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get well, little charity, in the ordinary sense of the word, is needed or wanted. The men who cry for money and shelter before conquering alcohol, are on the wrong track. Yet we do go to great extremes to provide each other with these very things, when such action is warranted. This may seem inconsistent, but we think it is not.

It is not the matter of giving that is in question, but when and how to give. That often makes the difference between failure and success. The minute we put our work on a service plane, the alcoholic commences to rely upon our assistance rather than upon God. He clamors for this or that, claiming he cannot master alcohol until his material needs are cared for. Nonsense. Some of us have taken very hard knocks to learn this truth: Job or no job - wife or no wife - we simply do not stop drinking so long as we place dependence upon other people ahead of dependence on God

God was really with me today,
got hired on a new job after my relapse and being off work for 2 months. I was really excited and all my prayers were answered, the feeling of being able to get back on track and getting finances in order , and I'm talking to the guys and asking questions. And found out we only get paid (once a month!!)
I was devastated. With child support, mortgage. Bill's
Its like I take 2 steps back every time I take a step.
I walked away. Pissed. This would usually make me drink. The notion of uncertainty and fear
2 hours later the boss calls me, saying they are changing to every 2 weeks, and he wants me to come back tomorrow, in just an hour of working there today. Being sober and having faith I was gonna be okay.
Really just felt good, to have reliance on God.
I would never would of. Been able to handle this drunk. I would of got drunk because of fear like this. I'm just grateful,

AUTO51's picture

Wow~! Faith and Love. Sometimes we just have to ask for what we need. I love that you see this as God's Love in action. I got many of those Miracles too. Personally, I think this was a case of Humans making better choices for ourselves. God of my understanding doesn't really care about my paycheck or the balance of my checking account, or if life is fair. My God wants me to do those things here today like you just did. You made that happen.

press1's picture

Proof that Good things happen to Good people mate Good

Drink might make you forget about things for an hour, but it will make everything way worse overall. Stay sober, always ready for that call and always ready for action.

Brozowski265's picture

Yes sir .hope your having a great day my Bro

CHIMAIRA75's picture

Congratulations on the job! Having difficulties with that myself due to an extensive criminal record. I will not let it beat me, I will not let it take me out. Just have to have faith and give it to the god of my understanding to take the helm. Without faith that my higher power will make it right, I'll be right back where I started. Keep the faith! One day at a time.

Brozowski265's picture

Oh I get that. I'm a welder and in the industrial field sometimes it's hard for me. I have a felony because of my lying daughters mother. I get turned down with such badass jobs. And it's so frustrating man. But if we gave faith. It alot easier.

Man total humility

AngryJohnny7448's picture

Congrats on the new job! That's definitely a God wink. Pay it back with gratitude.

Brozowski265's picture

Of course!