posted Fri, 01/24/2025 - 02:42
Currently on 480mg Test a week, 90mg primo a week, 25mg proviron ED.
My libido is lowwww. Went to bang this chick and even though i felt horny, I couldn't get it up. There was probably some mental anxiety involved, but still I'm not getting random boners throughout the day.
Any help would be appreciated so I dont miss my shot again
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Blood test??? Estrogen and prolactin?
Turn on the lights! Do it in the light and that will help
Are you sure she was good looking enough?
Always the chicks fault??
You guys are the worst. Lol
To add, got labwork done on Monday 4 days ago. Estradiol is at 40pg, test is above 1500.
Also ended deca 2 - 3 weeks ago, but don't recall having any issues then. Just this past week.
Well, there you have it. Deca makes you gay.
If deca makes you gay… what does tren do?
Makes you a dike
Deca is the dick killer, was it 2 or 3 weeks ago, but definitely could be the cause. Look at prolactin...take Cialis fake the climax if needed but never miss a shot!!!!!!