Lol

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Zalewski's picture

Insert guy running 1000mg of test, 1000mg EQ, and 100mg ED anadrol wondering why his blood pressure is +180/120

Zalewski's picture

Honestly I have never had anxiety from anything but I have been on Zoloft since I was like 17, but I wanna ask what dose do you start feeling anxiety? Or is it any amount?

EagerToLearn's picture

No. It just increase LC-activity (locus coeruleus) and thus adrenaline.
Adrenaline then acts on vagus nerve which then causes anxiety. Similar mechanism to Clen and T3

Mr.Feathers's picture

Can you provide links to this I have never heard this very interesting

EagerToLearn's picture

I guess with the information provided you can do all the necessary researching yourself. Google testosterone and its influence on LC. Just google how adrenaline leads to panic attacks despite not being able to cross the BBB.'s picture

Now that is interesting, it must be the Adrenaline in your blood stream creating some sort of pseudo-adrenaline that does cross the BBB, or something along those lines.

Either way good information dude.

That also makes since as to why our Adrenaline spikes when we get hit in the jaw, when your jaw gets hit it pushes back on the vagus nerve and boom instant energy to fight and take hits. or you go out like a light I guess it depends on how hard you get hit

EagerToLearn's picture

adrenaline can´t cross the BBB. there are b-receptors on your vagus nerve. Also clen acts on those. The vagus nerve then transmits the information to the brain stem, from there to the HPA, amygdala, ACC, OFC ect. inducing anxiety

press1's picture

Problem is though is if the Adrenaline release into your system is too big it then attaches to your receptors in your lungs and hence why they tighten making it difficult to breath. A bit like tren Lol

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EagerToLearn's picture

actually adrenaline leads to bronchodilation (makes it easier to breathe -> this is why salbutamol/clenbuterol are used in asthma sprays -if this what you said was correct than asthma sprays using b-agonists would exacerbate the problem lol).

the difficulty to breathe caused by adrenaline is due to its interference with vasomodulatory and pneumatory centers in the brain stem, which then transmit very fast breathing signals (which means that your diaphragm doesn´t have enough time to fully contract and relax resulting in very shallow breathing which is followed by hypoxia and hypocapnia... which we experience as "difficulty breathing/shortness of breath".)'s picture

lol calm down on the medical terminology there tiger, sounds like your reading straight from the medical text.

EagerToLearn's picture

I guess you don´t know what I do for a living but I am not here to prove a point but just to help out there tiger's picture

I guess you don´t know what I do for a living

That is correct I don't know, How could I ?

I could take an educated guess and say you work in the medical field just like me, that or you teach medical terminology at some BSN university .

Either way I already called you Tiger you cant call me Tiger, you can call me Jaguar or Eagle if you please.

bigbucksnowammies's picture

this was in interesting conversation to read lol

EagerToLearn's picture

wow that escalated quickly, didn´t intend for that, stay safe

Bill G's picture

That would explain me not sleeping well on it. I say that. I sleep fine I'm just done sleeping at around 4 hours and wake up ready to go. I've tried supplementing GABA, melatonin and some others . Just makes me groggy when I wake up. But I still wake up.

Bill G's picture

That's the other ingredient that was in it. I couldn't think of it. Was about 2 years ago . Trying to fix some trensamnia. The only thing that worked was .....come to think of it really nothing. I dont think k I have ever slept right even as a kid.

Bill G's picture

Ambien is a no go for me. Sleep walking. I'll wonder up in the neighbor's house for sure or the store down the road.

Bill G's picture

I've run out of food on the couch and went to the fridge and found the remote on a plate with half eaten sandwich

Johnny Bravo's picture

I kept waking up covered in peanut butter, chocolate, and snickers wrappers

press1's picture

That sounds more like some fetish issue Lol

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Johnny Bravo's picture

They don’t call them fun sized for nothing haha

Bill G's picture

Sounds like you need a pit bull.

Johnny Bravo's picture

Glad I’m off the shit although the weird shit we do while on it is kinda funny. I faintly remember coming to while taking a leak with the lid still on the toilet meanwhile getting soaked. Decided it wasn’t my problem right now and went back to bed. Wasn’t happy when I woke up. Somehow managed to pee the bed while not being in bed.

Bill G's picture

Just part of it.

BJ's picture

Happens to me too at about the 4 hour mark sometimes. I try to force in naps to adjust for the lack of time sleeping on those days. Your body will thank you.

Bill G's picture

Naps are awesome. If I take one at 2 in the after noon. Just for an hour. Then I'll be up till 2 and miss out on the 4 hours I was complaining about. I have come to the conclusion I live on the wrong side of the planet. I can sleep for 9 hours straight if the sun is up.

GrowMore's picture

Really interesting discussion over at /steroids about EQ. Read the comments and people’s opinions on the E2 effect and how this is one of the causes of anxiety on EQ.

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plantguypete's picture

EQ strips GABA. GABA inhibits anxiety. So inhibition (EQ) of an inhibitor (GABA) will lead to anxiety [potentially].

The number of receptors varies from person to person, so EQ induced anxiety is likely dose dependent.

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Mr.Feathers's picture

Where did you find this info? I am curious to read more