TheIcon's picture
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AI sooner on short esters


Does anyone find that they need AI's sooner when running shorter esters than longer esters?

Feel like on Cyp around 3 - 3.5 weeks into a cycle I get the buzzy nip feelings and know my estrogen is going up.

Seems with Sust its 2 weeks now with similar feeling. First time user a product with short esters. Typically I use longer esters. Given I know Sust is mostly Mid-Long.

Jockstrap's picture

With sust i go longer like 3weeks. That long ester lingers like eq does. Cyp enth are similar so 2 weeks. One reason i like sust eq or sust deca as you cut them equally and run shorts if desired, or hcg and pct or 3 weeks pct. I go 6 weeks pct on long cycles too.

anvil's picture

Each source is sust is a little different, dosage, or compounds. The ones with 50mg of prop might do it. If you do blood work and estro bounces then you need it, adex works way better in my experience, and seems to block conversation faster, but that maybe just in my case. Never had it change on sust though. Prop I don't recall but my next growth phase I'm using it so I will see.

TheIcon's picture

Thanks for the reply. I guess the old saying in the steroid world applies ...."it depends" haha. Usually when I post I like to get a general consensus of how people react etc given each person is always a bit different.

anvil's picture

Same here brother. Nobody knows everything, and getting a bunch of thoughts is the best way to operate.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Hey bro well it depends on which AI you're using. If it's aromasin, I will typically start that right away at the beginning of the cycle. Prevention definitely easier than treatment.

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TheIcon's picture

Im an Aromasin fan however Im also one that doesn't like to take stuff unless I feel the need and like to keep the dosage to a min. So I never have started immediately with AI

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Yeah bro if that is the case then I would stick with adex

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