Cyrus The Virus2's picture
Cyrus The Virus2
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33 and starting TRT


Hey folks. Been a long time since I was on this site. I've been an athlete my entire life. Used gear a few times when not competing to see how far I could push myself. Always PCT'd pretty well. Only had 1 bad PCT where I bought bad meds. I've only ran 6 cycles in my entire life. Couple pure Test 500ml/week 10 week cycles. Couple where I stacked Equipose (now can you guess one of my sports? =P). So that's my backstory.

I haven't used gear the last 4 years. Since my last cycle I felt like I never really recovered. Been having bouts of ED and some mild depression. Took off the shelf natural test boosters to no effect. Had a bad run with no health insurance so I didn't go get labs done until 3 months ago. Test was at 142! Dr. had me wait 3 months and run it again. 140 again. Do you think I broke my natural test? I never ran labs before so I don't know if I always had lower range test to begin with. But is 140 really low for a 33 year old?

Anyway, just got off the phone with the Dr and she's calling me in a RX for a vial. Guess I'm on the TRT train! It'll be nice to finally test some real pharma grade stuff. I've only used underground labs before.

Droid2017's picture

142 at age 33! Wow... and I thought my 230 (at age 42) was "borderline" low.... Sorry to hear that man. I understand its so frustrating dealing with all this .... good luck!

BigYamy's picture


Very similar background here! I started TRT about a year ago and it has completely changed my life. Energy level returned like I was 20, libido is through the roof (wifey loves that), and my overall mental well being has improved.

The maintenance involved is actually enjoyable to me, it becomes a ritual just like working out. My wife gives me most of my shots.


Greg's picture

Guess I'm on the TRT train!

Seriously? Excited and eager to get "the good stuff"?
Sorry to break it to you, this'll get old fast... on the bright side, after the first injection you'll only have 3,224 more to go. No matter where life finds you, you'll need to find time to pick up your prescription every 2 or 3 weeks ( they will not mail it) and remember to inject once a week. be it vacation, business trip, illness, jail... whatever life tosses at you.

Yippee! I'm a slave to the needle for the rest of my life! WooHoo!

CustyDog's picture

I definitely get the slave to the needle part. I found it humorous. You are making it sound much worse then what it is. I have been on TRT for a year now, it hasn't interfered with my life. It has definitely made my quality of life better. Also, I am not on TRT because i burnt my natural production of test. Its from blunt force trauma to my balls when I was 12.

Greg's picture

You are making it sound much worse than what it is.

Deliberately so. It is a sarcastic rephrasing of the posters exuberance, and, I question his need and motive.

I've been on TRT 5 or 6 years now. After a while it does get old, and is a pain in the ass when you travel abroad, go boating, camping, being extremely sick, etc. And it's not just the weekly shot, It's bloods, doctor's, prescription renewals, prescription pickups (they will not mail), acquiring peripherals and maintaining inventory,

KMC's picture


to pick up your prescription every 2 or 3 weeks

I get mine 6 months at a time,......... age has it's privileges.

But once a week is still a pain in the ass (I pin quads).

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Drago's picture

I just have to know something. How old were you for your first cycle and what did you take?

Cyrus The Virus2's picture

25 years old at first cycle. 500mg Test E for 8 weeks. Did the same cycle about 9 months later. Did it again a year later only for 10 weeks. Had a bad PCT that had me taking fake clomid for a month. Got real clomid and did basically PCT all over again. 4th-6th cycle I ran 250 test E and 600 Equipose for 12 weeks. Really liked those. Minimal weight gain. Didn't have to use Aromasin. Had good endurance but mainly it helped me push hard without getting sore or having to take recovery days. I've never done any crazy mixtures or any complicated cycles. I did experiment with front loading test suspension and really liked it. But I noticed I gained a lot of water weight and didn't dig that so I didn't use it for the last 3 cycles.

giardap's picture

You're not being entirely truthfull, either with us or with yourself
I've read your old profile posts

giardap's picture

Sorry to hear about depression and test level's.

So what's the plan for next steps?
I'm presuming you have one, beyond treating symptoms that is?

(full homo)

Cyrus The Virus2's picture

Well, the next 6 months will be working out dosage to get me to a normal level. I'm not looking for more than 600 levels. I've got pretty good genetics and I'm not looking to have people asking if I'm juicing. I've had that issue with cycles before and it bothers me. If having T levels in the normal range fixes my symptoms then I'll just cruise indefinitely. With my insurance it's only about $10 a month for the current dosage. Hell, I spend more than that on chewing gum. Labs every 3 months to make sure everything else is okay. I'm not excited about TRT. But I am looking forward to feeling "right" again. I tried all kinds of things. Paleo diet, sleep studies, allergy tests, different medications, etc. My Dr. never once mentioned low T. I brought it up on a whim one visit. So no, other than treating symptoms, I don't have a plan. Is there something else I should be looking into? I'm all ears.

giardap's picture

Sounds like a tough road to get to where you are at now.
Well, I'm just always curious about the approaches people and docs take to these things. Test being just one component in the system, seems like a valid idea to quickly get test levels up (that's done in 1 shot but of course dialing it and estrogen in is another thing). But once test levels are up and u feel better, what about further exploring and ideally fixing the underlying problem? Clomid therapy is an example...
Just thinking out loud and curiosity has the best of me... the alternative being treating symptoms for life...

I think half the controversy/debate on TRT in the med profession is the issue of treating symptoms versus treating hypogonadism itself...?

(full homo)

IrishMack's picture

You make it sound like you hit the lottery, grats on fucking up your axis? It wont be much of a train ride after 5 years. We all look forward to your 10 cycles a year train ride, no offense. My estro is in check and I think I need to let it rise.

giardap's picture

I just read through a lot of posts/pics/cycle history and pct discussion from OP.
You actually hit the nail on the head straight off
Spot on

Cyrus The Virus2's picture

Perhaps you misunderstand my happiness at finding and fixing my problems. I'm a pretty fit guy. Not a body builder physique but I am an athlete in other areas. Low T wasn't even on my radar. I really don't think my relatively minor gear usage over the course of a decade is the cause of my low T either. Sorry if it came off that way. Like I said, I PCT'd by the book and rebounded well. Only once did I have a rough go and that was from some bad clomid. My last cycle 4 years ago I pct'd by the book. I've just been feeling off for a long time. Doc did a ton of blood work. Been on an antidepressant, mild anxiety meds, no relief. I finally asked for a test panel. Bingo. Although she RX'd 200mg of test cyp every 2 weeks. I think that's a bit low to feel a difference with my test levels so low to begin with.

IrishMack's picture

Did you know antidepressants decrease your test levels? So does depression? If you were fine up until you started those meds you found the real answer and it wasnt hrt.

Cyrus The Virus2's picture

Okay I'm not sure if you are trolling me or not. If I was feeling okay then why would I have tried antidepressants or anti anxiety meds. They didn't help and so I'm not taking them any longer. Come on man. Why are you being so combative?

IrishMack's picture

If i sound combative its not meant to. Just checking.

Cyrus The Virus2's picture

No worries then bud. A lot gets lost in text versus actual conversation.

Jayzgainz's picture

This could be a good billboard/warning sign to others on why to get lab work done pre and post cycle If you had then you would have known that you were low or not before and wouldn't have to question yourself as to did you fuck it up. Anyway. Welcome back.

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