johnmarshall12's picture
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Every bodybuilding mag has featured articles like this since the beginning of our sport. That's because large strong arms remain the most desirable part one can attain.

Women love to be cuddled in a strong pair of manly biceps. Guns are the most noticeable part that jumps out at us.

Yet with all the articles, few lifters attain truly amazing arms. Hopefully this article will turn that around for you if you seek to attain prolific arms.

I've been in countless gyms and seen members doing incredible amounts of all types of curls; yet they have little to show for it.

In my peak my arms were about 24”. They were solid, strong and powerful, however they did lack vascularity as I was too high in body fat percentage.

Here's how I did it. Shoulders are the base for your arms; the foundation. Have you ever seen a guy with big arms and tiny shoulders? NO!

So, we begin by working our shoulders as the front delt runs into the bicep and the rear delt is literally the beginning of your triceps.

Therefore each workout must kill the delts. Do lots of lateral raises front, sideways, and rear. Do lots of military presses and shrugs too! Yes the shrugs hit the traps but they involve delts as well.

As your shoulders grow it makes it easier to get great results from the arm exercises that follow.

Now its time to hit the guns. Yes, do curls and lots of all types of curls! Do tricep presses till you feel like crap. Do tricep pulldowns too. Triceps make up 60% of your arms so the work you put in will pay.

Now here's a little secret for quick mass on the bi's! Nothing and I mean nothing will add more size faster. It's a bitch exercise but it pays!

During your workout grab the big bar. You know the one you bench and squat with. Throw enough weights on there and start curling. You'll find it impossible to control the bar. Every rep will hit you at a different angle; that's why it is the most effective movement you can do to add mass fast! Try for failure on the tenth rep.

Each succeeding workout you should increase the weights on this movement as well as all others. I was able to curl 140 lbs for ten reps three or four sets with this bar. You can't do that with weak and small arms!

Start slow and build up each workout and watch the mass pile on!

If you're taking AAS its good to do this on a bulk. I liked Test 600mg week, and 40-50 mg Dbol per day combined.

Do all these things and your on you're way to impressive arms! It can happen very fast! Let me know how you make out.

roguevampire2's picture

This is a perfect example of over training...another example of thinking that you gain size by training and not by resting and recovering....dorian yates had 10x bigger arms than anyone here, yet only trained 4x per week and doing only 1 set to failure per exercise...not counting warmup sets...This whole work arms every single day, might have your arms sore and swollen and may appear larger due to that, but once that swelling goes down, your arms will be back to normal....volume and frequency is not the main driver of growth...Intensity is...always has put my 1 set to total failure, up against your 10 sets to failure or stopping short, and lets see who gets better results...and before people say "well, dorian was using tons of steroids, so he'd get results with anything" We all use what...he has said many times, that if training 10x a day got him the best results he would have done it..he would have eaten dog shit, if it got him the best results...fact is, you grow when your resting, not training...if your arms aren't growing, you need to rest them more..or train them less frequently, not more frequently...

johnmarshall12's picture

This workout is strictly recommended for "Arm day"; and not every day!

Hoagie22's picture

Big bar really helped with forearm strength too. I use that bar to do wide grip to force outer muscle groups, then normal then close grip. Once the blood is flowing...I’ll do iso curls on preacher, hammer then normal. Form and squeeze at top is what started to change things. Zottman curls, Arnold curls all that stuff but like JohnMarshall12 said, shoulders were the key to massive growth. Once you start seeing the fibers connect to each other from shoulder to bicep to forearm it’s a glorious thing.

I’ll always say I’m a novice in this game cause I love to learn but Jesus yea it took close to 2-3 years, daily eating and training right to see results now. Thanks for the post my man.

johnmarshall12's picture

You're doing it right!

Cochise's picture

yes the first time years ago trying the big bar made me grow! Very nice

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johnmarshall12's picture

Yup...nothing like the big bar for mass!

Fangsharp's picture

Thx for your continued contributions John. Good read.
Im hung up on Traps. No homo.

daksmack's picture

Good write up brother!

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333's picture

My thing right now is rear delts I can't get those to grow for the life of me

Jameshobbis's picture

I like to super set seated bent over raises to failure then drop the weight and do the opposite to a front raise still bent over raise the arms as far back as they can go again to failure. You will feel the burn!

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Cochise's picture

Standing bent over dumbbell raises are what’s up. You don’t look cool especially when you start struggling but it’s worth it

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johnmarshall12's picture

Try holding dumbbells and pushing your arms straight back as much as you can for as many reps as possible!