TrisForGuys's picture
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HGH Dosage


Hello all! I have a shipment of READ THE RULES HGH coming in within the next few days. Im a little in between on what I should do dosage wise. I’ve always been natural and am afraid to dive into the dark side solely due to negative side effects. My main goal is to lose weight and retain as much muscle as possible. Wanting to get down to 230 10% BF. What would you all recommend for a successful hgh dosage

JakeKO's picture

Patience! I recommend a lot of patience, LOL.

dmxinyourface's picture

HGH should't be the first choice if you were natural so far. EVEN say you're over 50 years, testosterone would come first. To get an accurate response from the community you should post your stats : age, years of training etc ...

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ONESICK's picture

Bruh don't waste the money. Nothing against you but damn you people be ridiculous sometimes. HGH, anavar...whatever the fuck ever are not the magic diet pills. You can cut a lot of weight in a relatively short amount of time with proper planning of diet and training. It's really not that fucking hard. Unless you are trying to cut for some type of sport, it's much better to take it slower and cut than crash cut. You are just throwing money away.

TrisForGuys's picture

Im getting pharmaceutical grade of 100 IU at $265, you can’t beat that. Again, I’m not trying to dive into the anabolic realm with anavar, hgh is the furthest I’d go. I want this as an aid to hold me accountable for the last hump in my weight loss journey. I also want it to aid in retaining as much muscle as possible because I don’t want to look like a skinny bitch when all is said and done. I’m also extremely fond of all of the positives that come along with taking hgh. I think there is more reasons to take it then to not under my circumstances

Makwa's picture

Get your IGF levels checked first. You may just be replacing your natty levels. HGH isn't additive on top your natty production. It shuts down your natty HGH production. So you may be wasting money to obtain IGF levels that you already have naturally.

White Bolt's picture

hey brother, seen you around here the last decade or so and i know you have a lot of knowledge in the hgh game.

i have been strictly AAS this last 11 years, but recently placed an order for some growth as i am older now.

i have seen you write in the past to get an IGF test done prior, so you know your levels. is IGF all i should get for this, or are there specific blood panels you would recommend?


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Makwa's picture

IGF is really all you need to see your baseline levels, then you know if it is worthwhile supplementing or not.

TrisForGuys's picture

That was my biggest concern with being so young. I feel like if I want to get the most out of it, 4 IU is the bare minimum. Don’t have the balls to go any higher so my face doesn’t morph into a Neanderthal

TrisForGuys's picture

Could it mess up natural production as well? I’ve heard people say it does while others have said it doesn’t

Makwa's picture

Natty production will resume once you stop.

TrisForGuys's picture

Thanks you sexy bastard

ONESICK's picture

ALSO can keep a good amount of muscle. Just keep your protein intake at a reasonable level and you won't lose shit while cutting fat. If your training is on point you'll lose fat and gain a little muscle. But not sure where you people keep hearing this shit that PED's will just burn the fat is ridiculous lolololol

TrisForGuys's picture

I’m at 250 for protein on a good day at the moment with 2100 calories total. I don’t know if I’m in my own head or what, but I just need an extra tool during all of this. I am guilty of doing a ridiculous amount of volume and going till failure practically every set. I feel like this is somewhat of a necessity so I can properly recover and continue to workout as vigorously

ONESICK's picture

I mean it's not going to get you over that hump. It has a lot more to do with food that people realize. 2100 cals a day is honestly a little low. Your body is going into survival mode. Where you will plateau at burning fat. Because you were so used to being big your body is like uh oh, we aren't getting the calories we used to get. So it'll slow down your metabolism and fat burning slows down. You'll need to refeed yourself for a little bit to kick start your metabolism again and then slowly bring down the calories. That with an increase in intensity in training and you'll lose more weight. I trained a lot of people to cut for combat sports when they have to cut to make weight. I've gotten people down as much as 30lbs in a month just with a change of diet and mild training. HGH isn't really that great at mass building to be honest lol. YOU grow with food, not a lack of it. Sure you can slam down tons of protein but if you cut out the carbs n fats and cals get too low you're using the protein as an energy source. It really isn't ideal to hold or gain muscle. But what do I know lol. You don't want to go into the anabolic realm but really, having to pin every day of HGH? Not really worth it to me.

Makwa's picture

Food is very anabolic when timed right. What people don't realize is that sometimes you actually have to eat more to lose more fat.

Badgoat1's picture

Believe him on that. I stagnated about 2 months into my weight loss journey. I was only getting about 1300 cals a day and didn't lose anything for a month. Mak suggested I get up to at least 2500 cals and the weight came off pretty decently and abs started showing. He knows what he's talking about

Makwa's picture

Nice to hear some actual examples of how it worked.

TrisForGuys's picture

What would you recommend for daily calorie intake then? While it is mainly protein oriented, I still get some carbs and fats in. Keep in mind as well, this was all planned out for me by a “certified nutritionist.” I mean the guy did win some body building shows, but the entire diet seemed somewhat skeptical due to starting out at that at 280 POUNDS

Makwa's picture

If your stats are correct that is way to low for cals. I would expect you to drop alot of weight at first but a good chunk of that weight will also be muscle, which is going to lower your metabolism, which is obviously bad. Starvation mode will set in pretty quick afterwards. Since you are trying to lose weight, I am assuming that you are working out at least 6days a week. To start with I would do about 3500 cals. That would be about 750 cals below your TDEE. That should have you losing about 1.5 lbs/wk and maintaining all your muscle. Your protein is also too low. Should be around 2g/lb. The details are here:

Here is another somewhat useful forum:

TrisForGuys's picture

Awesome, thank you for all of the help. Going to construct a more realistic and beneficial diet today

TrisForGuys's picture

Taking hgh will hold me accountable for food intake. Have lost 60 pounds already. Had to be bigger for sports

Bill1976's picture

I do very well on 4 iu a day

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TrisForGuys's picture

Would it be dumb to start off at 4, or is it better to ease into it?

Rosschestzip's picture

I couldn't start at 4, the water retention and hand issues were too much, I started at 2.

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TrisForGuys's picture

I’m most likely going to start at 1 and work my way up until I eventually hit 4

TrisForGuys's picture

That sounds extremely unfriendly on the pocket at 4 a day as well haha

Makwa's picture

Lot cheaper and more effective alternatives for fat loss than using HGH.

TrisForGuys's picture

HGH is the furthest I’m willing to go

Makwa's picture

500 cals below your TDEE isn't nearly as far as HGH and is much cheaper and quicker too.

TrisForGuys's picture

I’m taking in 2100 cals per day for around 250 grams of protein on a good day. Have lost 60 pounds already and only had to be that weight due to sports. I know what I’m doing for the dieting aspect buddy. Just want an aid like hgh to hold me accountable and to get me over the last hump

Bill1976's picture

Depends on who you go through. Yes it’s very expensive. I onky buy it when I get a bonus from my job.

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Mac12769's picture

I’m almost up to 4 iu, if I do SQ, the lethargy seems to hit harder and faster. IM not so bad.
Little expensive, but we stocked up from same source in a good deal. Good

TrisForGuys's picture

Have heard great things about their product. A little off topic, but do you refrigerate or keep it at room temperature in a shaded area?

Mac12769's picture

Once reconstituted, HgH must be refrigerated. Before that, just dry, cool/ room temp place is fine.

Good for about 30 days (reconstituted) then may start to lose potency, is general rule of thumb but not absolute. But really vial should get used up before going “bad”.

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