CountryBeast199's picture
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+ 1 Lean bulk/recomp cycle options


For starters I'm 28, 5'10", 180lbs.
First cycle was 500mg test e ew for 12 weeks.
Second was 500mg test e ew for 16 weeks and 25mg anavar tapering to 50mg Ed for 10 weeks.
I want to do a 3rd cycle as I'm at the end of a bulk I've done, I have 2 options I'm debating.

1: 300mg test e ew and 300mg EQ ew for 20 weeks with 50mg anavar for the last 12 weeks.
2: 300mg test e ew and 300mg EQ ew for 20 weeks with 50mg var the first and last 8 weeks with a 4 week break in-between.

Goals are to maybe lose a small body fat % and gain lean muscle but mainly want to gain without adding any body fat, will be cutting naturally for 3 wweks before i start anyways, also dont want the issue of any water retention, I will be following the same diet, on cycle and pct plan I did on my second cycle which was very successful but was more of a cut only.

papa.smurf0311's picture

I mean, I dont see any problem with 300 test and 300 EQ a week but like the others said, if you arent taking enough time in between cycles then it could be bad. I did that one time. I cranked gear on one cycle and after that i started cranking again only 4 weeks later. I eventually started feeling the effects and just blasting gear all the time. Gotta take a break at some point. I dont even run Var for over 4 weeks really anymore.

press1's picture

The reason that Anavar isn't that harsh on the Liver like other orals are is because its primarily metabolized by the kidneys shifting the damage it does over to them. This is bad because the kidneys cannot really recover & repair themselves unlike a damaged liver regenerates & heals itself. You should limit yourself to 8 weeks on it, 6 would be better.

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CountryBeast199's picture

Thanks, that's exactly what I'm going to do, anavar the last 8 weeks of a 12 week total cycle, dropping the eq as well, so just test and anavar

DeeMan's picture

The point I made to you and I'm glad you heeded the warning was that regardless of whatever Anavar affects it still causes damage when ran a long time..17 methylated. Good luck and be safe and don't listen to those folks anymore that advised you. Lol trust me I'm probably one of the most conservative guys around. I practice what I preach. I had a buddy die from recklessness. Good luck

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya I try to be as safe as I can be, I take lots on supplements on cycle, a complete cycle support along side tudca, fish oil and BP support, I like to play it safe and be overkill rather than not have enough, always have clomid, nolva and arimidex on hand as well just in case

DeeMan's picture

Thing is having the right info and getting the right advice is just as important as cycle support itself. It all goes hand and hand. And yes I know all about supplements that are for cycle so in that regard you were on right track but all the other stuff...nahhh. But glad you corrected

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya thanks I was skeptical about the 20 week thing to begin with, the 16 week I did was hard enough once I got past 14 weeks, so hopefully this 12 is the sweet spot

DeeMan's picture

You're welcome. Wish my buddy( brothers best friend) would of listened. Again good luck

DeeMan's picture

Hopefully. Should be

CountryBeast199's picture

I hope and sorry for your loss, it's a dangerous game to play, thats why I try to get advice before I start anything even if I've done cycles before. Always someone who could chip in some advice that may be more knowledgeable

DeeMan's picture

+1 for that neg... Now you have to apply what you were told here. And yeah when you lose someone it puts a whole new perspective on this for me. Others cannot relate at times. Just what it is man

CountryBeast199's picture

True, I can see where it hits home for you and I deff will, I have a daughter and family to think of to so I wanna be as safe as I can, only have one body so don't wanna destroy it trying to achieve the look I want, thanks for all the advice, ima post some before and after stuff on here once I'm done with this next one.

DeeMan's picture

Not trying to fearmonger so let me be clear, we can't 100% blame steroids but I know they contributed in his case. Good luck

DeeMan's picture

I will say this....there is no justification in running any oral that long, there just isn't. Regardless if it's Anavar. You have to understand that most orals are toxic to the liver as a result of 17- methylation as this is a fact. I understand you want those "gains" so bad but your overall health is more important than 15 pounds of gain. If you're not healthy what's the point of all that muscle...

CountryBeast199's picture

Yes I decided to cut anavar to 8 weeks max, cut out eq as well and run 12 weeks total

simonmagus84's picture

I personally don’t see the reason to run Eq at such a low amount. I’d aim for 600mg Eq while running Anavar the last 8 weeks of your cycle unless you find bold Cyp. Eq doesn’t add BF if diet is clean. Your test dose is low so you shouldn’t have problems with estro or bloat. Check out bold Cyp if you haven’t already purchased EQ.

Another option to consider is running scrapping Eq all together and run 300 mg of test with Var only but at 50mg or 100mg, instead of what you did. That’s a solid recomp on its own.

CountryBeast199's picture

See my last cycle of test and var I loved, I was debating just running another and doing 12 weeks at 300mg test e and 50mg var for the last 8 weeks starting at 50 mg tapering to 75. Also never heard of bold cyp, I'll have to look that up

TABMEISTER's picture

Anavar for 16 weeks?!?!

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya my last cycle was a 16 week with test e and anavar I did taper up the anavar halfway from 25 to 50

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya sorry I worded it wrong, it would be nice to lose body fat while on cycle but it's not necessary, I will be cutting down for 3 weeks before I start, more so I want to gain lean muscle, be more vascular and increase strength while not holding water weight or increasing body fat, but the body fat is pretty much diet and cardio which I'm good with

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya I know, I'm vascular now when working out just looking for more which ik anavar does and eq is supposed to, also trying to get harder/dryer looking

CountryBeast199's picture

I mainly use them for the boost in strength and endurance, I know there is no substitute for diet and exercise, I have my diet and exercise down, im not by any means thinking its a miracle substance or anything, I loved my last cycle of test and var which I'm thinking of just doing again except 12 weeks total with the last 8 with var and dropping the eq

Shoopaahhh's picture

At the end of a bulk weighing 180

CountryBeast199's picture

At the end of my first cut I was 145lbs then I lean bulked with test and anavar up to 165, so I'm up 15 lbs from that

CountryBeast199's picture

I'm on a low calorie diet, not trying to get big just stay lean, I could put myself in a big calorie surplus ans lift heavy and probably gain more but I run allot so that woild negatively impact that for me

CountryBeast199's picture

No but they do help with extra endurance and they do help give a harder/dryer look, atleast that what happed to me my last cycle, so that's just my personal experience, since I've been off my endurance has gone down, not massively but I like the extra boost, plus it helps with my pr numbers as well

Makwa's picture

Are you taking enough time off to recover between cycles?
Lose bodyfat and gain lean muscle is like trying to catch 2 squirrels at once, pretty hard to do. Pick one or the other.
Best is to gain lean muscle with minimal fat gain, but trying to lose fat at the same time, you are just tying one hand behind your back.

CountryBeast199's picture

Well ya thats more what I was meaning, when I did my 16 week anavar cut I dropped to much body fat for my liking, I'd be happy just losing a couple percent then gaining without adding any, but I also have a few weeks before I'm starting so I may cut down enough before then anyways, ive been off cycle for 5 months, been natural bulking since I got off

Gh0st's picture

Orals really shouldn’t be run that long imo brother risk outweighs the benefits. Are you monitoring any labs/metabolic a during this time? These are long cycles for someone who does PCT and comes off completely.

What does your diet look like? Training? Cardio?

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CountryBeast199's picture

Also debating since I do such long cycles I may just cruise at 150mg a week between cycles

Makwa's picture

You want to be on TRT for the rest of your life at 28yrs old???

CountryBeast199's picture

Good point, guess scratch that idea then lol

DeeMan's picture

You should reevaluate your whole program seriously. Alot of opinions you say but also alot is just common sense. Gotta be safe man

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya I changed the whole thing to 12 weeks total and dropped eq. Lowered the anavar to 8 weeks

DeeMan's picture

Like I said above whoever gave you that info wasn't trying to help you at all trust me. Now you have correct info and I trust you'll use it.

smurfdude1234567's picture

You’ll quickly learn to take the advice from these guys with a pro tag seriously my man. Been around for years and know exactly what they’re talking about. Health over everything.

CountryBeast199's picture

Ya I try to do several months of research before I do a new cycle, lots of conflicting opinions on here tho so I just take the majority of what people say and go with that and that's how I got these 2 cycle suggestions.

Gh0st's picture

He will be.

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CountryBeast199's picture

No lab work yet, havnt had any issues so far I've kept all my on cycle supliments in check along with a high protein, low sugar, low carb diet like I did before, mostly chicken and rice and lots of veggies and fruit, I go to the gyn 3-4 times a week, full body each workout 2-3 hours and a mile or 2 of cardio after each workout.

Gh0st's picture

I can’t condone any of what you’re thinking.

Injectable Cycles are too long. Orals are run too long. No labs.

I don’t know what your physique goals are exactly but it most likely can’t be bodybuilding/competition at 5’10 180lbs. Unless that’s 7%bf or less but I doubt that if your current goal is recomp.

Not enough info on amounts of food.
Type of training. I think you still have a lot to learn.

Simple rules-
Injectables 12 weeks
Orals 6 weeks max if running continuously.

More is not better. More only leads to negative metabolic changes increasing risks for cardiovascular and renal disease.

Time on +PCT equals time off. Unless you do want to be on TRT. Your body your choice. Kids/Family will not be a guarantee for your future if that’s something you don’t have or want more of.

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CountryBeast199's picture

EQ has to be run for 14 weeks minimum as it diesnt kick in until week 8, test is 12 but I've ran 16 no issues, var is 8-12 weeks as it kicks in about week 4-6.
My current bf is around 10-12%, I was at 7% on my last cycle.
My pct from my last cycle was 4 weeks with a total now of 5 months off cycle to recover.

Gh0st's picture

EQ takes longer than most to hit peak steady state plasma levels, yes. But it does not take that long to begin contributing to the process of anabolism.
The length of time you decide to run these injectables is your choice.

The fact your think Anavar kicks in only after a month tells me how ill-advised your research and knowledge is.

I’m at least a little relieved to hear you took time off to recover. Good luck moving forward. I can see from your response that your mindset is you know all. Not sure why you’re even asking for advice.

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CountryBeast199's picture

And when I day kick in I mean to reach peak stable levels, sorry I should word things better