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+ 10 Shoulders - Giant sets


So just ran through this at 6am this morning. Want to get some blood into your delts? Here we go....

Shoulders are made up of three heads, so can be a lengthy workout to truly exhaust all three. I'm going to put a huge quantity of reps through your shoulders here in about 45 minutes. If it takes longer, you're dicking around too much chatting / texting etc between sets. I keep using this word, INTENSITY.

Warm up - cuff stretching, Very light pressing, 10, 20kg dumbells.

Giant set 1

Dumbell press - Set of 20
Upright row - Set of 20
Side Lateral raise - Set o 20
Front overhand cable raise - Set of 20.

No gaps, straight into the next exercise. 2 minutes rest, hit it again. Run giant set 3 times. You've done 240 reps by now already.

Giant set 2
Front dumbbell raise - Set of 15
Cable side lateral - Set of 15
Front ez curl bar underhand grip raise - Set of 15
Front plate raise with twist - Set of 15

Same rules, no gaps, run it three times. 420 reps done.

Giant set 3
Rear dumbbell flyes - Set of 15
Cable face pulls - Set of 15
Hammer strength press drop set, 6,8,10,15,25 reps dropping weight throughout.

Same rules, no gaps. 612 reps completed.

Job done. Whey and dextrose, eat half an hour later, recover. Your shoulders should be smashed by now and pumped beyond the norm.

Enjoy. Apologise for the soreness in advance Smile

SenseiMiagi's picture

Did this routine today. Not gonna lie, didnt complete 100% of the reps, but damned close. Couldnt do the drop set at the end on hammer press either, stuck with single set of 15. Ouch. Good shit. Nothing better than a 275lb man slinging the sub 30 db's like a BOSS! Haha, i have a feeling as I sit here on my couch tomorrow will be a sore day. Thanks for posting

Sparty's picture

Same here- crushed it this morning (or more accurately it crushed me). Terrific high volume workout.
I did the drop sets on a Hammer stack and could only press the handles for the last set of 25...and couldn't finish that.

Catalyst's picture

Lol I've seen 150lb kids staring at me with a 30Kg bar doing front raises and you can almost see them thinking "is that it?".

SenseiMiagi's picture

Haha, yeah its funny, but they dare not say anything do they.

skarates's picture

Sent you a FR catalyst if you don't mind me asking a few questions

Catalyst's picture

No problem mate.

skarates's picture

Thanks for the workout catalyst. Gave this a go today and after the first giant set I went to the cable to lower it from the top to the bottom for cable lateral raises. That was a struggle in itself. Such an amazing pump in my shoulders. I don't know if I want to share this with my friends or let them envy my results from it. Thanks again. Gonna try some of the other workouts this week that you have posted

Catalyst's picture

Just watch overdoing it at first, give yourself adequate recovery time. Don't underestimate how taxing this is on you training in this way.

Pale's picture

Excellent brother. Thank you for taking the time to share that. I have had to really baby my left shoulder for what seems like eons now. Got rid of the bursitis only to have one of the left rear rotator muscles (I think) act up. Just been staying on the light side and concentrating on getting them pumped instead of throwing weight..

Today was shoulders.

started with just a barbell, standing overhead presses, 3x20
seated dumbell raises at only 25lb 7 sets of 15 down to 12
seated front raises at 30-35 x 7 sets 15+ per side
Arnold presses at 50lb for 12 reps at the end transition to one arm alternating presses to fail x 10 sets.
Behind the back angled raises on the smith (rear delt) compounded with narrow grip front raises x 8 sets. The narrow grip front raises really seem to hit.
rear delt flys x 8 sets

And then I was done. Wasn't my best day but decent.

Catalyst's picture

Once you've built a reasonable amount of mass you really don't need to keep smashing big weights all the time. I'm done with 30kg side laterals and 60kg dumbbell presses, I've had enough surgery already.

Word of advice though, get it checked if it carries on. Take it from a man that trained through a nasty shoulder injury for too long.

Pale's picture

Yes, I am keenly aware of the pain levels. If it doesn't let up or gets worse I will definitely get after it.

Catalyst's picture

Definitely do. Mine really wasn't that painful, so I naturally assumed it was nothing to get excited about. When the surgeon how bad it was on a scales of 1 to 10, I said 3. When he reviewed the MRI he was shocked at the damage. I really wasn't being a hero, it wasn't that painful. Ironically, it certainly was after the surgery.....

Catalyst's picture

Personally I mix it up every time. If you looked at my last 8-10 shoulder workouts they'd all be fairly different. I tend to alternate rep ranges between low weight with high volume and higher wright lower volume. What I rarely do these days is real heavy for any sustained period. Too many aches / pains / injuries now catching up with me!

Jae86's picture

+1 doing it this weekend, thanks for sharing

simba22's picture

thats damn hard work this workout.
how are your personal experiences with it?
just a good pump or growing as well`?

Catalyst's picture

I wouldn't put myself through it just for a pump mate!

Definite growth, I've put most of the muscle back on I lost after two rotator cuff surgeries in ten months. Not just size, dense muscle tissue.

We are all different and we also change as we get older. I don't achieve a lot by going heavy heavy heavy all the time these days, I've done that for over twenty years and I'm getting more aches and pains than I used to! This sort of training works for me, in fact it works for everybody I've tried it on.

humpnpump's picture

Adding this to my favorites. Cat you know how to bring the pain, I'm beginning to think you're not a BB, but one of those S&M masters??

In a promo × 1
Catalyst's picture

Could be a potential sideline income ;)

How's things for you H? Still adding some thickness?

humpnpump's picture

Yeah I've added nice lean mass, I added a few things to dry me out a little here at the end of my cycle. Chest really is popping with the routine you laid out thanks a million. I'll out up a pic in a few days to show what your high volume workout has achieved for an ole chap like me.

In a promo × 1
Catalyst's picture

Look forward to it. I love seeing others benefit and grow.

Makwa's picture

Might have to wait till I run a cycle again to try this one. I may never recover from it otherwise. Who am I kidding, I'll be trying it this weekend. Hopefully I'll be recovered from your chest workout by then Smile

Makwa's picture

Off to the gym now to give this one a go.

Makwa's picture

I have to say this is one of my favorite shoulder workouts so far. Had to use both hands to keep my water bottle steady so I could lift it up and take a drink. Sore shoulders this morning which usuallly doesn't happen to this extent.

DBG's picture

I used to do something similar years ago...straight brutalizing the delts!! High reps and lots of volume only way to get those fuckers huge IMO. No need to lift heavy on such small muscles like that. Love it man!!

TrenjaminFranklin's picture

I like it. I was literally just thinking about how I needed a new delt routine. I'll do it tomorrow and let you know how I like it. Sounds grueling -- my kind of fun.

Catalyst's picture


You sound like you've got the same sort of distorted view of the word "fun" that I have mate Smile

Go destroy those delts.

MusicMan's picture

I like, thank you +1

SenseiMiagi's picture

Holy shit...i think by the end Id be doing only my fists for weight.

Catalyst's picture

It's certainly not a routine where you're going to shift a lot of weight.