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+ 8 Life on life's terms

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I heard in a meeting from one of my previous sponsors. About life on life's terms,
I know we all have heard it ,the ile cliché, he was saying he trys to live "life's of GODS terms" as life is hard,unforgiving,strenuous and can kick you down and keep you down,

I've been living for myself,my job status, my girl and what I can have in life,
And recently I have relapsed, after a few years.
Been living life in life's terms.
I Foret who runs the show
And it's always god. Whatever my understanding is.

If I don't keep him first I always end up last.
I hope yall been good and staying strong.
I had to come be honest
And it's still bad out there, if ya wondeeing

AngryJohnny7448's picture

Thanks for the share. Self will or Gods will is a slippery slope. Working on 6-7 daily and it's a tuff thing to do. Getting honest and over ourselves definitely one of the keys.

Brozowski265's picture

Thanks bro glad your here

AUTO51's picture

Thank you for the reminder. i must be vigilant against relapse. So sorry to hear of your trouble.
Surrendering self-will
"We want and demand that things always go our way. We should know from our past experience that our way of doing things did not work."Basic Text, Narcotics Anonymous p. 93

Brozowski265's picture

Thank you bro. Glad to see ya here

press1's picture

Hope you are keeping well Auto Yes 3

press1's picture

Ohh Buddy I hate seeing you sound and talk like this, this isn't the Strong and Happy person I know Sad

What's happened, what's caused this?

Brozowski265's picture

I put everything above my recovery. And relapsed. And spendthrift last month in my addiction and then laid in bed and ate and just was in a huge depression
I have 1 week sober today my bro

press1's picture

Well Done Mate!!! Brilliant to hear Good By the way you sounded I thought you were still drinking.

Brozowski265's picture

No sir thank the gods Smile

press1's picture

God's gonna sit this one out Lol - This is all YOU and your will power Good

press1's picture

YOU gotta start living YOUR life on your terms mate - YOU decide every single day how that day is going to turn out, it doesn't always turn out the way we want it to no - but you can decide if its out the bottom of a dead end bottle or if you want it to start feeling well, productive and honest to yourself again like it use to. What do you really want for yourself bud? because you know and I know it isn't living life in a haze and numbness that is shitty boring alcohol.

I've just let 90 new members into the group that were pending, we need you here again pal helping others because we both know you are way better at these posts than me!! LOL Come on man!! Smile