Byanymeans78's picture
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+ 1 Low dose primo with cruise test


Curious if anyone has experience doing this. My thought is to run 100mg of primo a week with my cruise dose of 175mg if test and run it into my next blast where I'll be running 700mg of primo. The idea is to help maintain what I got on blast and essentially will be front loading the primo for my blast. Being that primo is a really mild compound on blood other then on hemo

HanginLow's picture

Cruises are for re-establishing some sort of homeostasis of the bodies hormones and biomarkers.

Your body naturally produces testosterone, nandrolone (extremely low amounts) and dihydrotestosterone (through the 5aR conversion of test). No derivatives of these hormones are produced naturally (dbol, primo, win, tren, halo ect).

So including methenolone (a DHT derivative, not naturally produced) into a cruise is not producing a natural state, you are still on cycle. This could produce a variety of potential effects including: higher creatinine, higher RBC, skewed lipids, lower e2, lower SHBG (not good) ect. These are not really things you want on a cruise because they will happen on a blast anyway.

A cruise dose should be selected through bloodwork and should put you in the upper reference range. And from my experience that is plenty to hold muscle between blasts. Include something like GH in your cruise to be more anabolic without activation of the androgen receptor if you really need to.

TLDR: Save your sensitivity to drugs for your blast and use the least amount in-between. Cruising on higher amounts or multiple compounds will not make you hold more just reduces the effectiveness of the eventual elevation of androgens on blast. Use GH instead.

Just my 2c brother, Cycle safe and have fun.

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Makwa's picture

The lowest dose you can use while cruising is the best way to do it. Keep pumping in androgens on a so called cruise and your myostatin levels stay elevated and hamper your ability to build muscle when you actually do go back on cycle.

Gogeta2777's picture

Are there any blood panels or ways to check myostatin levels?

Makwa's picture

That is a good question, I know in a clinical setting they can test for serum myostatin levels but I have not seen that test avialable on quest or labcorp.

Some of the studies I have seen have shown that it takes 8+ wks to get back to baseline myostatin levels after running elevated test.

Gogeta2777's picture

Ok this makes sense to come “off” for atleast 8 weeks between blasts. Thanks man!

Makwa's picture

Does running tren or other 19nors or 2+g/wk of gear extend that out even further, that is my big question. But running around a 500mg/wk cycle of test it is probably dropped after 8 wks. The safest bet is to go by the old standby of time on = time off. The guys blasting and cruising or the ones who really have to worry about myostatin and how it affects their next cycle.

HanginLow's picture

Agreed Mak, Myostatin is the bogie man of bodybuilding, I have read so many theoretical articles by guys trying to quantify and inhibit/modify it.

Follastatin was the big one for awhile, remember those studies showing the leg muscles of the rats? - all BS

YK-11 popped up after, which is just a DHT oral not a SARM, very anecdotal evidence of effectiveness in injectable version

Leucine and creatine have been shown to be myostatin inhibitors in medical research.

All and all I do think it is the main regulator of muscle growth and part of the reason gains stop after 8-12 weeks in most cycles. Not the downregulation of the androgen receptor which has been shown to actually be opposite (AR upregulates in presence of androgens).

All in all, still very misunderstood.

@Gogeta2777 good question brother

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DeeMan's picture

Your 2 cents is absolutely right. Homeostasis is the key word. Yea folks tend to overlook sensitivity to hormones on cruise and then wonder why blasting is not as effective. A low reasonable amount of Test will hold gains for sure, along with workouts and meals. I'm sure you know the body is the smartest machine ever created, it adapts, adjusts, protects among all other things. Even though the body does make Nandrolone in small amounts, I definitely wouldn't use it on a cruise like I'm seeing some do. Now small therapeutic doses for joint pain relief is debatable. My stance though is it shouldn't be used on cruise period. Anyways just my 1 cent!

HanginLow's picture

Absolutely agree brother, we see the world similarly.

These TRT clinics can get crazy, I met this dude the other day at the gym, he tells me he is on TRT from a clinic. I say Oh you must be on like 100-150mg TC only..

"No I am on 200mg TC, 0.5mg adex 2xAW, 20mg anavar, 2iu GH and 100mg NPP" - all pharma from doctor

I am like "bro thats a cycle not a cruise LOL" he called them "TRT add-ons" hmmmm

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DeeMan's picture

Haha I can believe that. Just craziness. Man I don't call it cruising when it's like that, I call it sailing! What have we come to as bodybuilders nowadays? Guess "more is better" nowadays. I'll keep my "ole school" 70's approach. Let me stay dated for real

HanginLow's picture

LOL Bro I am stealing that "sailing" LOL

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DeeMan's picture

You can have it cause I don't want it hahaha

DeeMan's picture

Good luck with everything my man. I see ya

DeeMan's picture

My bad. When I commented that to hanginlow I wasn't talking about you. Was speaking in general. Nahh man your good with me. Hell if you didn't know then you didn't know. I sure don't know it all. I can actually see where you were coming from because after all Primo is mild. But I think our point was if you really wanna be technical and really balance the body out then leave primo out. I've actually seen folks include primo in cruise however.

DeeMan's picture

Man are you serious? And vigorous steve also came to my mind when I read this. Yea steve makes good points but he lost me on the primo cruise thing. He's no dummy.

DeeMan's picture

Do you think all inventors came up with inventions with only their ideas? No alot of these folks took something from here and there and bingo! Now with that said some did have original thought but I don't put one over the other simply because a result ( invention) happened in the end.

HanginLow's picture

Very familiar with Steve and his work and love a lot of his info! Good guy to follow

You might be misconstruing some of his cycles though from my understanding:

Steve likes very long slow building cycles, and when he comes off he does Mono therapy with HCG one time a year

See the difference between a bridge and a cruise might seem like terminology but to me is very specific.
Cruise - reestablishing homeostasis with least drugs possible
Bridge - lowering your drugs temporarily between blasts not expecting homeostasis to return

for a bridge I would allow test/primo, but not for a cruise, this might be the context steve was talking about as he bridges between cycles sometimes because of the short nature (you cant expect blood values to come back in 4 weeks)

Hope this helps my friend Smile

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HanginLow's picture

We are hear to share knowledge and grow! You will be in my situation many times in the future, this is the cycle we are all part, learn and pass on!

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DeeMan's picture

Yea after Steve's health issue he decided to gain his weight back and boy did he. Now he claimed 100mg test/ 100mg primo in beginning. I think dosages eventually were increased though. Ole Steve loves his Bayer Primo in castor oil lolol

HanginLow's picture

LOL he loves ol Bayer, yes I do remember that but was that not a "come back" cycle kinda bridge until a blast, not a true cruise, I know he takes his health super serious and comes off everything but HCG and then eventually just ices his nuts with nothing else LOL

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DeeMan's picture

Hahaha that damn steve with ice on his nuts! Man I don't remember details but you might be right. Haven't followed him in a bit. He's swole now though.

HanginLow's picture

I dont exactly remember either bro lol I think we are both on the right track, his cycles build over time, that was probably the start

he is swole


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DeeMan's picture

Live and learn my and learn.
He's telling you right.