CBBurrr's picture
  • 409

+ 8 Tren changed my brain chemistry


I tried tren for the first time at the start of my current cycle, ran it for most of the month of June. I stopped due to acne sides getting out of hand.

I did get some of the usual tren sides like vivid dreams, night sweats and some jealousy issues.

The weird part, the last month after stopping Tren I have been extremely attached to my wife. I'm closer and more affectionate than I have been since we were newlyweds. I'm like a kid in love for the first time.
The sex drive is normal, like any other on cycle sex drive, but the emotional attachment is downright odd.

I think it is a side effect from the initial feelings of jealousy, and the thoughts of my wife leaving me. She was not intending to leave or anything, but my brain started dwelling on the possibility. I started having regrets about every inconsiderate thing I've ever done, and felt overly committed to making sure they never happen again. I've been married for almost 21 years, so there having been plenty of times I was an asshole.

I'm really happy with the emotional changes, and feeling deeply in love again is a wonderful thing.
If someone could duplicate this experience in a clinical setting Tren could probably be used for marriage counseling.

FomDord81's picture

I know this is a really old thread and probably no one will see my reply, but I was looking to see if anyone had similar experiences to me, this pretty much nails how I am on Tren, haven’t felt so in love with my wife for a long long time, it’s a great feeling.

Possibly one of the lucky ones when it comes to sides, have had some night sweats, sex drive through the roof, a couple of bouts of increased aggressive feelings, but knowing what’s causing it I am able to keep it at bay and laugh at myself for being an asshole.

CBBurrr's picture

Crazy stuff...
I think it's the oxytocin
Changed my relationship and behavior in some crazy ways.

Went a little too far and simped for a little bit. But got better.
But the empathy emotion was through the roof to an almost troublesome level.

UncleYoked's picture

Still keeping it strong I hope

Mrcoolbeans's picture

Thanks for sharing your story....
I understand everyone is different and know what you mean about kinda becoming more attached to your wife.
But i honestly dont get how other people, not say you but people i know say they get hella violent and or crazy and shit. Like i hear people say i cant take tren cause it makes me a crazy person. Maybe cause i notice for myself i get maybe more irritable and i tell myself to chill the fuck out. So since i notice it i can control it or something... But i think alot of it is in our minds.
I think we all go up and down in relationships as far as caring and showing affection etc.But sounds like your happy with it man, So thumbs up to you.

CBBurrr's picture

I've never gotten any kind of crazy or violent feelings from any of my cycles. more so the opposite effect.

GrowMore's picture

Thanks for sharing CB. Been forced to look outside the box sounds like it has done you and your wife the world of good. I had a similar experience where I was in an unhappy relationship and tren almost forced me to face the fact I was frustrated of the relationship and after the cycle I acted. (Never make a life changing decision on tren!).

Owes a Review × 1
j223's picture

Could be the prolactin/progesterone levels making you more caring and loving

shawn0712's picture

I find myself missing that extra sensitivity right now. A bit additional prolactin is good for me. I'm a better person when I'm feeling the extra sensitivity. Sex drive is always higher. I'm also noticing how much faster the gray hairs are coming after each run. It affects each of us a bit differently. I'm convinced it's how we tolerate and utilize the prolactin. But I'm also convinced it goes a bit deeper than that. Deca doesn't have the exact effect while the increase is the same.
I've definitely noticed some aging effects going along with all the typical pros and cons

CBBurrr's picture

what other aging effects besides the gray hairs?

shawn0712's picture

The grays are the most notable thing. They seem to to increase a lot after each run. In the past 4 years, I've pretty much lost my baby face too. I'm looking every bit my age if not older. I'm pretty sure it's just genetics, but I definitely feel tren exacerbated some of it.
My wife likes the salt and pepper thing, and I still have hair so I'm not really complaining. I've heard a few other people mention the aging effects. Looking in the mirror, I'm questioning it.

JL's picture

Funning you mention the age thing. I was thinking about how I looked after my last tren run. I gained some mass and lost some body fat. As I lean out I notice the wrinkles on my face and forehead become more pronounced. Bulking my face puffs up gets rounder and I look a bit younger as that changes. Either way can't stop the aging process.

newtiger13's picture

This has probably been covered before, but has anyone experienced different side effects from Tren A as opposed to Tren E?

zeusmarada's picture

@CBBurrr, hey brother, just checking in on you on this thread. We're 14 months since you wrote this thread. I'm curious, has tren changed your attitude (for the better, as of your writing, earlier) somewhat permanently? No worries, it's just good to get updates from the vets on occasion. Fill me (us) in when you get a chance.

CBBurrr's picture

The effect has been permanent. I'm a different person than I was pre tren. It turned on the part of my brain that controls empathy.

I'm also much more aprecitive of my good friends and my wife and I find ways to express those feelings.
I'm also much more protective of friends and family.

Still not sure what hormone is behind these feelings, but I'm a better man because of it.

Pale's picture

I think it may be permanent too. It doesn't stay as intense I don't believe but I do believe it alters us.

zeusmarada's picture

Considering I am in a similar stage of life as you (your kiddos are quite a bit older than mine, but still, we're both married men with kids) I can relate to the desire to be a kick ass man for your family.

Since my initial goals wouldn't be benefitted by tren, I've never even considered using it. If my goals change at some point in the future, I'll be studying a lot more about it before use.

A friend of mine uses tren ace and says he simply "feels better, and he's more patient with his own children" when he's on. He doesn't mind the fucked up dreams, so the positives outweigh the negatives. So, it's not just horror stories with this compound.

As per usual, EVERYONE IS SIMILAR, BUT EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. To the young men reading this, tren can fuck you up badly if abused. Be cautious & wise, lads.

I wonder if blood type plays a role? Or ancestry? Whatever the case may be, @CBBurrr, your experience is awesome, and I've got your back brother. Bad ass indeed. +1 for gratitude and sharing your story.

CBBurrr's picture

All I use a little bit of Tren with my cycle, just around 150 to 200 mg a week with a test cycle. If I get too emotional, or dreams get too weird I drop it down.
I'm surprised the effect has been permanent, or at least still going strong a year later.

CBBurrr's picture

I also used to be a germaphobe, I didn't like it when my nose even touched my wife's butthole while going down on her.

Now it's like a challenge to see how far I can jam my tounge up it.

CBBurrr's picture

Cant really say that I notice any thing extra in strength or gains, could just be the 600 mg of test.

I do get the dreams, the night sweats, emotional changes, hard cardio

zeusmarada's picture

Oh, and brother, I gotta share, it was THIS POST that planted the seed in my brain for me to start asking my wife to flash me, "for inspiration." I had spaced out where I picked that idea up from until I reread your comments below.

@CBBurrr, dude, I use your line! "Flash me, for inspiration, baby." And it works! My wife will roll her eyes and begrudgingly lift her shirt up. Halt the time, she just gives me a look at her bra (which is still a really marvelous sight) but the other half she'll actually let me see her beautiful upper body. I always kiss my fingers like I'm an Italian chef who just made a tasty marinara and walk away as she's awkwardly smiling.

Whether my wife "likes" or "appreciates" that I ask her to "inspire" me, she's at least accommodating to my requests. It's added humor to our life. So brother, thank you for that nugget too! When I read the comments below, that reminded me that THIS was the thread that got me started with that little tradition and it got me excited to share my own adventures in YOUR tom foolery. It's fun, so thank you. Brother, you rock. Cheers! -ZeusM

CBBurrr's picture

That is Awesome Zeus, Our girls may roll their eyes and laugh a little but deep down they appreciate that their man is hot for them. It's in their DNA to want to be admired that way.

Goodfella1118's picture

No this is a few days old but when I'm in the peak of a tren cycle the same thing happens to me . I get super jealous think she's doing shit behind my back . Tren messes with my mind , it's a terrible harsh drug but the benefits are definitely worth it. I find it better stayin on low dose test 200mg a week and 3-400 mg tren a week so better for me, when I increase the test any higher my anxiety goes up , the jealousy is crazy and I get super paranoid . Only happens with tren , I've taken up to a gram of test and been fine. Me and tren have a love hate relationship ! lol love the strength and feed response but the side effects can drive u crazy

CBBurrr's picture

I just did another 6 weeks of tren, lower dose and long ester. It had a similar but less intense effect, and I never really lost the feeling from the first round.

It really seems as though tren has activated the part of my brain that controls empathy.

Pericu's picture

From all the things drugs can cause, this doesn't seem like a bad thing at all. I can definitely reflect upon myself and say that I often lack of empathy and would like to have a bit more of it.

cd1's picture

Explain ??

CBBurrr's picture

yea, explain.

zeusmarada's picture

@CBBurrr, it's been four months since you originally wrote this post. Have you experienced the same kind of intense feelings of attachment since your initial few weeks using tren? Update us when you get a chance, and thank you for sharing this experience with the community!

CBBurrr's picture

Yep, still feeling the increased attachment and empathy. The habits I picked up and the communication have had a permanent positive effect on my marriage. My marriage is in the best state it's ever been.
My kid has left for college and we are like newlyweds.
My wife got on HRT about 2 months ago, sex life is epic good.

zeusmarada's picture

@CBBurr, Dude, this is GREAT news! This makes me so damn happy. I'm almost a decade in with my wife and our two little ones are less than five years old, so we're in the trenches. However, I am committed to being the best version of me that I can be, both for her and for my tyrants, and I know that intelligent AAS use will help me achieve my health goals. I simply assume that it'll help me achieve my "emotional goals" as well. In a world with bad news all of the time, your news above is simply awesome. Cheers to the good life, my brother! Heck yes.

CBBurrr's picture

A few of the things I've learned, and have regrets about how I handled them in my 21 years of marriage.

I wish I would have had sex with my wife more often, she wanted to and I wanted to but it was seldom convenient. Don't let the kids or busy schedules get in the way, Jump her bones every chance you get.

Woman really need to be complimented on their beauty and there hard work as a wife/ mother. My wife went for a period of time wondering if I still thought she was attractive, now I make sure she hears it multiple times a day. I'll ask her to show me her tits just for inspiration as I head out the door to work.

Props to you for wanting to be a great husband and father. It's very rewarding and having a good wife is a wonderful thing.

zeusmarada's picture

@CBBurrr, thank you for this good mojo! My bride and I are certainly in the trenches, no doubt. My low T has taken its toll on me (and her as well) but I refuse to give up. Our kiddos (4 & 3) are becoming more independent by the day, and as a result, they're getting "easier," if you will. I have no doubt that as I reclaim my health in 2016, any fog that I feel will lift. I'm committed to her, to the life we've built together, and to just flat out having a blast in life, whether it means we're on an adventure together or we're just sitting in our pajamas on the couch together. I'm a lucky man, brother.

Your story is inspiring. By sharing it, you've helped me continue to stay motivated to let my woman know how friggin awesome she is to me. She's hot, funny, and straight up cool. That's all I've ever wanted in life. A cool chick who puts up with my b.s. and I can put up with hers. Found her! We've been together over a decade and married a little less than that. Life is good, brother.

I'm gonna have to torture my bride to ask her to flash me on occasion, "for inspiration." I like that a lot! She might be miffed about it, but fuck it, I like flirting with her, so she can fuck off. Her husband LIKES her, let alone WANTS her. (I tell her that occasionally, but I might step up those reminders.) Cheers brother!

jdiesel's picture

I enjoyed reading that. It's nice to see married couples staying together. I been married to my wife 9 yrs together total of about 21 I'm only 34 so do the math. I met her young! I have 3 little ones and it's tough sometimes man. I tell ya tho lately I've been all about her and recently did tren hex lol. Coincidence probably yes but interesting to say the least. I'm happy for you guys though and thanks for the tips!

In a promo × 2
Theonslaught's picture

I need to hijack.

How much tren are u getting in the hex Ester.
There's a post of how much you're actually getting per Ester. But there's no hex mentioning.

I ask because hex has given me better results on less but zero sides till end of cycle.
No emotional sides especially

cowcow's picture

These are the symptoms of too much Prolactin.

Symptoms of High Prolactin
- low libido
- anorgasmia (delayed ejaculation)
- erectile dysfunction
- puffy or sensitive nipples
- discharge from nipples
- fatigue/lethargy
- depression
- suppressed testosterone production
from http://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/how-control-pr...

I doubt Prolactin is causing your increased sexual libido.

PsychoSlayer23's picture

Tren gave me crazy brain side effects. The weirdest dreams ever, plus I'm a complete sex addict when I'm on the stuff.

alwaysmassive78's picture

I came off Tren, got married in a bubble of love, then got back on it. My wife knows when I'm on it cos I'm snappy but backs me 100% on my goals, so even now during a 'rocky' patch' it doesn't even get mentioned. Can't fault her for that. she tells me to train it off when I'm being a dick. That works quite well to be honest! Either the endorphins or the fact I'm too tired to argue!

Geo's picture

Yes..this happens to me right before I start to grow tits..mostly on deca, but happens on tren too. I up my caber and ai and all is back to normal within a week or 2.
So I agree 100% with j223 that prolactin causes this...