tony716's picture
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+ 2 T3 & T4 or T3 vs T4


Hello everyone I'm new to the site and have read so much on this topic but its all contradictory. Is there any definitive proof of which is better for fat loss T3 or T4 or the combination of both.
I would really appreciate any help you all can provide.

Great to be a part of this site.

Capt Forest's picture

If a person has a good diet and cardio routine in place t3 will dramaticly increase your resutls. If a person sucks at diet and exercise do not expect it to really show results.

I am using t3 at 75mcg ed and i can feel the increase in my body temp i am constantly sweating and most of the time i am not all that comfortable. Its for sure helping me shread cause i am putting in the proper trainning and diet to reach that goal.

binary's picture

I personally don't use it.....or clen Like a lot of people I read all the hype and used both of these compounds in addition to diet/cardio/training. We all want to look better, but personally I want to feel better too. T3 and clem both made me feel like shit. As for T3..all I did was sweat a lot, and was weak/lethargic in the gym. If it did anything fat loss wise...I didn't notice.

Phlegon's picture

I have a question about T3 and why it's considered dangerous. I've never used it and don't plan too (although hypothyroidism runs in my family, so I might be prescribed something in a few years, I dunno). From what I've read it's really easy to lose muscle using it - which if you are trying to lose weight seems paradoxical to me, since when you stop using it you will have less muscle and as a result your metabolism will slow down.

All of that said, I'm not clear on why it's considered dangerous? Is it because you could reduce your own production of T3, much like steroids can reduce your own production of Testosterone (potential to give yourself low T for life)? So you'll have a harder time losing weight in the future, basically.

Or is it dangerous in another way? Could it kill/cripple/etc you like DNP might?

birdbear27's picture

K so you want to see your abs. You wanna get lean. I already explained what it takes and Nitti reiterated it. It's in the diet bro. Take all the drugs you want, it wont do you any good if your diet sucks ESPECIALLY at 20% bf. If you don't wanna listen to me you could at least listen to the expert level mod with 1700+ karma. I can help you with a diet format in pm if you want. Or you can cruise the nutrition section and learn a lot there.

Nitti's picture

T-3 is a horrible compound. T-4 is supplemented when t-3 is used because gets depleted. Most instances ppl use clen which drops t-3 so that's supplemented and then t-4 I think your bf is too high. Even if it weren't you shouldn't use that crap. It's horrible for you and will fuck with your thyroid. The best way to drop bf is the way you follow through on the right diet and training. It's not what you want to hear but it's the truth.

You said you've found contradictory info. That should tell you something right there

birdbear27's picture

So why did you say tren?, Tony?

Are you running tren? Are you thinking tren will burn fat?
Give us some stats, cycle history, and what your goals are, and we'll work from there.

Nitti's picture

Yo wtf is goin on in here? Why do you guys have to throw insults around and talk shit? Everyone isn't on the same level. Everyone doesn't know details on how this site works or how to operate. They learn just like you did. Sometimes with tough love but it doesn't have to be flat out disrespectful. Since when do we just blast new guys? I don't like that shit! If you try to help and they still don't get it, do what you gotta do but don't just slam them because you've been here a few months longer. Cut the shit!

Citrinite's picture

What's your BF%? Are you running any hormones? I would be careful with T3 because abuse can lead to muscle loss fast. 25mcg is more of a replacement dose while 50mcg is probably best for protein synthesis, wouldnt go higher that 50mcg unless running cycle with it. T4 is better used if your using HGH with it.

birdbear27's picture

The most anabolic substance in the world is the also the greatest fat burner in the world.
Food. The right food. Figure that out and the gains will be plentiful.

T3 is an awful substance that can leave you fucked up if things go wrong. T4 is safer and more mild. But why waste your money and risk the consequences when theres so many ways to achieve the effects of T3/T4 without ever touching those drugs? Unless you have a damn good reason to use those things, you have no reason to use it.