posted Mon, 05/13/2024 - 23:42
Scooped up more hgh and thought I’d give the dbol and test blend a go and was pleasantly surprised to find a golden banana woot woot let’s get it onnnn
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hope I get Golden Banana, i just ordered on 4th waiting patiently .
Damn i remember my banana use to look like that
Now My wife says its the same size as her clit now but never complains whenever we scissor so go figure
run enough tren and that banana is going straight into the bootyhole
Run too much it’s going in the dickhole
Is there such a thing as too much lol
We're gonna try and find out
So far no.
Not for you at least
@Mac12769 ya ready bro a deal was struck and im ready to hold up my end of it
@Mac12769 is deserving. Awhile back he told me as soon as he got off work that he'd look into a certain brand of gear that I had questions about and he did just that. I didn't forget that.
Thanks brother. Busy as I am, I do try and get back and quick as I can. But I’m old and forget shit too.
You're old? Fair enough but what's the excuse for those forgetful young bucks lol?
Nah I understand. We all gotta age! Wish we could forever be 30! The older I get the faster the years tend to come.
It's not so bad. Once you accept it, you do things much smarter.
Yep it’s true before ya know it you’re 47 and the old guy in the gym lol
Bro i take great pride in the way i live my life at 44. I see 90% of the ppl my age that I grew up with and they physically checked out a long time ago. I love being on the job swinging a sledge hammer, loading and wheeling broken concrete, shoveling, raking concrete, slinging stone etc…then going home and throwing some weights around. I’ll push to do it as long as the good lord allows me to.
Yea but with age comes wisdom and old man strength lol.
I refuse to be out done by a lazy young buck...not gonna happen captain
+1. They better be pack some extra food and drinks in their lunch, it’s gonna be a looooong day!
You better believe it!
Damn yall both won!! Double down like a mofo lol!! Time to stock the F up!!
Man of my word and I’m all in with ya bro………just wait till tomorrow…….
Is he giving free goat rides?
You are a funny fucker Ross
lol I mean probably but told him if i win he’s in it with me
Dabm that banana is gona hurt the booty
Damn, dudes not playing, he went magnum on us, GKs gradually stretching buttholes across the nation without leaving home, fucking legend
It’s what I was born to do
Congratulations, Bro!
Ayyyyyoooooo. My daughter immediately grabbed mine running off yelling “oh my goodness!!! a golden banana!!!” Took it straight to mom to show it off and all she did was look at me and go “why the hell do you have a golden banana?”
Haha good times
That would be my daughter. Last order I didn't get any banana. But my daughter is collecting them.
Claudezilla if you win you'll definitely leave nothing for anyone else lol. Wishing all you guys the best!
Fuck yeah, your turn in the sun bro. Congratulations
Lol Claudezilla takes no less than a Godzilla sized order!
Big boy packs
You better believe it...especially dealing with Claudezilla. The guy doesn't know what a small order is.
lol isn’t this a smallish order lol
Yea that's why I'm still shocked looking at this order!
I tried to tell these guys about Claudezilla!