GizmoDuck's picture
  • 173

+ 3 Just Thoughts...Please chime in


OK, so we take cycles, PCT, reset, take cycles, PCT, reset. To what ultimate goal: TRT. ok nothing wrong with that. It is what it is with this lifestyle, right. I can understand some people want to take a cycle or two so and that's it, yes they will need to PCT correctly.

Ok, so here is my question. If someone is planning on living this lifestyle until they can not live it anymore, knows the end goal, is ok with the end goal, and does not mind pinning the rest of their life, would it really be worth to cycle, pct, reset, etc? Wouldn't that be harder on the body to turn on, shut off, turn on, and then shut off again?

Would it be better to just blast n cruise for however many years one plans on using before going into TRT?

what are your thoughts

giardap's picture

Can't believe you'd set TRT for life, as a goal.
I like you, but this is fkn nuts.

Have you done your PCT yet man?

GizmoDuck's picture

I’ll go to the doc March to draw lbs cause that’s when I’m due for a prescription refill too

giardap's picture

Im sorry man, Im not trying to be preachy to ya, it just that you are hurting yourself on purpose.

No1 on here knows or at least practices; how to do a pct properly. If we dont do it we dont recover.

I mean.... we dont have to hurt ourselves, ya know? I know you have goals, I get it, I do too. But why not spend some time recovering, once recovered go for it again. But I mean, a proper recovery.

Kgp's picture

Far from a goal but look at what we do to ourselves... How many times can you crash and recover? Everyone of us are hurting ourselves on purpose everytime we jab the pin.

I remember pct. I remember the imbalance of hormones and being a wreck emotionally. I remember being a little insecure bitch. I went a whole year after doing a standard pct trying to recover. I was afraid of what I did to myself. I lost body hair, had no sex drive, stomach got fat, depression. It was terrible.

Its nothing to brag about but I have never felt better after getting on trt. I am confident and stable mentally, physically and sexually.

It makes me think.. if trt is the end result, why did i fight so hard to recover? I understand if you ran a cycle or two and your young and want to have kids. My advice would be to live your life naturally. But to many of us, its a life style. Sure, I have a couple regrets, and yeah she looked a lot better when i was drunk, but running gear and getting on trt is not one. I have never felt better at 38 years old and in the prime of my life. Probably better than I would be if I never done gear.

Disclaimer: I do not condone steroid use or recommend people don't do proper pct if you do. This is just my personal opinion about myself.

giardap's picture

Yep and I appreciate your opinion, and that's what Gizmo is getting at... but... on the flip side.... there is a difference between someone with or who is developing hypogonadism and someone who takes steroids and doesnt PCT properly / rinse repeat until they create hypogonadism. The notion that just because we take steroids we cannot recover is bullshit. That said, yeah sure, there are people who will choose to perma-juice etc. as a lifestyle, but fuck man, there has to be a voice of reason somewhere to say hang on, you could do this a better way and not permanently/purposely fuck yourself up.... because you can....

Either way... PCT by design and done properly either diagnoses hypogonadism or else recovers the body. Done properly there is no massive down time, unless as i say its done incorrectly or you have a disease brewing. If you start out eugonadal there is no reason not to spend the time learning how to pct properly and get it done.

giardap's picture


Straight up, you should be ashamed of yourself. You banging on about aro and hcg as PCT. Absolute muppetry. You quite literally know nothing about it, no wonder you ended up TRT... sorry, TRT/Tren pr whatever it was you got caught out for.

But the thing you should be ashamed of; it is sitting here patting this poor chap on the back as he self destructs. No bueno.

Fella, you are the worst of the worst when it comes to giving advice on topics like this.

giardap's picture

Blah blah blah.
Nope I am not on TRT. Actually my next PCT and next post PCT period are designed to prevent me going on TRT (unless I have pathological hypogonadism). Oh and my last few forums have been EXACTLY about those topics. Also, as I said to Gizmo already, yesterday; * I am going to be making another forum* on PCT. And, I will document my own too. Way ahead of you Rusty. Way ahead.

Rusty I dont know what is wrong with you, but whatever it isyou just COSIGNED a fella that is planning TRT for life. YOU are the COSIGNER. Take a look in the mirror fella, might help you to stop cosigning bullshit and stop giving bad advice.

Read a book man ffs.

GizmoDuck's picture

I know we all have the same desire for one another in this site. To obtain the bodies we want and still be healthy and do it in a safe way.

From this site I have really learned a lot and have applied what I have learned. Like first time stacks and what not. Stay the F away from Tren for awhile, despite what gym people tell me, how to effectively run a cycle, diet, training, sleep (which I already mastered, ha)

And I will keep coming to y’all for advice in the future regarding it all despite whatever decision I make

But did not want this to turn into a war between y’all

giardap's picture

Right on!
No war!

giardap's picture

Yes, yes you do!
Stick to the crayons Rusty, good man.

GizmoDuck's picture

I prefer finger paints

giardap's picture

haha +2
blow pens man, all the rage these days!

GizmoDuck's picture

I can’t say he co signed it for me. He, if anything, advised me not to do it, but said it was ultimately my own decision. I mean I am still an adult and able to make my own decisions and this decision will ultimately be mine as well. Please don’t take that as a dick statement or anything

Off topic. I was told I would regret my first tattoo when I was 20, a whole sleeve, but I still have not, it was something I thought about for awhile. Weighed the pros and cons and ultimately went with it. Then eventually did the other sleeve too.

I did not mean for this to create an arguement between y’all. By no means.

But yes. I am looking forward to reading your post when you do it

giardap's picture

Hey man, you will do what you do and like i say i wish you the best whatever route you go.

Don't worry about arguments between Rusty and I, he just cannot stand it when I contradict him. It is no big deal and there is no argument.

giardap's picture

Start with this one Rusty, learn a little.

Are you stalking me now Rusty?! It's getting a bit Ghey man. Maybe catch a few Z's or something. Chill out, read a book.

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. Unltimately youre right. I cannot argue. I have bought a lot of PCT too for my next cycles as well. I just know my ultimate end road will be TRT seeing as I’m close to 40 and really just now starting cycles

But yea. I do appreciate all I learn from you guys

giardap's picture

Doesnt have to end up that way if you plan it out right.
I will write a PCT forum and at least you will have it to refer to if you want to sort yourself out.

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea man for sure. Didn’t think this topic would
Blow up like this. That’s for sure

giardap's picture

Ah its not a blow up, not at all.
Just concerned for you man, thats all.

I wish you nothing but the best whatever route you go down.

GizmoDuck's picture

No no. I know man, and I appreciate it. Either way I go down I’ll still be coming to y’all for advice for cycles and stuff anyway.

GizmoDuck's picture

Shoot. I talk to a lot of people at gym and the things they tell me boggle my mind from what I’m learning here. One dude only cycles tren/test/mast. And that’s all he’s ever done and never sees a doctor. Another dude will just randomly throw in Dbol here and there or maybe a month of Deca. And he never sees a doc either. Granted I do work in the medical field so that does help with knowing what to look for and what not.

GizmoDuck's picture

lol. Not really setting it as a goal. But shoot. With me gonna do cycles for what the next X amount of years won’t my end result be that

Yea. I did my pct for my last cycle.

johnmarshall12's picture

All you can do is listen to peoples experiences here and then think about what you are trying to do, and then make the decision.

Protein4breakfast's picture

Being on trt I often wonder how it affects your brAin besides obviously shutting down hpta function because your just replacing to the levels you should have. TRT is a big commitment. I had An enteral debate about it for months before I decided any kind of life time commitment is scary but being 27 and no sex drive is worse.

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DragonDog's picture

Exogenous testosterone causes early neural cell death. Resulting in spatial memory recall on par with dementia patients. Under laboratory conditions, calcium channel blockers were shown to counter that effect. Coincidentally, I am taking calcium channel blockers to manage my blood pressure.

Protein4breakfast's picture

Interesting like Makwa below I’m wondering if this was a study on rats or humans? If you have the literAture handy and can post a link I would enjoy reading this study!

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Makwa's picture

Damn, I had dementia with low T, couldn't remember a damn thing and barely function. Phone would ring and by the time it finally clicked that you are supposed to answer it they hung up. Was real bad. TRT solved that problem, but now it is going to eventually make me lose my mind. Just can't seem to win.

DragonDog's picture

Agreed, but we will feel damn good.

Makwa's picture

Was this shown in rat studies or actual human trials? Were the doses actual TRT doses or supraphysiological doses?

DragonDog's picture

I think this study was the source for the video I saw. Looks like most people probably had used supraphysiological levels, but it's not really clear how much they had taken. Regardless, I rather be a little forgetful then dead inside.

DragonDog's picture

It was a study done in the UK with both current and past users. All tested on par with dementia patients for spatial memory recall. I will search for a link and post it.

giardap's picture

Ive read studies on test in human brains
neuro-protective at matched endogenous levels, and causes cell death at supra levels

fusebox's picture

Fr sent

GizmoDuck's picture

TRT at 27. Ouch. Yea. That’s gotta be rough. Why so early?

Protein4breakfast's picture

Well because I was young and dumb. I started at 19 almost 20 and the crazy part about it I would probably trade my physique then and high natty levels for what I have now. I played just about every sport but wrestling was my thing even had a college wrestling college scholarship but quit after a year because I decided I’d rather fuck drunk college chicks then diet while my friends party so I was in great shape never should have expiremented with AAS until I was older but I hung out with all the guys on the football team and they got me into it. I always did proper pct nolva and clomid but it seems like no one was really talking or pushing hcg back then because I did a lot of reading and was on a different forum then and never really heard much about it. I now think it’s a must for someone to properly recover. I did test only cycles 12 weeks 2x a yeAr but my last cycle I quit 8 weeks In due to getting heavily into drugs no pct. I spent the next 5 yeArs as an addict no AAS and when I got clean I got some bloods done and my test was very high 200s I’ll just say 300 because that’s pretty much what it was. I’m not sure the exact number now but after almost 5 years still no recovery. I know drugs can lower test and looking back I wish I would have done a super pct 8 weeks nolva clomid hcg after I found my low number to maybe try and jump start it. I don’t know if that’s possible but I still wish I tried. During season I was 5’6 141 lbs around 6-7% body fat may not sound like a lot but I was beast and had so much natural potential to put on mass naturally and I threw it all away. I know that was a ridiculous long answer to your question but I just hope someone in the 18-24 range reads this and thinks twice about making the jump. I plan on writing out my story sometime and all the shitty things I I had to deal with from cycling so young. As to your original question as to committing to trt for me it would all be about feel if I could still have decent sex drive and able to hold onto some mass and so on I would choose keep doing pct. I don’t know why but I feel like trt is unhealthy for some reason and I will encounter health issues down the road from it even though bloods always come back fine. Again sorry for the book I’m just passionate about people not juicing at a young age and I know that’s not your circumstance just wanted to put it out there

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Fangsharp's picture

+1 for the truth. Respect you for that

zeusmarada's picture

Great share. +1. Much respect, brother.

fusebox's picture

+2 for honesty. And I do think you should do a post about your experiences brother

GizmoDuck's picture

For sure!

Ozninjaguy's picture

Good bio - thanks for sharing. +1 for the honesty.

GizmoDuck's picture

Got ya man. Thanks for sharing!

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. This PCTing right now very hard on my body. Energy levels dipped dramatically, strength, tired all the bloody time. Yea. Decision has been made. Come March I’m not coming off. I’ll do my Prop/E cycle and then after that I’ll stick with TRT doses each week. F that. This recovery taking too much of a toll on me