Benny1818's picture
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Ventro glute test c injection


Hi, any inject ventro glute.

I use a 27 gauge half inch lour lock easy touch syringe /needle

I always and only done deltoid I rotate Monday and Thursday

From my understanding ventro glute is right on the hip bone in the middle feels pretty bony Lol

Will I hit a bone? Nervous here.

Please advise champs thanks so much.

RobertB80's picture

Jockstrap is bang on with location advice. There are some excellent videos on YouTube too which helped me. From personal experience take your time to locate this properly as getting it wrong ends up with a lot of pip around the hip and pelvis. Have you pinned into glutes? Much less risk of getting the wrong area. You will need a longer needle to go into muscle though.

Jockstrap's picture

Wrong location. Hands on hips with thumbs towards butt crack. Flex your glutes and youll feel the outer top ventro flexing. 1in below top and 1in in from outer edge. 25 x 1 ....a 1/2in wont reach mucles unless youre shredded

3months on cycle....pct time!

Benny1818's picture

Nice thanks. I have those I’ll try this

Jockstrap's picture

Early cycles its nice to do rotation of delts and ventros. Less pin soreness to deal with. Good luck!

Benny1818's picture

Thanks do you massage injecting site after?

I used a massage gun for 30 seconds after but I’m realizing that I get a little bit of a black and blue from time to time. I’m not sure it’s from that.

Jockstrap's picture

Never ever massage! Hotpad if needed. Imagine a steak and you inject a bolus of oil. Its goind to be a marble until absorbed yes? Massaging forces tearing of tissue, buildup of scartissue which leads to slower absorption.

Benny1818's picture

Damn. So true. Thanks so much bro

I figured that is why I had a little tiny bruise the next day. I injected this am and no more massage gun lol.

ChuckThaDuck22's picture

I’ve found the heating up my oil in the sink with hot water helps thin it out, I also hold a hot washcloth locally to inject site before the actual inject, this kinda warms everything up so to speak, it will expand blood vessels so I try and dance around veins I can see with my pasty white skin.

This is all my quads by the way, they’re literally the easiest site to pin as it’s right in front of you …

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Benny1818's picture

So true. I gotta get the courage to do quads. Afraid to hit a nerve…

Delts are annoying weird holding/ injecting position. I feel like quads u have way more control since right in front of u.

Chad P's picture

Bro u need a good girl in your life, she’ll take care of those injections for you

press1's picture

Hitting nerves in the quads tends to happen when you are going in at the front and into the teardrop area, if you go in at the side I can't even remember hitting a nerve lol Plenty of veins to hit though Lol

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ChuckThaDuck22's picture

Embrace your paste, my skin never sees the light of sun there, in all reality the entire real estate of my right quad I have maybe four different inject spots that don’t include going through a vein ..

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ChuckThaDuck22's picture

I never thought to turn my hand and have my palm face inwards, so ingenious & so effective, if I’m ever unfortunate enough to hit a bone I’m almost 100% positive the plunger won’t budge.

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Jockstrap's picture

Im more scared to poke near that sciatic nerve. Ive heard its very painful.

Lil shortcuts, just hope they help! Landmarks and trial/error happen. Lol

press1's picture

I've touched the Sciatic a few years back, worst part is I knew I was in the area for it too LOL I was feeling ballsy and stupid, and wanted a different area to pin so was going lower and more centre but was making especially sure that I was going in super slow just in case I hit it. I figured the odds were so low of it happening and thought its just an old wives tale. So I am tentatively going in and BOOOOMM I just started to touch the outer of it and fuck me sideways its like a burning electric shock right through your leg, it kinda vibrates & wobbles too like its going to give way which if you go in enough it will as it temporarily paralyzes you or indeed if you sever it - it can be for good. Crapping myself I pulled out and sat myself on the sofa, my whole leg kept violently twitching for the rest of the day, in fact I think it went on for a few days but it did sort out. I clearly barely went into it but did prick it. Got myself really worried over it all that it was never gonna get better but luckily it did - The RUMOURS are real people, stay away from the Sciatic region Lol

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Jockstrap's picture

Omg i can only imagine! Poking a nerve with that spark feeling is odd enough followed by pip and compensation. Fingers crossed to not hit the sciatic.