PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture
  • 26

+ 1 Immune response on cycle


9 weeks in on my cycle and got an infection on one tonsil... painful af to eat anything.Doctor cant figure out why, says its prolly something viral. Put me on antibiotic and steroid. From what little research ive read testosterone weakens the immune response. Only running test for last 12 weeks.
Question is this - Do I stop my cycle short, stay the course or reduce test from 450/week to 300/ week and ride it out then ramp back up after i heal?

ONESICK's picture

Get them bitches cut out. BOOM! No more tonsil infections lol.

ECinfidel's picture

They really try to avoid tonsil removal these days. Its just viewed as unnecessary at this point outside of serious cases. I've had serious tonsillitis on 3 different occasions over the past 25 yrs and each time they just dosed me w/antibiotics.

ONESICK's picture

Yea they do but when I was getting really bad infections. Almost weekly they grew double in size from all the inflammation. I didn't like the feeling of being on antibiotics 30 days at a time. The steroids they were giving me only would work when I took them. They weren't a solution, just masked the issue. Finally I went to an ENT doctor and he suggested a couple surgeries that greatly improved my quality of life. Tonsil surgery is probably the most painful thing I've ever felt in my life. That recovery was fucking brutal lol. My turbinectomy made my breathing so much better. It took about 9 months for me to fully feel the effects but it was life changing. No more infections and no more pain. I hate antibiotics so much because they kill all the good gut bacteria.

ONESICK's picture

My tonsils because they were twice the size of normal was causing me bad sleep apnea as well. After one year post surgery they did a sleep study on me and no more apnea. My BP was reduced significantly that It was no longer a risk.

JakeKO's picture

Gargle with original listerine, not the mint kind. That shot will clear up right away

press1's picture

Ya know originally the idea behind Listerine was that it was a 'Mouth Disinfectant' - no shit eh!!

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Makwa's picture

I would just stay the course. Meds should get you back on track. Ease up on the training though until cleared up because hard training puts a lot of stress on your CNS which can definitely affect your immune system.

press1's picture

Hey Mak - Random question for ya, are Sour Patch Kids sweets as big over there as they are here? Just found out they are the most popular sweet over here and we ship them in from the States Lol

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Makwa's picture

I don't know how popular they are with the general public but they are pretty much a staple food at all bodybuilding competitions. Handful of those with a little glass of red wine before stepping on stage and boom.....veins popping out on top of veins.

Nattyboomba's picture

Really?? That’s pretty cool. Why the wine?

Makwa's picture

Dilates the blood vessels

ECinfidel's picture

Fun fact- it's the malic acid used in the sour flavoring. Same stuff used in citruline malate. Also a vasodilator.

press1's picture

No Wayyyy!!! I love 'em - I bet its because they are the most sugary sweet going and they are pretty good at stopping hypos etc. They literally take up half the supermarket shelves here now they are so popular, then they don't get any in for months once sold out I guess because of shipping delays from so far away lol

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Mac12769's picture

I keep a huge bowlful of random gummies next to my bed for that Lol

press1's picture

Yeh but are they sour patch Mac?! If not you should introduce them into your life Lol I-m so happy

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Nattyboomba's picture

There are so many variations of sour candy & gummy’s here, but candy in general is truly everywhere - with sour gummy things being a huge percentage of what’s offered. When I was a kid there were hot balls with a spicy cinnamon flavor happening, but my daughter eats crazy hot Cheetos & impossibly blue colored spicy Takis and the sourest candies you could imagine. I wonder what her tastes buds & esophageal lining will look like in a few years….

press1's picture

Yeh Sour Patch Kid's ROOCCKKK Bro!!! Lol I do remember those really Hot Gobstoppers (what we call them here) We now have the Sour patch Cola bottles and other fruit versions too.

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Makwa's picture

Basically pure sugar. Start sweating from the sugar rush Lol
Got all kinds of sour patch stuff here. Worms, bears, dots, sour patch powder, sticks you dip into the sour stuff. Go into a gas station and there are a 100 different varieties at kid level just waiting to be snatched up.

alekaras's picture

I've had the same, will I was blasting, dropped everything and kept test as lower as possible, less then a week Iwas ready to go!!

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Hell yea thanks fo the input, i really dont wanna stop my cycle...i think with the spike in estrogen will boost my immune system.

alekaras's picture

The only ped if I recall correct that increases immune system is deca!

press1's picture

I keep telling ya Melv - Deep throat is a womans job not a man's!!! Lmao

Something to make you feel better bro!

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alekaras's picture


PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Lmao!! Cant figure out if its the dirty skally wags i go down on or from the raise i was tryna get at wrk. Maybe a combo of the two that has my throat about swelled shut... Took a long hot bath and thought about lil gypsy similar to the one u posted. Except she was 50lbs heavier and sweaty with a big hairy bush! Thanks Press you know what makes me smile bro!

press1's picture

LMFAO BUDDY!! You are Hilarious still even when you are fuckin ill Lol

Gotta be that Good Ass Skull F**kin you took at work - I know you'll of given it 110% effort Bro!

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

I just hope it was good enough to not get laid off..
Still cant get that taste out my mouth, been gargling salt water with no luck... might just try again to be sure that was tha cause...

press1's picture

Nah it will of been promotion worthy mate - have faith.

I know what you mean though, a killer sore throat is one of the worst feelings in the world. I had it when I got Covid for the first 4 days and that was no joke, followed by the rest of the time puking up thick mucus from my lungs. A feeling akin to swallowing razor blades I can imagine.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Damn that sounds rough...glad its not worse, atleast im not throwing up.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Yep they have a study released about HGH and covid. Basically pointing towards the fact that a lot of older people passed away due to lower Hgh levels then the younger population. Which makes sense.

But yes you are correct HGH will help regrow the thymus gland which sits between the top half of your two lungs. It shrinks as we get older, and this gland is responsible for producing our immune system cells. Some studies point towards the shrinkage of this gland as being one of the reasons we age. There are a few protocols out and about to help begin the regrowing of this gland with HGH and a few other supplements along with it. They have found that people who live to a really old age, that most of them have a larger thymus gland than those who passed at the average mortality age of their gender.

Good call

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Hell yea thanks big dog... im praying i can recover quickly... Ima try and give hot epsom salt bathes a go.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Thanks Rust-Dog.