DeeMan's picture
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+ 6 Opinion of society today


So this post doesn't need any karma votes so please no need to up vote. I recieved a comment from @Drexyl and @Glitch about what they thought society was like today. I have to admit they made damn good points. This is just general talk and I didn't want to clog up a certain src's SI with this topic so I decided to post this. In my opinion, I'm beyond blaming any political party or race for the chaos that has taken place among society. Not to be negative but I don't think things will ever go back to how things use to be. We've definitely lost our way and it seems that this is becoming acceptable among us. I do agree with drexyl that it seems that covid started a domino affect for chaos and violence. If anyone of you agree or disagree please feel free to voice your opinion. I'd definitely like to hear you out. I don't blame any political party or race..I blame evil, along with lies and misinformation.

Pale's picture

You could say most of these things at any point in the last 100 years or more. Society is constantly evolving and often times not for the better of humankind. Things can also be drastically different where you live from where I live. But I will say social media has in my opinion been the single biggest driver of the insanity we see today, not just by politics either. Advertisers are the ones in full control and hell bent on driving us off the cliff. We are way overdue for a Carrington level event anyway and when that happens the vast majority will likely die anyway. I am not a full on prepper but I encourage all of you to modestly prepare. And forget about what the village idiots think

DeeMan's picture

An overdue Carrington level event would be the right description no doubt. I may not be "old" but I did grow up under the old school upbringing. No interpersonal communication seems to even exist nowadays lol, which is a damn shame. And I 100% agree that social media has influenced alot of folks in the worst way. But hey, these are the times.

Drexyl's picture

I think it’s encouraged, there’s power in solidarity and numbers. The people in charge know if they can keep us separated, they will keep the control. We had video games when I was a kid, Atari and that stuff, but there’s guys now that adjust their lives for a video game. There were weak people before Covid, both physically and mentally. The lockdowns did nothing but exacerbate that. Imagine how pussified men will be in another 20 years? If society holds up that long.

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DeeMan's picture

Damn Atari, Nintendo...memories huh? Good ole days. We've definitely gotten away from those good times for sure. And yes separation is always the key to controlling folks, the strength always will be in numbers and those that know that will use that against those that don't know. So I follow what you're saying.

And yea weak minded folks always existed but it just seems that covid made them a bit more bolder. The shit that I'm seeing on the news now. Just my take on it.

Drexyl's picture

The Carrington event is a great topic. We are, as Pale stated, well overdue. Think for a minute if we lost our grids. Say even if power was restored, but all digital communications and networks were wiped out. Money is useless, no way to find out what’s going on. It really wouldn’t take long for things to come undone. My advice? Every time you go to the range to practice, buy an extra box or two of ammo. Although there seems to be a shortage of that lately too…

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Pale's picture

Guns and ammo are good and I have plenty but, if you have to bug out you will be limited on what you can carry. And don't plan on driving (realistically). So a high capacity rifle and a good pistol should be bare minimum. But also basic survival supplies. MRE type meals, water purification tabs, or life straws, fire starter. Multi tool, and just in case everything goes really bad including nuclear plant meltdown or war, Iodine. The more dense population area you reside in the more immediate danger you will be in. But even those of us out in BFE will have very real threats. Oh and perhaps buy some solar panels and convertors. There will not be gasoline and diesel around for very long

DeeMan's picture

But you know Drexyl at the end of the day we can prepare all we want but I do believe what's meant to be will be. Not saying we give up but at some point in my opinion things will get way worse and nothing can be done about that, again I have my personal thoughts on that and not being pessimistic lol.

DeeMan's picture

What you just mentioned is unthinkable man. I say that because folks damn near lost their minds during covid, which pretty much shut this nation down so I can't imagine anything worse than that but something worse could happen for sure. Man I'll say this, covid was a wake up call and seems like some didn't answer the call.

Pale's picture

I highly recommend you guys get the Catalyst 'Downward spiral" series of books. A great read and it is all about the aftermath of a strong solar flare/CME.

Going back on the covid comment. I think there are certainly people who took full advantage of the situation to be even bigger losers than they already were. But I believe even greater numbers took it as a wake up call and seriously tightened their game up. I know for me that was the case. I have been slowly stocking up on important things. Those losers won't last long when the next shock hits.

DeeMan's picture

And before I read this I just mentioned in my comment above that covid was a wake up call.

Pale's picture

The first book they practically give you

Also on youtube follow suspicious observers. Ben gets a little wild in his catastrophism but reports on the sun every single day. In the event of a CME we have a little time. Now a hard xray we only have 8 minutes but imo the CME is the larger threat.

this one on plasma filaments should sober just about anyone up. None of this is an if, it is all a when.

And the icing on the cake boys. Our magnetic field is getting weaker and weaker with the ongoing and rapidly speeding up pole shift. So by all means keep worrying about the woke, the fascists or the losers playing video games in moms basement....

alekaras's picture

The past 2 and half years, after covi shit storm ended I started working as a bouncer for a nightclub hear in my hometown, well of well shit is getting out of control...
1st 17 year old little girls dress up like whores
2 they do everything for a sniff of cokain!!
3 beg to be fucked cause the lads here in the same age are almost retarded..
The bigger guys 20 - 30 got no respect for older people fuck this and all that shit in a small town in Greece not even the capital....

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DeeMan's picture

Those bouncer days have long left me.

alekaras's picture

I don't like it at all brother tbh, but it's good money, helping paying the bills!!

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DeeMan's picture

I worked as a bouncer and security some years ago. I worked in sports bars and not the clubs but I can imagine what you saw and had to deal with.
You a swole dude so I know you didn't have any issues in Greece working in those clubs lol.

alekaras's picture

Nah no issues, just watching society gone to shit and kinda freaking out!!

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DeeMan's picture

Like a bad movie

alekaras's picture

Nice topic deep my man!! Shit got out of control imo!!

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DeeMan's picture

You better believe it! Thanks man.

NWApatches's picture

I've been all over the US in the last 8 years. Cities to towns to small communities are dirty, nasty, and fucked. Not what they should be. It's gang gang and drugs and more people lacking common sense than people that think rationally. The streets are DANGEROUS. Damn near everywhere too

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DeeMan's picture

Yep that's just the reality of it all. It's true. I've learned to control what I can because regardless what is said about humanity turning this whole thing around, I just don't see that happening. Now we do have a choice. There's always a choice.

NWApatches's picture

We could turn it around still. It's not hopeless yet but the buck has to stop with us. There can be no more gender fluid shit to start - eradicate chomos and break the gang chain cycle. I believe trump can make this country great again but WE AS PEOPLE CANNOT WAIT FOR OTHERS TO DO FOR US WE MUST DO FOR OURSELVES FIRST! RESTORE men and women. Shower our economy with money! And I kinda hate to say this but if your rapping about murder shit stick a murder charge on em. Kids in these streets wanna get a name for themselves when they could go into the workforce and make one hell of a respectable reputation through becoming the best at a trade. But MEN HAVE BECOME FUCKING WEAK. MOST LIVING OFF WOMEN. IMMMMM SICK!

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DeeMan's picture

Gang bangers or anyone that shoots folks for the hell of it need to be sent overseas to a war area. They'll get all the shooting practice they need.

NWApatches's picture

That's what's promoted now. I remember living on east coast being white in a predominantly black/cuban area having to pull up to gas pump with pistol showing because they'd tried a few times to take me. Carjackings, beatings, scams, people have become fucked off and MOST of them I believe have come to this way out of thinking/feeling the world has nothing in it for them. Nobody for them so they fall in with same like minded people and it just becomes worse... Hey I used to be the problem I'm speaking about now because I was YOUNG, STUPID, and wanted to be rich more than anything. Make fast money and die.i pray for people daily. The universe is consciously watching us all, @DeeMan

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Badgoat1's picture

I grew up in a mixed small town and we had the opposite experience everyone took care of everyone. Black, white, Hispanic didn't matter but I think alot is generational kids that grew up 80s and early 90s seem to be chill with just about everyone. But in high school I did notice that alot of the black kids who were usually making straight As seemed to quit caring and then I later found out that especially in poorer neighborhoods parents tell their kids that the only way to success is athlete, rapper or drug dealer so they just quit trying.

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DeeMan's picture

Your comment..they think the world has nothing in it for them ..really caught my attention because it's true. Without getting into it all, I've seen some things that you've mentioned. I tell guys all the time though, the surroundings or environment doesn't have to define you unless you let it. No need to give in or become a victim of it. Hell try your best to get away if possible and start anew. Choices

DeeMan's picture

We've always had a choice since our creation. Always been up to us. I'm not a Trump guy but I do agree with him on some issues.. But live you best life and control what you can.

Pumped_'s picture

Gotham City. We thought this type of world was only in Batman movies. Where villains are praised and law enforcement on the short end. Brazen crime.

Greg's picture

This is a scary and promising time. Mankind is suffering a crisis of meaning. Just like in the 60's and 70's people were "dropping out" they were experimenting with untraditional lifestyles, new religions, meditations, Mind altering drugs like LSD... even, a Jesus movement. There was a sense of what was desired, what was missing, in this USSR cold war, Vietnam war era. But, as a whole, every group had a different opinion on how to achieve this goal and what it should look like. There was no consensus, the ship was rudderless.

Today I'm seeing the same thing; a crisis of meaning and a rudderless ship. But here's the thing about a crisis. It forces you to look inward. It forces change because the old system isn't working anymore. Society reflects the individual. Think of society as a person wrestling with his demons, trying to sus out both the problem and the fix.

That which isn't working will be torn down or radically changed, Our banking system, education, dogmatic religions, corporate control over government...

I can already see the tides changing as people start to "drop out". Turn off the news, reconnect with people, improve themselves to walk in gratitude and service. Knowing that society will right itself as soon as we right ourselves.

In short, as things seem to fall apart, a renewal is taking place. You can fight and bitch and participate in the demise we see around us and live in angst and frustration. Or you can "drop out". Focus on the good in your life, be present, live in gratitude, and be in service to self, family, and those you encounter in your life. There's nothing you can do about the chaos so let go. Tend to what you do have control of.

Pale's picture

Very well said! I recently changed cable plans where you pick 15 channels. I left off all news channels. I don't post any of my personal pics and very little commentary these days on facefuck. But as we read deeper into this thread I am saddened at some of the kool aid drinking still happening. It isn't one party or even one person doing this. It is bigger and deeper than that but the buck stops with each and every one of us. Ifit also speaks wisely

DeeMan's picture

And they drinking the hell out of that kool aid! Some folks don't get it though and they never will unfortunately.

Pumped_'s picture

Its mostly in the US and its not political but one party has adopted some of the beliefs. Uts the "WOKE" movement that has deteriorated society. It first guised itself as the me too, then BLM, virtue signaling, attack on religion and so on. But the origin is this new anarchy movement. They are taught as long as YOU feel good them morality and other peoples feeling dont matter. Its a very selfish movement when the US has been taught selflessness throughout the years. Now the youth thats is attracted to anarchy has now adopted this new way of living no matter what was taught and learned by their elders. I dont know what the solution is because its getting worse by the year.

wanted's picture

Where living in a world where the workers get SCREWED
Your at work. Losers break in steal your shit
Your at work get paid they follow you home and steal your wallet or purse.
Yout beautiful new car STOLEN , or cut of your catalytic converter.
Robbers follow you home with door open pull gun. Then you pull your own registered carry gun CAUSE THE DOORS OPEN and family inside you shot to save your family. Robbers get away and THE POLICE TAKE your gun. So the robbers can come back and noway to defend yourself. Slice there F ING THROATS

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DeeMan's picture

Such a negative ass deranged social pessimist! Lol.

Nah man I can relate. I tend to pay attention to the times in which we live in and it definitely seems different. I clearly remember as a kid looking at the news at Grandma's house when it was a big deal when a kid was caught with a gun at that's the least that we gotta worry about, I don't have to mention the happenings with that.

Pumped_'s picture

We are going to see more vigilantes because of all that. We have no choice but to defend ourselves and defend others even at the cost of breaking some of the new laws.

iFit's picture

Seems that way but it’s all perspective. I’m guessing the same could said during many times in our past: civil war, Great Depression, Vietnam war, etc. Today it’s just in our face more because of technology. This too shall pass. Simple solution to avoid most anxiety… don’t watch or read the news or if you do be very aware of the bias that has always existed and the fact that they are in business to create worry.

DCBG78's picture

The pendulum seems to always swing too far in either direction but always corrects and will swing the other way too far. You are already seeing some of the more extreme ideas blowing up and moving back. Cancelling police and legalizing dangerous drugs have shown to be bad ideas and are wearing out their welcome. Hopefully things moderate and we can get a mix of everyone’s best ideas instead of each polarized side blindly following the crap they are fed.

DeeMan's picture

I understand but I just think this time in which we live in today is totally different and it will only get worse. Those times in which you speak of at least most folks had morals. No need for anxiety and panic because this is just the way it is. That's reality unfortunately

wanted's picture

Theres no morals and shitty parenting

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DeeMan's picture

Yea basically. Parents are trying to be their kid's best friend. Doesn't work like that. Never was meant to work like that.

iFit's picture

I look at it another way. Our differences keep us moving forward and evolving. Would sure be nice if we all got along, agreed on politics and policies and there was no violence and hatred. But that’s exactly what keeps us evolving and moving forward. I don’t think it will get worse but it will be different and no one likes change unless they initiate it themselves.

DeeMan's picture

Now to be clear..I don't want society to get worse.

DeeMan's picture

I agree we should initiate the change for the better. Yea man this is life as we know it and we just have to live it to the best of our ability. The world keeps moving forward. Thanks for your thoughts.

NWApatches's picture

It's simply us as people

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sandman3698's picture

Not sure about violence but def chaos. I dont know what happened but ever since covid, i feel like im surrounded by entitled, retarded assholes. Before thered be an asshole every now and again, or a retard wondering about. But now its like a huge chunk of people are a combination of all 3. Old, yound, left, right, religious, non religious. Its outta hand

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DeeMan's picture

I gotta agree with you on this. Just seems like Covid definitely made things alot worse as far as crime and folks just acting a damn fool. Alot of uncalled for shit to be honest... Fighting on airplanes, attacking the elderly unprovoked, catalytic converters being stolen..I can go on and on. Just seems like it's the beginning to a horrible ending. But hey just my opinion.

Bill1976's picture

Oh man.
I don’t even feel sorry for them lol.

Most people at these companies voted them in.

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winmag4582001's picture

Every evil thing in US history was perpetuated by Democrats, and they’re still doing it to this day.
During Covid Democrat leaders moved the majority of wealth and power into the hands of a select few. That select few are never going to give it back. Because of the lack of education, a lot of common people believe this is a good idea. It’s working exactly how they want it.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

World economic forum. Dems sold us out. Your right. Way too many uneducated commoners running a muck.

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DeeMan's picture

I see both Democrats and Republicans screwing things up and the congressional approval rating proves that lol. But hey this is the world we live in. It is what it is.