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+ 4 Proof Age is just a number .....


I know maybe its not the best video example of an injury free lifter Lol But it proves even at 52 years old there is no reason why you still cannot be chasing World records if you really want it bad enough.

Scott Mendelson is still insanely strong at 52 and no doubt can still press a tonne RAW and put 99.9% of the rest of us to shame. Just proof that there is still no reason not to push yourself as you get older as I see so many guy's using the fact that they are over 30 now and getting older as if its an excuse to get lazier and not still seek to achieve what is possible. Stan Efferding is another example of someone setting WR's at 50, granted they are using gear and HGH but so do we. Stay positive Guy's, because once that negative mindset starts to takeover you are halfway to giving up :-))

I appreciate that recovery is going to take longer as you age, but I making sure you are on top of all your Vitamins and nutrients becomes especially important. Making sure you are taking things such as a good Multivitamin that is full of ALL the B's and high Vit C, Fish oil for joints and creatine becomes especially useful now in helping keep energy levels high together with optimal muscle hydration and amino acid transport. I'm really paying close attention to these areas now and even on the rest day after deads I no longer feel like staying in bed sleeping all day, instead I'm full of energy and ready to eat. It makes a huge difference.

Drock_357's picture

I'm semi retired and I’m feel great!….just ordered the Susan summers thigh master and the shake weights!.( pro edition!))…I’m on my way to the Olympia!….but all seriousness, I can still throw bales with the young bucks, out drink em, ( so long as we r done by 8 pm), and still have energy to workout everyday… gpappy used to say, it’s not about how old you are, but what you do with time you’re here….

press1's picture

I thought they say 'You are only as old as the woman you are feelin' drocky baby!!! Lol

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Drock_357's picture

That works as well!…

Bill1976's picture

I didn’t start until I was 34

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Makwa's picture

I now workout smarter not harder.

Tradesman34's picture

Jesus any guy using an excuse that they are over 30 has either have to have something seriously wrong with them or they are just lazy.i. well over 30 and I never felt as great as I do now, and I'm well over 30.

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maddogg's picture

Nice post. It is possible. Just limit injuries along the way and you can just keep going up so long as the setbacks aren't to bad. Got to be smart about it. I've said to myself way too many times, "Damn, that was stupid."

0newheelup's picture

Damn Press, I feel like I need to drop and give ya 50 push-ups! We deffinately have to keep a positive mindset. +

press1's picture

Now Get on your knee's Soldier!!

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giardap's picture

no homo


Sosa123's picture

Age is only a number when it’s 25 n under ...ha

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Pale's picture

Yeah he is nuts. You see the likes of Dorian Yates, Dave Pulumbo and many others have cut back on the craziness as they have gotten older. We all know when we get massive our blood pressure goes to shit. Nothing wrong with staying looking good but we have to be reasonable if we also want to live long lives

Bill1976's picture

Especially If you have a wife and kids that depend on you being alive. As I get older I think about these things.

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Pale's picture

I am more concerned with all the swinging dicks waiting to rush my wife to get at my toys.

Bill1976's picture

Well no worries. Once a girl gets married she doesn’t want sex anymore.

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Sosa123's picture

Longevity..... agreed

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
Zalewski's picture

Scott is a crazy motherfucker, dude use to run a 1,000mg of Anadrol a day

Goose24's picture

I’m a high level scientist and mathematician based off those dosages he is shaving 1,000 hours off his life per cycle.

When I hear shit like this I just shake my head and wait for the eventual car wreck that’ll happen.

Goose24's picture

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Don’t be such a cunt.

Halsey's picture

Sir, Lindsay Jackson is a lady! She is not a cunt. Lol

press1's picture

Mr. Jackson is the KING of putdowns Lol I wouldn't fancy my chances Lmao .....

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Halsey's picture

Just settle down you cunt! Lol

Zalewski's picture

I mean he’s alive at 52 somehow

Goose24's picture

Right. Maybe bump it up to 2,000mg a week? Lol

Serrajitsu0876's picture

What!??? Is that a typo?

press1's picture

Nope - He really was banging that amount in. A lot of the Elite level guys nowadays are hitting huge amounts of Adrol per day Plus Dbol. Huge Test & Tren etc

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