HllwdBdBoy's picture
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A funny thing happened on the way to the gym...


First off, background - in my fifth wk of a test p/tren a/proviron cycle. my cardio went to shit (cuz i'm on tren) so i bought a bicycle to go to and from the gym so at least i'm getting something. i've been getting to the gym later and later cuz my sleep SUCKS (cuz i'm on tren) so i get up even later than usual, grumble my way way through my morning routine (pin, vits, eat...) jump on my bicycle and head off to the gym.

Now, on my way there there is some retard standing on the side of the street listening to an ipod and face buried in his blackberry; iphone, whatever so at about 50 ft i can clearly see he is not aware of his surroundings so i shout out "excuse me"... nothing... once again, "excuse me"... nothing... i have a car coming up aside me and have no place to go but juuuust manage to slip between this douchebag and the car. as i pass him, startling him of course, i shout "PAY ATTENTION!" he, in turns shouts "FUCK YOU!" Boy did that get my tren boiling! I leap off the bicycle and as it continued to careen down the street i turned around to see this "mere mortal" screaming like a woman as he ran down the street! and I don't mean a quick "yelp" i'm talking SCREAMING!

...is it wrong to so thoroughly enjoy such moments?

i went onto a very satisfying back and shoulder routine. : )

bimmerm3's picture

Did you have a wife beater on?

HllwdBdBoy's picture

ummmmh, YEAH! I did say i was on my way to the gym, didn't i? (LOL)

Chewman30's picture

Yep totally right bro, not me at all!!! Lol

Chewman30's picture

I was walking down the street today listening to some back street boys on my iPod, when some big fucker on a bike nearly knocked me over, he shouted somethin so I shouted " fuck you" he turned round as though he was about to kill me so I quick smart ran off down the road!!!!!!! Lol keep up with the rage dude!!!!

KMC's picture

So, it wasn't you screaming like a little girl, it was the iPod with the recording of the Back Street Boys that he heard.

I can believe that.

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7gothic's picture

LOL....Tren is the one steroid that is responsible for the whole "Roid Rage" tag that has been perpetuated in American culture over the years. Part of my current cycle is Rip Blend (UKSS/Lixus) twice a week, and it has Tren Ace in it, and I can tell you right now---I shoot it twice a week, and I MAKE SURE on those days that I have an exhausting workout comming up, and that I stay indoors, close the blinds, and surf internet porn.....And the pizza guy KNOWS not to be late with my shit.

kwabby6's picture


jab's picture

I say "Enjoy the small things in life-bro" Enjoy indeed!!

KMC's picture

Gordie Howe had educated elbows,..........just saying.

Rumor is, he once elbowed a ref in the ribs (and broke his ribs) and they couldn't even see him do it on instant replay.

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popeboy1's picture

thats funny as shit, i bet he thinks twice before here bucks up like that again tho lol

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compass745's picture

HEY!!!! I wasn't screaming! I was whistling for a cab!!! Know the difference buddy! LOL!!!

Greg's picture

Hummm, seems normal for most parts of Hollywood... Obviously you're seeing results from your cycle; as did the screaming girly-man.