Brozowski265's picture
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+ 5 Wreckage of our past

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Hello everybody. It's been a while since I posted.
Regardless how far you have come in life,recovery, how fast you think you are, the past always catches up.
And their comes a time. When you keep running or stand your ground., when pride stands in your way , you will be humbled. Being humbled is such a pivital part of the growing process. No matter your length of sobriety. (Humility) " is not thinking less of your self, but thinking of your self less"
I've been reading the current comments and it brings me joy of more people becoming involved in this group.
We only have today my brothers
I hope everyone is welll......and if your not...
Tomorrow's another day for change..
24 hours is not long.. keep holding on.

Donvitos08's picture

Sorry I am a little late to the party but thank you for the words of encouragement needed this today.

Iroids's picture

Thank you for your kind words, bright man. It is interesting to know that there are people who do not give up, no matter what remain true to themselves and their faith. For me that is the highest degree of respect. I wish you to be healthy in body and spirit, strong and surrounded by goodness and honor. All the best and God's blessings to all who are here. I'm with you guys!

Ezli631's picture

Thanks for the post bro!

Diesel22's picture

Thanks brother - nice read

Jonny_Thunder_76's picture

Thank you for the reminder and the encouragement. I was down with the flu last week. Benning physically ill or hurt is always a challenge for me and my recovery, cuz it's so easy to think there's a quick fix to feeling better. But not once did I wanna pick up (although I spent a bunch of money on a stupid phone game, that's where my disease hit me).

It's so awesome seeing all the brothers and sisters in recovery on here doing the do. Love you all!

Brozowski265's picture

I know call of duty is killing me.
Had to go back home and take care of old charges I got dropped. Hints why I haven't been on. But. Our disease manifests in so many ways.
Cunning baffling and powerful.
I'm glad to meet ya my brother.
Much luv

press1's picture

Hi Buddy - Great to see you back on again Smile I noticed you hadn't been on in some time and thought you may have some loose ends to tie up with things, but knew when you were able to you'd be back on again Good

Brozowski265's picture

Hey my guy!. Yea it's been a min. And they are tied my bro!. Glad to see yall

Jonny_Thunder_76's picture

You as well dude. I wish I had an excuse of it being a game like call of duty but it's just some cheese ball game Mr autofire that I downloaded from the Play store. I would be embarrassed to tell you how much I've spent in the last couple weeks. Lol