+ 1 First Cycle Help Post
Hey Guys, been lurking in here for a little and reading over the vast information you have to offer. I obviously tried to take the advice given in many of the posts, to create a post with as much detail as i can give, which is what this post will be.
29yrs old weighing 215lb with a ~19% BF. Have been lifting for aprox 6 years with the last 4 mainly focused on powerbuilding. Ive done my fair share of homework over the years between lifting nutrition etc. i was once obese teetering almost 300lbs until i took my life under control and got down to 165lb being roughly 10%bf. I looked unhealthy almost as my coach then attempted no type of muscle preservation during a 6 week cut in which i lost 20lbs, after spending the prior 6 months losing about 40 more lbs.
Since then my diet has not been super strict, but steadily bulking and cutting with no coach, getting some pretty decent gains and breaking through PRs on every aspect of training. Current split is 4 days on 2 days cardio with upper/lower split. I usually do 10-15 walking before workouts. This will continue through the proposed cycle, with my coach and i planning to continue to get heavier with the weights towards spring time, where we will look to set new PRs.
My diet is 2665/2185 cals split like 320/200 carbs 200g protein and 65g of fats. I split this into 5 meals with a carbless meal as my last meal, and most carbs planned around training time. 40g intra workout. I mostly eat lean meats, with rice or sour dough and try for fruit or veggies with every meal. I shoot for 25g of fiber per day as well as a gallon of water. This will continue to increase into the spring time as well, and will probably end near the 3500 calorie mark on training days.
For the cycle, i plan to do 300mg test c for 12 weeks. Split into two inj monday and thursday. Ive used inj carnatine, glutathione and choline so that i could familiarize myself with pinning. I have armidex, nolva and clomid as well on hand. I see varying amounts of AI but my thoughts are .25 per week?? Could use some guidance for this, but also plan for mid cycle bloods to gauge either way. The PCT will begin 2 weeks after last inj and be 2 weeks 100/40mg then the last two weeks 50/20mg. Training will slow down to PCT correctly and let body heal, but food will remain the same, def want to keep the gains.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve or advice, i definitely welcome this.
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Bloods 2
Gonna post bloods, e was def low to begin with.
Definitely get bloods before starting an AI like Jockstrap mentioned below. I made the mistake of jumping the gun on my first cycle and ended up crashing my e2 for the first two months. Definitely not fun! You seem to have done your research but don’t be afraid to ask here if anything comes up. The one thing I would suggest is to consider cutting down to at least 15% before starting your cycle, it is a pain and I know you want to start now but it will really benefit you in the long run. Lower bf% means less aromatization and less sides plus I assume you will be bulking on cycle so you will gain some fat along with muscle. If you start at 20% you’ll end up at 25% or more and have to cut a lot to see the results of all your hard work.
I 100% considered this, and i definitely read that its better to start at a lower BF. I dont know how to go about losing bf in the beginning of a bulk though, as we just started increasing calories. My last cut i wasnt in the right mind set, but also my body leans towards endomorph as i find it hard to lose but gain easy.
Blood test end week 4. Theres forums in here with links to testing sites/locations so its yours and not shared or distributed. Then you can gauge adex at .25e3rd day and retest 2 weeks later. Low e2 can cause issues as can high e2.
Food and gym is your top goal. Roids simple speed recovery. Good luck!! Read forums to so more of your questions and answers are covered thoroughly
Raisingiron88Are there any shops you recommend over others I stay in the US. also what payment method is easiest for that site.
I forgot to mention, i got pre cycle bloods done, waiting for the results.