Claudezilla's picture
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The whole “TrT” phrase


Does anyone else throw up a little bit in the mouth every time you read someone claiming TrT it’s just getting out of fucking control especially when you see what they consider a TrT dose……

Makwa's picture

The TRT clinics are sending it out of control. You want actual TRT go see a real doctor. You want to run a cycle year round, go to a TRT clinic.

ONESICK's picture

I see so many try to justify running 200+ as TRT. You can't argue with these people. Unless they're actually prescribed that much let them believe they're right. If they don't like to truth of it all then they'll see in the long run having high test levels is detrimental to your health. Definitely not good for your heart to have perpetual cycle levels.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

105mg/week for me, to stay in the upper physiological range. 175mg took me 10% over, see my last two bloods. Most people still consider 200-300mg/week TRT. man 350mg of Test is my highest tolerable dose ever, yet only half of that without AI agents.

UncleYoked's picture

I run my trt at 300mg per week to stay within range

UncleYoked's picture

jk, I actually run about 80mg a week to stay in range.

KMC's picture

You can't tell them anything,...................turns out they're a dying breed.

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Diesel77's picture

"Get Big or Die trying" in every sense of the word bro. There was a.fella named Bostin (RIP) who had that tattoed on his arm.. .then unfortunately died of aortic dissection, but that's after he fried his kidneys and refused to hop on dialysis. He became infamous for being open about his massive drug protocols and extreme cycles consisting of every compound under the sun, literally. His physique transformation was very good, but just not worth the risk with everything he injected and took IMO. He did what he loved and made a living off it, but sad ending nevertheless. Heard through the grapevine ...used to be a frequent flyer through here back in the early days. Left behind a young son and wife...wish them both well.

JakeKO's picture

The TRT oil SubQers tend to get under my skin. I guess the words “For Intramuscular use only” means nothing to them, LOL

Drexyl's picture

It’s a different approach that I think should be researched by the individual going that route. For me, delta are a 28G 1/2 syringe. About halfway through I can feel the resistance slightly increase when I get into muscle tissue, I’m pretty lean in that area. I think where people get into trouble, is they hear sub-q and decide to pinch skin in a lean or stretchy area and put a full ml of oil under the skin. Nothing good is going to come of that in my opinion. Don’t think of it as a sub-q injection like HCG or GH, think more “shallow IM” or “deep sub-q”. It absolutely makes things easier to manage.

Greg's picture

My endo doc, one of the best in the state, prescribes sub-Q. The reason it says “For Intramuscular use only” is because, as my doctor explained to me, that is the only study pharmaceuticals provided for the FDA. Big pharma is not interested in paying for new studies and going through a new round of FDA approval process. Adding sub-q is not going to change their bottom-line... now find something to prove it's good for women, dogs, and kids under 12 and then you'll see your study.

Doctors, in their practices have been subscribing sub-Q for years. There is a body of work that shows it's as good as IM and certainly easier for the patient to self-administer and less painful. I respect your opinion, but your opinion amounts to nothing more than bro-science-fact.

Haze421's picture

My Endo actually prescribed me a testosterone injection pen that’s made to be used subq. 100mg pen that’s a one time use. Really convenient and easy to use when I’m traveling.

JakeKO's picture

Ok, I can definitely respect your response. I’m just going to have to research it more. I once subQ’d 1/2 cc of 100 mg Test Suspension into my belly fat. Well FML, LOL, curiosity killed this cat. That shit hurt for two weeks. No infection, but had a big lump until it finally dissolved.

Greg's picture

Test suspension was your problem... ouch. I've discovered 1/2 mil is all you ever want to do and with prescribed pharma. For me, most (not all) UGL test varied in pain, redness, welts, etc.

UncleYoked's picture

I agree, I prefer subq pinning of test e. I pin between 10-15iu eod or e3d depending and I feel it's more stable and way easier. I wouldn't go above .25 though, I've tried it just to see and it's not worth the risk of a sterile abscess

JakeKO's picture

What pin sites do you lose. I know if you’re doing it, there has to be some advantage to it.

UncleYoked's picture

I pin <20iu around the mid section, I don't have much fat and I've tried to experiment like an asshole and go higher .5ml and caused a sterile abscess. I also shallow pin around the VG, pretty much anywhere. I don't have any negative reactions or notice any variations anywhere I pin.
I mostly started doing it because I was building a ton of scarring, I try to reserve the sweet spots for actual cycles.

ONESICK's picture

27g or 29g 1/2" pins in love handles painless. I never felt it. You do get better serum levels with sub Q and for me less sides. I ran self studies using various methods of pinning lol. You definitely don't want to pin a lot sub Q or you for sure will have lumping and bad PIP

Greg's picture

Belly and love handles are my go-to areas for sub-Q

JakeKO's picture

Thank you! I would love to give my glutes a break

LayneStaley.'s picture

If you have someone that is able to pin you then for IM I would suggest lats and rear delts. Probably fresh places with no scar tissue built up. I personally pin whatever muscle I’m working out that day I feel it reduces soreness from injection.

Claudezilla's picture

I know I should practice “watch my own bobber” but I just can’t stand it……just say you’re cruising don’t put the TrT in it. BroLogic aka BroScience do people think it sounds cool

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press1's picture

Hey Bro its part of Livin the life of a Broccoli head, gotta keep it real for sure bro. In this lifestyle 4eva ....

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JakeKO's picture

LOL! Guess I just have to research it more. I tend to watch everyone’s bobber to the point that I miss seeing mine move, with my nosy ass, .

press1's picture

We have a bit of a problem with this term now as well mate, the Tren Twins are both broccoli heads and they are both well Errrr .... Strong as Hell so maybe it can no longer be used as a put down anymore? Scratch one-s head

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JakeKO's picture

I hear that