TemplarTemple's picture
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-2 Should I inject legit gear tonight?


Had a touchdown today.

This morning (wasn't motivated Monday due to potential weak/bust stuff) was my last dose of what I hope will be the crudiest stuff I'll ever have. Horrible pip and overall just a mess. Had a serious crash after an oral cycle of the gear and bumped up doses in the interim. My opinion still stands. I fill awful and lethargic. In all, whatever the case is, you don't want to be left with a feeling if it's crap gear.

One of my touchdowns will be here today. It wasn't expected until Thursday. It will have test prop and test E 300. I'm really tempted to take some prop today with a ml of the test E to flood my systems with good gear immediately. But not sure if I should be patient until Thursday. I'll be doing test prop EOD for two weeks while taking 600mg a week of test. I'm going to be running another cycle once the second touchdown arrives so I might as well get ready for it. That's how I feel anyway but here I am asking for some opinions.

I don't know what to call my experience without validation with bloods. Whatever the case is, you don't want to be left guessing. As some have told me. Live and learn and find another resource.

TemplarTemple's picture

I belly laughed at my own comments. Your responses only made me belly laugh more until my sides split. I deserve that. To many "few" beers after work plus just happy I'm back on blast. Lmao. Don't worry I'll be good, alcohol is a gain killer. Truth be told

VerminExtreme's picture

No meth here, carry on.

Jockstrap's picture

proof youre not ready is your juvenile replies. Kick rocks kid

TemplarTemple's picture

I laughed out loud.
Coming here to admit a few beers got to me after becoming happy of a good touchdown. I belly laughed

smurfdude1234567's picture

Who the hell was he even talking to with the last couple comments LOL???

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Pumped_'s picture

Someone needs to put the cuckoo back in the clock! Crazy

TemplarTemple's picture

What the hell happened to the comments??? Was it the change to test prop after your last long ester dose comment that fucked you up? Yeah man I tried it. On paper, switch to your PCT/cruise that much faster.

Fucking girlies.
Here I am questioning the new found acne I know I'll get. Here I am questioning if I've become that much dickish. Help me out brother. At the end of the day. Fuck it. I need it my friend

smurfdude1234567's picture

Are you hearing voices in your head again….? You’re commenting to yourself buddy…

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TemplarTemple's picture

If there's no more word.
Just question it to actual potential receival of legit product my dudes.

I'm honored to take the title of AAS abusing woman. Since it was anavar (fuck you when I take legit Dbol or Abombs). Ill just make it a destination to put press you in 5 years. 5 years is a lot gear with a legit source bros.

TemplarTemple's picture

Look. What's done is done.
I have not taken street drugs before nor after. Only medically prescribed cannabis and now what is recreational cannabis. No stimulants.... No alcohol.... Just pure anabolics. And I loved them!!

Moving forward. If I complain about a "crash" post blast (yep I'm on it for good, IMHO after all the feedback, posting, research and noticable video blogs such as Greg D, Seth F, etc etc.. staying on is.. well a life choice) than I'll sit in my chair and play student and ask questions.

I'm a student none the less and foremost.
I will sit down and ask questions. I'm going to have to come off 20-28 weeks from now. I'll be prepared and expect the worst now. I only ask for advice and constructive criticism moving on. I can only hope that rings true.

Now about that acne I'm going to experience after a true prop shot. Can we talk about that??? Please?????

Greg's picture

You're a 31-year-old student?

FlemDaddyKush's picture

so you ordered a bunch of gear, and only got pip and no huge gains so you say its garbage gear. usually bad /underdosed gear doesnt give you pip and it sounds like your orals worked cuz most people feel shitty after taking oral cycles. so your gonna try it all over again and get the same results

TemplarTemple's picture

It's really more than. Week long pip.......

It's the my own experience combined with this shit. I don't know if pressing pills (mind you the vast party scene): is easier then producing oils. Perhaps if it's a loose shop that underpaid international workers just don't care. Ironically I'm buying from one and trust me when I say trust man.

I've done HGH before hand. I've run a gram of test before. I've taken EQ and test. gotten swole off of test E after the fact (8-12 weeks later).

I've done proper PCT. Take the same dose of test prop 4 weeks after your last inject so you can. On paper. Start your PCT 3 days later. Absolutely no complaints and still grew thanks to diet and practice.

Please throw a shot in the dark when I say it might have been. Bum gear. Please man.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

it sounds like your taking some street drugs on the side beisdes this gear. and if you are worried about a "heart attack" like it says in yoir profile i dont think taking back to back cycles of steroids is gonna help your heart since you "value your health". and week long pip is normal for some compounds or some people. if i take any test e, i have horrible week long pip wherever i inject it no matter ehat source it is.

smurfdude1234567's picture

100%. Fake orals and oils wouldn’t make you feel like shit… you wouldn’t feel anything at all 99% of the time.

We’re all just giving you shit because you should be getting bloods to KNOW if it’s real/bunk, never running cycles back to back, and have basic knowledge of these things before using at all. @TemplarTemple

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

thank you, im not trying to sound like a scumbag but moreso just busting his balls. it sounds like he didnt do any research and just did gear and had a bad cycle. almost every oral cycle i tried it was a bad cycle because it killed my appetite and i felt horrible and didnt even finish most of them because i knew it was better to just cut my losses and stop. and i can personally just not use test e, i get bad pip from it and i know others that have the same reaction to it.

press1's picture

He ordered gear previously from a Lab that normally supplies just RAW's, he bought their finished oil product and felt really bad from it. I've spoken to him in PM a little and he knows what to do Smile

FlemDaddyKush's picture

okay im glad you are helping him out a little

smurfdude1234567's picture

Hahhahaha what if this is how the whole Transvestite trend got started. People playing with their hormones and tipped the scale too far the wrong way for too long…

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

haha oh man, just like the tren made me gay. i dont think the scale tips that much unless you just keep blasting and take
no ai. ive had super high estrogen levels before and have never had thoughts about being a tranny lol but hey everybody is different haha

smurfdude1234567's picture

This is a MALE twitch streamer. Not even trans… just dresses like a girl for fun.

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

theres some sick people out there

Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Are you nuts bro. Do it asap!!!
I don't think anybody can help them self to not at least have a taste I know I can't.

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TemplarTemple's picture

I'll go ahead and do it!!
Looks like I'm back on blast! Lol
Excited. I remember this test prop, even with adex and my rear shoulders would break out the next day. No mast yet. In all honesty, I'm just happy I'm back on something I know and trust

Jockstrap's picture

Sounds like cycle back to back with errors and another planned right as you finish this one???

Pumped_'s picture

Inject that shit!!
Whoop that trick!!

press1's picture

Hell Yeah - Pin some today!!! Having a couple of hundred mg's of Test in you isn't going to make any difference to the scheme of things in a week. It'll just make you feel a tonne better and get more energy into you.

smurfdude1234567's picture
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press1's picture

Looks like @Drexyl has changed his hair colour - still needs to grow some balls though Lmfao

Drexyl's picture

Fucker lol, the balls are gone and aren’t coming back

Pumped_'s picture

Thats some underdosed testosterone, i see patches in the beard.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Gloryholes are fun and all… until you feel the stubble on your nuts!

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Pumped_'s picture
