icemanrrc's picture
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No more alcohol. What can I take for a buzz?


I can’t have any alcohol at his time but would like something that will give me a buzz or something to take the edge off. I took soma one time, but getting a little difficult to find. Any suggestions?'s picture

just smoke some bud bro, do not turn to pills that never ends well.

Soulja's picture


SL's picture

I smoke amazing nug and wax lol

Soulja's picture

We would get along rather well.

Soulja's picture

Very liver toxic though.

Greg's picture

With all the recent news I read this as "Kavanagh is sold in stores and you can buy very concentrated forms of it online and those will give you a slight head change."

I nearly deleted it

Greg's picture

Samoan people have to take more or stronger versions of most drugs to get high and they use Kava a lot

Same could be said about native central americans chewing coca leaves... It also causes liver damage and can make depression worse.

vhman's picture

I have many Poly friends and they all say kava is very hard on your system and organs. Prolonged use is not recommended.

PS: I tried it when I was a teen several times and never felt much. Kind of relaxed and that was it.

Drock_357's picture

Shit man, the human body has everything you need to get high....adrenaline......I’m not saying to go BASE jumping without a chute but tapping into ones inner self has been the best high I’ve ever experienced....( with exemption to the Guns N’ Roses concert in89)........swim with sharks, ride a roller coaster, climb a mountain, strap your ass on a bull ( personal favorite)......find what excites you, no homo, and go for it.... life is way to short to be hung up on a petty things like alcohol to have fun

tattoofreak's picture

Motorcycles Smile

Ozninjaguy's picture

Good suggestion Bro!

chunkypbnj's picture

Pussy!! New, fun, pussy!

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Fangsharp's picture

Once you get to that place when you don't need times of your life will happen.

flacidego's picture

Go fishing instead. Get a buzz off of being in nature by the water. I took up fishing 2 years ago and spend more time with my kid now instead of getting drunk with my buddies and being an ineffective parent the next day because of a hangover. I get up at 5:30am every other Saturday to fish. When I get a fish to hook up, time stops and I don't have a care in the world. I feel like a hunter/gatherer and get a buzz off of that and being in nature with my kid. Anyhow, try fishing if you haven't or get back to it.

Bill G's picture

Honey bees ! They will give you a buzz

Yuu's picture

What about a good old smoke?

Pale's picture

How about get high on life?

wanted's picture

I get buzzed on life man
I havent had a sip of alcohol in 11 months..
I did it for myself, it sure as hell wasnt easy. I think about it everyday BUT IM NOT even gona take a sip and go backwards WHEN ive made it this far without any..and to be honest one sip would probably lead to more.. im not willing to take that chance.. life for everybody isnt easy. We all have lost someone close and it hurts. But im go meet this shit head on and sober.. and be a better MAN
And trust me NOT DRINKING makes us all a better person
You had a rough day. Go to the gym, spend time with your family. Take the dog to the dog park. LIVE LIFE ..
Sorry for the rant but alcohol kept me down for along time and i didnt realize it at the time. Goodluck man. I hope you find what your looking for. CAUSE I FOUND ME

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press1's picture

One sip will definately lead to more man, and within 48hrs you'll be right back where you started - In Hell. Never ever think you can play with the devil and not get burnt, I found the first 2.5 years the easiest then after that it gets tough as the rose tinited glasses come off but thats where training and reminding yourself just how bad things were come in.

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Sam I Am's picture

Go to the gym...

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press1's picture

Took the words right outta my mouth ..Who needs drink when you can have a barbell & some 45's

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Greg's picture

It's a shame Iceman isn't chill without a fix.

icemanrrc's picture

Yes, it is. I’ve had to deal with a lot of stuff bro. I’ve had family members killed, job situations, every day life stuff that drove me over the edge. I put the bottle down on my own. I’m just looking for a safer, legal way to deal when life seems unbearable so I won’t ever go back to alcohol. If you want to judge me for that, go ahead.

Greg's picture

Are you special? Dude, I'm 59 years old. My life has been an e ticket ride. Been there done that. From shooting up meth and living in my car to living in a lakeside home with a wonderful family. So yeah, I can judge. My story is not unique, and neither is yours.

Others have since posted several alternative ideas. None of which require getting high. The choice you want to make is like eating simple carbs --get that brief "relief" and crash. You need to change your "diet".

That said, a daily dose of CBD oil can relieve a lot of stress and anxiety. It will not get you stoned (depending on purity and dose) Some issues can be clinical but I suspect if that was the case here you'd be seeking a doctors help not posting on eroids how to get a buzz.

Gh0st's picture

Well said.

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Ozninjaguy's picture

"My story is not unique, and neither is yours." - good post. We all have stories that are different but also the same.

press1's picture

Hey man, nothing to be ashamed of. I've been there myself.

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Ozninjaguy's picture

Yes, seems a contradictory moniker.

333's picture

Why not just be sober nothing wrong with that

GizmoDuck's picture


Carlos Danger's picture

Kava is pretty fun with the right crowd. I have some friends from Fiji who introduced it to me. Very chill but it was definitely a good time. Has some safety concerns but legal in the US

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Ozninjaguy's picture

Maybe you should do a little research mate. If you are running orals or gear that can stress the liver - I would certainly avoid this stuff.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Good reads - “There is no link to liver damage with water-based root extracts of Kava Kava.” This seems to be the best way to consume Kava, if someone is interested in trying it.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Try Kratom. There are several different varieties which have different effects. It not a 'stone' but some do make you feel relaxed.I got a little from it, I definitely felt more 'chill.' Apparently it will affect some people and not others, so the jury is out on it's supposed effects. If you are in the USA it's legal in the majority of States.

333's picture

That stuff is getting people addicted to heroin

Ozninjaguy's picture

Really? Got some evidence to support that? My understanding is that some people are using it to deal with opiate withdrawal, but that some people can also become addicted to it and suffer similar symptoms of withdrawal to those of opiates. Maybe that's what you mean. Also - I believe that there are people who have addictive personalities and easily become addicted to things that the average person doesn't.