Who_Cares's picture
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Carb Cutting with High Fat vs High Protein


I want to try carb cutting for the first time but I have read many conflicting articles and posts. Does anyone have actual experience with both methods and if so what’s the pros and cons of each?

giardap's picture

The best thing you can do, is learn the differences between VLC diet, CKD, Ketogenic Diet and being fully fat adapted. Decide what works for you, but that list is a pecking order of what is best.

In that order, depending on goals yes, there are compounding benefits to each one. The last being the best of all due to the body's adaptations allowing higher proteins and carbs which is beneficial to the bodybuilder. Most people do not know anything at all about being fully fat adapted so choose your source of information wisely.
Here are some relevant benefits:
Better fat mobilisation over time versus Western diets, Cognitive improvements (alternate fuel source for the brain - can offer improvements following damage done by high carb diets), lower inflammation, 100 point+ increase in natural testo if you are off-cycle, superior fat metabolism allowing lypolisis even with caloric surpluses, increased endurance, allows consumption of higher protein amounts, allows consumption of adequate carbs before/during/after workouts to fuel HIT/HIIT, improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood glucose levels, lower insulin levels, Finally, you can actually switch to bulking again if you are fully fat adapted, i.e. keep it as a lifestyle choice and yes bulking is absolutely possible - Ive done it.

Learn about what it means to be fat adapted.

helloBrooklyn's picture

To what end? A water cut to make weight for a fight or event of some sort? I’m not sure why one would cut carbs otherwise, barring some special medical malady like diabetes or epilepsy. There’s nothing wrong with carbs per se! As long as the macros are at least somewhat reasonable, it’s calories in/calories out that determines body composition. Either way, take care with this. Cutting carbs too drastically or quickly can lead to a significantly reduced capacity for athletic performance and can cause brain fog. I don’t recommend it if athletic performance is important to you at all. When in doubt, consult a dietitian. Good luck

helloBrooklyn's picture

Check out the metabolic ward studies, brother. Ketogenic diets don’t beat balanced diets for body composition. It’s out there in medical journals public domain for anyone with google. I really can’t in good conscience recomend an extreme diet over a balanced, healthy diet without the person in question being under the care of either a medical doctor or licensed dietitian. It’s nothing to play around with.

Caeser's picture

In my experience... it’s best for you to test things out (especially nutrition) yourself, because diet/nutrition can be anecdotal.

First and foremost, what’s the primary goal? Because there is no perfect solution.
Whatever ratio you choose for fat:protein...you should get quite lean if followed correctly...both will get you into ketosis...
Higher protein:fat ratio will could be hazardous for kidneys & liver if following for extended time.
Higher fat:protein could be hazardous to heart...
There are additional risks...I’m just sharing the basics...

Try each at different times...and get bloods...monitor how you feel (mental & physical)... you’ll have your answer.

For me I prefer higher fat to protein...I feel better mentally & physically... but it appears I get leaner with higher protein to fat. And lastly, my blood profile is better with higher protein.

SL's picture

I evenly compensate the carbs I reduce with proteins and fats both.. I do not believe in going full carb deficient except right before a show few days out then you preload carbs before stage. Just my 2 cents Smile

dextetherdog's picture

What’s your current state and what’s the goal my friend??
Otherwise this is like discussing how to become a pro BB, may take forever to discribe everything

Carlos Danger's picture

I’ve run all kinds of diets and recently I’ve done keto based Very Low Calorie Diet or VLCD. It went very very well for me.
For myself I am a blend of mesomorph and endomorph so my body excels with carb restriction and when needed high carb refeed days every 4-5 days.

On my diet I did more of a low carb rather than a true keto with high protein and high fats. I figured out my TDEE and established my goal. Decided I was willing to sacrifice size for losses. On this diet I decided on around 1200-1500 calories and typically didn’t go above 30-50 carbs a day. My singular goal was to drop significant water/fat and to improve my Hemaglobin A1C.
I laid out a plan of 4oz chicken or 6oz cod with 2 cups broccoli 4-5x a day. I’d drizzle some EVOO on broccoli to get my fats for the day or steam them and add in an avocado or some almond butter. The result was week 1 a total 12lb loss and another 9 lbs by end of week 2. By day 23 I had lost 28.5 lbs. By the end of my diet my blood pressure meds went bye bye and so did my hemaglobin A1C problems.

As I hit plateaus I added in refeeds to keep my metabolism firing. On carb load days I’d add in 1-2 cups of sweet potatoes a meal until I got close to my carb macro target, anywhere from 250-350g. I would stagger these carb load days in between every 4-5 days. The result was I continued to drop weight and fat.

. Please note that you won’t want to go this low on calories without sacrificing muscle. Pure and simple whenever you go this far below your TDEE you will lose mass. So make sure you find your calorie targets based on your stats and your goals. I also took various supplements to cover my micronutrients. I don’t compete and really have no desire to so I didn’t worry about sacrificing mass but wanted to make sure overall health was my paramount goal.

As I got into ketosis I felt the typical headaches immediately that come with losing so much water so fast. To combat this I added in 2-3 cubes of chicken or beef boullion a day. I also drank between 3-5 qts of water a day. I was peeing 10-15x a day it felt like. You see once your body recognizes that your typical fuel source of glucose is not coming back it turns on the fat cells and it happened for me lightning quick. The lbs flew off daily.
I suffered from brain fog and speech slurring during the first few weeks. I’ve read that was supposed to happen and for most it improved after 7-14 days for others. It took me a full 3 wks and closer probably to 4. Once my body went full bore using fat cells for fuel my clarity returned. Once I felt primed I felt so much cleaner and any bloat that I previously had disappeared. All of my blood work improved drastically. One side not was my liver values spiked and so did my triglycerides at the beginning of the diet and this is considered to be a normal side effect. I also got keto breath which is a real thing. Breath smells like i was eating asshole all day. So sugar free gym became my best friend and i kept mouthwash and a toothbrush/paste kit in my car and in my office at work. My liver values soon returned to normal ranges and eventually after I got out of ketosis the breath issue went away as well. I’m in the best overallhealth in years and I 100% believe in my diet plan.

It worked but fuck it is a very fucking lonely diet and cuased some bitterness in myself and from my family who watched me go through it. It isn’t fun being ina déficit state for weeks and weeks. I’m not a competitive bodybuilder by any means but I can say that my diet had me feeling like I was prepping for a show. Being the only person in my circle who was always fucking withholding from joining in the party got tough. But discipline is what separates us and it needed to be done. That’s my real life experience take it as you want. Everyone is different and what worked for me may not be someone else’s cup of tea. To each their own. Our journey should always be personal and IMO should always be designed for us uniquely.

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Caeser's picture

Sharing feedback like this is what this place is all aboot +

helloBrooklyn's picture

Because he was in a deficit and lost weight. Losing weight almost always improves blood markers, regardless of what was ate to attain that goal. Calories in/calories out! Correlation does not imply causation. If he lost the exact same weight on a brocolli, bean, salmon, and rice diet over the same time frame, his blood work would probably have been every bit as improved, if not even more so. A balanced diet always beats an extreme diet for overall health and fitness!

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I'm a high protein guy when cutting carbs... you still have to up your fats a little but the more protein the better to help maintain lean mass.. If not your body will pull from muscle and fat for energy and you'll lose muscle as well as fat.. no one wants that Lol

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heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Agreed...i think keto should be strictly competition prep .. it's really not good for you i don't think

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heavymetalmonsterD's picture

True that bro

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heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I've only ever upped my protein... not so much fats.. but I've never gone keto either.. it's a lot like anything else too it's different from person to person..u have to experiment and see what works for u.. try both for a month or whatever and see what works better... and honestly how much does protein really spike insulin.. probably not that much.. sugar spikes insulin and carbs convert to sugar.. that's why we cut the carbs.. and also remember if your goal is fat loss then the less calories the better.. fats have9 calories per gram whereas protein has 4... that's over twice as much per gram.. I'd think you'd also feel fuller when dieting if you got to eat a little more meat or eggs ya know..

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Goose24's picture

Sounds like the perfect time to learn the search function here..

Here ya go good luck: https://www.eroids.com/search

Goose24's picture

Then why even go on the internet in the first place with a mentality like that? You can literally look up anything on the web and find conflicting info about it. It's up to you the reader to figure out which you want to believe or not.

Goose24's picture

You didn't offend me at all actually lol... there are plenty of other forums that have been opened (with dialogue) it's up to you to do the work and weed through them to come to your own judgement and answer.